X-TRANS potential unlocked? Phase one confirmes X-series support

This could be a really great news!

Lionel12 of the Phase One Crew writes in this forum (click here): “Let me be a bit on lim here, all you Fuji lowers – look for next Capture One release – real soon now.

This is his answer to all the Fuji X photographers who are waiting for Capture One to support the Fuji X-series RAW’s.

I’m sure you agree with dogmatheque when he says: “This is great news. I sincerely hope you overcame X-trans difficulties. Can’t wait to wave silkypix goodbye.”

Now, we have to wait, and hope that Capture One “tamed” the X-Trans files and that we can finally enjoy the full potential of the X-PRO1 and the X-E1!

So let’s hope they made a better job than Adobe… we will soon have the answer!

Thanks to David who wrote me an email and directed my attention to this forum!

X-F1 video review

allthingsd.com came out with his review about the new X-F1. For those who prefer to read the review, just click here. You know, there are a few ongoing deals. Just take a look below!

have a nice day!

X-F1 in stock status check

Amazon US (save $ 50) / Amazon GER (save 70 €) / Amazon UK (save £ 51) / B&H / Adorama (save $50) / Jessops UK / Wex photographic (save £64) / Amazon ITA (save 56 €) / Amazon FR / Amazon ESP (save 35 €) / ebayEUROPE  / ebayUS

$100 price drop: X-10 (and bundle) + XF1 new price drops


We already reported that there is a rebate on the X-F1 at different online stores. Now there are new price drops, and you save even more money! Check the in stock status here:

Amazon US (save $ 50) / Amazon GER (save 70 €) / Amazon UK (save £ 51) / B&H / Adorama (save $50) / Jessops UK / Wex photographic (save £64) / Amazon ITA (save 46 €) / Amazon FR / Amazon ESP (save 35 €) / ebayEUROPE  / ebayUS

Now it’s also time for the X-10 to have some interesting rebates. You can save $100 at AmazonUS (click here) or Adorama (click here). You can also purchase, for just $ 501 a X-10 bundle at Adorama (with 8GB SD Memory Card, Spare Lithium-Ion Type Battery, Camera Case, USB 2.0 SD Card Reader).

Fuji X-10 price drops Europe: AmazonUK (save £ 98) / AmazonGER (save 130 €) / AmazonITA (save 64 €)

As we reported, the X-10 recently won the StuffUK award (click here to read the post). A very good review can be read here at riflessifotografici.it (translated version)

comprehensive reading sample: Mastering the X-PRO1 English and German

The author of “Mastering the X-PRO1” contacted me. He compiled a comprehensive reading sample of the English and German version of his book. If you are interested, this sample pages will give you a good impression what to expect. It’s really interesting, like at page 109 (chapter 2.4), focussing with the X-PRO1. He explains the differences (PROS and CONS) to the DSLR focus and there are also 10 practical focus tips… you can read 4 of them in this sample version. Enjoy reading!

For the English sample version click here. To see the book at AmazonUS click here (47% price drop).

For the German sample version click here. To see the book and read customers reviews at AmazonDE click here.

ebay UK and Adorama have the 18-55 lens + X-E1 video review

Here is the next in stock news! The Fujinon XF18-55 is available at ebayUK for £520 and AmazonUk sells this great lens for £600.

Also Adorama has the 18-55mm in stock. Click here to see it.

The 18-55mm lens is right now the best sold camcorder lens at AmazonUS! Click here to see the ranking.

There is also a video review at whatdigitalcamera. Listen to what the reviewer says, and don’t let you distract by the model ;-)!

Check the X-E1 in stock status here:

AmazonUS: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Adorama: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

B&H: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

EbayUS: X-E1 kits (via slidoo)

Wexphotographic: X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Jessops: X-E1 kit SILVER

Amazon GER: X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Fujinon XF18-55mm in stock status check

Amazon US / Adorama / B&H / ebayUS (via slidoo)