

Four enthusiastic X-series photographers launched of The Kage Collective. They shoot documentary projects about a wide variety of subjects. Follow their stories at kagecollective.com.

The Trinity: X-E1 vs X-PRO1 vs X-100

Alexander has the trinity… he is starting his comparison between these cameras. Who wil win? There can be only one! Read part one of his review here.


For purist photographers who want high image quality over versatility.” Click here to read the gizmodo review or see the full size images here. So should you buy the X-E1? Gizmodo says: “Absolutely, for stellar images. But not if you want bells and whistles. This isn’t a camera for video, for in-camera effects, wi-fi, or scene modes. It’s for unadulterated photography, with fantastic image quality and control.

Street photography in Cuba with the X-E1. Click here to read it on stevehuffphoto. It’s funny when the Canadian photographer met a German tourist with his Canon 5D and they make a quick comparison! :-)

camerani.blogspot.fr would like to share his shooting experience with the X-E1 with you. Click here to visit his site.

mikobal makes his considerations about the X-E1. He’s very happy with it. Read the reasons here. For mikobals Portrait Of The Day shot click here. It’d been taken with the X-E1 and the Nikon 50mm f1.8 G.

The initial comments of diglloyd can be read here! If you click here you can read his first impressions working with Adobe and Silkypix. He likes the EVF. But he focusses on some quirks. So he says that: “The camera resets its focus when the SD card is removed, so it is not possible to shoot an image, check it, then put the card back in and adjust focus (e.g. with a nodal slider to move it precisely)— the focus has been whackedThe self timer disables itself with power off, so one has to re-enable it every power off/on cycle...mounting the smallest camera plate blocks access to the battery and card, a problem for field work. The good news is that Really Right Stuff will be offering a camera plate that retains access to the battery/card door without the above issue.

We already posted the first part here. Now the Spanish DSLR magazine updated his XF18-55 review (translated version).

The real jewel in the crown of the X-E1 is its sensor. The quality of the results and the detail rendered is excellent, delivering images that are some of, if not the best we’ve seen from an APS-C sized sensor.” This is just a part of the verdict of the whatdigitalcamera review here.

a french review of the X-E1 can be read here at focus-numerique.com


photoxels.com posted his detailed review. Take a look at it here. They assigned to this lens the Photoxels Gold Award (best Point-and-Shoot Camera). Read the review to understand why.

The digital-photography-school.com review is online. Read it here.

Read the comprehensive steves-digicams.com review here.

 X-PRO1 (and lenses)

Macro shots with the XF18-55 and XF35 lens? see the adventure of the mini-car here!

A initial test comparison X-PRO1 vs Nikon D700 at nickcoury.com.

X-PRO1 and XF60mm lens. Take a look at the pics here and understand why bdonphoto says: “The in focus elements are razor sharp and look at that awesome bokeh.”

-14 degrees, snow and not so static objects as persons and planes? see the performance of the X-PRO1 here.

You’d like to know how the X-PRO1 works with the Voigtländer 28mm 1.9 (click here). So click here to read the review. It’s not without quirks, but it works quite well. Thanks to George for the link.

“All shots were taken with the Fuji X-Pro1, Fujinon XF 18mm F2 and processed in Lightroom 4…. In this magical moment I shot about 15 images, each of them without a tripod. In a few minutes it had all disappeared. The openings in the clouds closed and the rain started.” Look how olafphoto captured these magical moments here.

Conclusion: “Will I be buying this camera? No, but I do have a the newer FujiFilm X-E1 with the 18-55 f2.8/f4 zoom lens on order. This camera has exactly the same sensor as the X-1Pro and is even a bit smaller and lighter, due to the lack of the Optical viewfinder (OVF). By the way, on the X-1Pro, I did hardly use the OVF and really like how the Electronic Viewfinder (EVF) works.” This are the conclusions of bjornmoerman after testing this camera for 3 days in Dubai. If want want to go directly to his image gallery, click here.

It’s nearly 3 months ago that vetpan.de swapped all his DSLR gear for the Fujifilm X-Pro1. Read his experience here.

And for our spanish audience, click here to read a spanish review at fotoaprendiz.com.

Fuji X-100

It’s 2 am. Dhruv is sitting in a bus, travelling from Delhi from Puskar. He just shot his first images with the X-100, and fell in love with this cam. So, during the bumpy bus ride he decides to write about this camera. Then he posted his considerations and some images in his blog. Click here to read it at dhruvsfoto.com


A review on DSLRphoto.com can be read here.

Read the cameras.about.com review here.

PS.: what’s the best way to use natural light? If you just started shooting and want some useful tips, just read this post at digitalcameraworld.com



X-PRO1 with other lenses + Fujifilm Student Award winner

Here is a little comparison between different lenses (gambofoto.blogspot.nl). Nothing technical. gambofoto tested a few lenses with a minimum focus distance and a shot between 1.50 meter and 1.80 meter. It’s all out of cam jpegs, no postprocessing, no adjustments. He shot with the following lenses:
Zeiss / Contax G 90mm f/2.8 (worldwide in stock status at ebay)
And if you want to see who won the Fujifilm Student Award click here to read the article at ephotozine. If you want to know more about the contest and see previous winners, just visit www.fujifilmstudentawards.co.uk.

X-100 replacement with X-TRANS sensor coming soon



If you check page 16 in the current edition of f11 (click here) – an online photography magazine and well worth a read – there’s an X-E1 review in which the photographer mentions an x-trans equipped x100 replacement due out early next year. if true, this could tie in with the fuji announcement early January.

The photographer that wrote this review is sponsored by Fuji (click here)….it’s possible that someone dropped something into conversation and he dropped it into his article.

In Stock: 18-55mm at AmazonUS


Finally AmazonUS sells directly the XF18-55. Click here to see the 9 3 lenses in stock. So hurry if you want to purchase this lens!

P.S.: Riflessifotografici should soon come out with a comprehensive X-E1 and lenses review… I’m waiting for it! Meanwhile enjoy the preview images here at riflessifotografici.it. (for new Fujirumors followers, read “look inside the core of the X-series” here.)

image courtesy: www.riflessifotografici.it (Fujifilm X-E1, Fujinon  XF 18-55 mm – 200 Iso  f/10 1/3200 sec.)


X-10 $100 price drop: last days at B&H

We already told you of the X-10 price drops at different online stores.

Save $100 at AmazonUS (click here) or Adorama (click here) or purchase the X-10 bundle at Adorama for $ 501(with 8GB SD Memory Card, Spare Lithium-Ion Type Battery, Camera Case, USB 2.0 SD Card Reader).

But also B&H offers this camera with $100 rebate. Click here to see the offer. The offer ends on Dec. 22.
So hurry if you’re looking for a nice X-mas gift (click here to read the gift-ideas in my previous post)!

As we reported, the X-10 recently won the StuffUK award (click here to read the post). A very good review can be read here at riflessifotografici.it (translated version).

Some X-10 autumn shots and a review can be seen at lindsaydobsonphotography: “It’s a real photographer’s camera, the controls are where they should be and operation is very fast and intuitive (without having to wade through lots of irritating menus). The fast Fujinon integrated zoom lens is fast – f.20 to f2.8 and is sharp at all apertures and focal lengths.Read her review here.