Fujifilm X-H1: Double Exposure Music Video and More Stunning Work… and Does Gear Matter?

Fujifilm X-H1… the Other Roundup :)

Yesterday we shared a more technical Fujifilm X-H1 roundup: pixel peeping, comparisons etc.

Today I’d like to focus on actual work produced with Fujifilm’s latest flagship APS-C camera. And it might be a bit of a surprise, but it’s true: investing in your creativity and your vision, will improve your video – and photography more than any new gear you can buy ;) . Regarding this topic, I’ll share a video of Ming Cai down below, who investigates the question, if gear really does matter.

Let’s start…

… with an amazing music BTS video of Rick Joaquim shared at FujiFilm South Africa Youtube. Rick is also a member of our Fujifilm X-H1 group, and he explains:

I had been toying around with the idea of a #DoubleExposure music video for while and thought this would be the perfect project to try it out on. […] Lots of trial and error doing Double Exposures in post. Was all done in After Effects

Again, make sure to check out the video at  FujiFilm South Africa Youtube.

And here is some more actual work done with the Fujifilm X-H1.

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Your Camera is Technology, Your Photography is Art at Ming Cai Youtube

Fujifilm X-H1 Vs. Sony A7III Autofocus and IBIS Comparison, The Last X-Trans III Camera, Fuji Guys Vlog & more (X-H1 Roundup)

Fujifilm X-H1 Reviews & Controversy

Max Yuryev compared the Fujifilm X-H1 and Sony A7III Autofocus and IBIS.

The video is titled “Fuji surprises“, but I guess this is more to calm the spirits after his last video (linked below), where he says the Fujifilm X-H1 “gets destroyed” by the Sony A7III in low light (1 stop difference in terms of noise).

Also in his newest video, he seems to love the Sony A7III overall more.

  • Video AF: Better face detection on the Sony A7III (recognizes faces more distant)
  • Both fantastic video AF with face detection disabled. Sony a bit smoother.
  • IBIS: Fujifilm X-H1 mostly much smoother. Sometimes it “jumps” to reset position. Sony A7III generally more shaky, but no “jumps”.
  • Fujifilm AF video adjustments can be faster, which is great for photography, but in video you want a smooth transition. Fujifilm X-H1 is sometimes smooth focussing, but sometimes it focusses as fast as possible to the new subject.

The latest Max Yuryev Sony A7III Vs. Fujifilm X-H1 comparisons links:

Speaking of controversial statements, Tony Northrup said here, that the Sony A7III has “crushed the hopes of the Fujifilm X-H1“. I know it’s a controversal video, due to his statement “twice as good image quality for the Sony A7III“, so make sure to check out also Tony’s follow-up video here, where he clarifies “twice” refers technically to “1 stop“, and that with “image quality” he was analyzing “noise and dynamic range“.

The Last X-Trans III camera?

Gordon from cameralabs has published a very comprehensive Fujifilm X-H1 review. Gordon has very good contacts within the photo industry, and if he says that the Fujifilm X-H1 will “possibly be the last to use the X-Trans III sensor“, then I guess he knows what he talks about.

But no big surprise for regular FujiRumors readers. We already told you that the Fujifilm X-T3 will be announced around photokina 2018, have a new X-Trans sensor with less than 30MP and a new processor, and also lack of IBIS.

and More X-H1

A few more tidbits:

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm X-H1 Dynamic Range Sensor Test by PhotonsToPhotos. Compare with Rest of the World

Fujifilm X-H1 Dynamic Range

PhotonsToPhotos just published the results of their Fujifilm X-H1 dynamic range measurments. It is in line with the performance of other Fujifilm X-Trans III cameras.

Access the chart here and compare it to every camera you want :).

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Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm Autofocus – The Unwritten Guide

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Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer. You can follow him on instagram or on his website


There are a number of videos and manuals around which cover the Fujifilm autofocus system and settings in detail. The big problem isn’t the things they cover, it’s what they don’t cover. Guides often talk about how to configure and setup your camera, but with this guide, we’ll focus on the hidden things, how to use it to get the best outcomes.

I’m not going to try to cover the basic configurations here, for example, what AF-C or AF-S is. If you want to know how to use the basic settings, I’d recommend the Fujifilm autofocus site or this video from Fujifilm. Now please bare in mind, this is only my experience with the Fujifilm autofocus system, and more specifically my experience with the Fujifilm X-T2 and X-E3 systems. This isn’t an official Fujifilm guide, but in the absence of such a guide, I’m giving it a go.

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First Wedding with Fujifilm X-H1, Great Battery Life, Leica SL Vs. X-H1, Tips and Tricks, IBIS with Adapted Lenses & More

Greetz to all Fuji Lovers from Rome – X-E3 with 18-55 and Sirui T-025X

Fantastic Feedback… How is it Possible?

We have reported several X-H1 bugs (which will be fixed soon via Firmware update) and some more negative X-H1 feedback. And yet, there are some, who simply have a fantastic camera. A good battery life, an incredible autofocus and more.

Looking at our great Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group, in many cases, the fix is as simple as that: get the settings right!

Reading the manual helps a lot (so you can stop panic’ing when your EVF/LCD suddenly stutters… you will discover it’s a power saving mode you can turn off ;) ).

But the manual does not tell the whole story.

There are a lot of tips and tricks to make the camera work best for your needs, that I highly recommend to read books like the ones of Rico Pfirstinger, who shares plenty of useful tips and tricks about the X100F, X-T20, X-T2, X-Pro2 as well as older cameras like the X-E2, X-T1, X-T10, X-E1 and X-Pro1.

Since the Fujifilm X-H1 shares many similar features, and carries all the X-DNA inside, it might be useful for you to maybe grab the X-T2 book, which will in large part also applicable to the Fujifilm X-H1.

With that said… let’s share today’s Fujifilm X-H1 roundup :)

Great Battery Life?

Some Fujifilm X-H1 users over at our Fujifilm X-H facebook group report surprisingly good battery life for the X-H1. For example, Miklos wirtes:

Many people complain about the battery performance of the x-h1. I use it mostly for sports. Here is my experience. With battery grip after shooting one soccer game in close to zero degrees centigrade the first battery in the grip at 64%. The other two still at 100%. 1300 shots taken. The camera and the grip are both in high performance or boost mode. Also, I do not review photos while I shoot sports. Do we need better battery performance than this??? In case someone is interested also to see the photos at miklosphoto

X-H1 for Weddings

Fujifilm X-H facebook member James use his Fujifilm X-H1 for his first wedding. I will share his impressions here, but in order to comment and interact with him, you better check out his facebook post in the group.

Shot my first 2018 wedding. Initial Thoughts on X-H1:

  • No bugs or issues. At all. Thankfully!
  • Highly Responsive.
  • Focus was very accurate in low light. Low light simply isn’t an issue.
  • ISO performance is amazing (I use 1.4 and 1.2 lenses so that helps a lot).
  • QUIET. I don’t think the bridal party knew I was taking any pictures lol
  • With the Godox trigger system and flashes, it tends to have a millisecond or so delay when clicking the shutter. Wasn’t too thrilled about that but it’s not a dealbreaker.
  • Shot close to 1000 raw photos until the battery was at 23% and I switched it then. Definitely can blow through a 32GB card at compressed raw file settings with one battery.
  • Noticed in broad daylight that the back LCD screen really needs to be brighter.

That’s all for now! I’m absolutely wiped! Lol

X-H1 Reviews

But the X-H1 review flood does not end here.

X-H1 Review + Laowa 9mm F2.8

The Photography Team Fujifilm X-H1 Youtube Series

  • click here: X-H1 vs X-T2 Real World Review of The Focus Tracking
  • click here: XT2 vs XH1 Real Word Review of The IBIS
  • click here: XT2 vs XH1 Real Word Review Low Light Environmental Shot
  • click here: XT2 vs XH1 Real World Review of The Shutter Sound
  • click here: SpiderLight Hand Strap – Fuji X-H1 Recommended – For Mirrorless Cameras

& More

  • sin-space – Comparin X-T2 with X-H1 and Eterna with Classic Chrome
  • ohm-image – Enter: Fujifilm X-H1
  • lemondedelaphoto – X-H1 hands on
  • joengphotography – Soccer Game with Fujifilm X-H1
  • fstoppers – Fujifilm X-H review
  • williamchua – Fujifilm X-H1 launch at Chijmes
  • keithwee – Fujifilm X-H1: Final set of Eterna Samples
  • roycruz – Fujifilm X-H1 – Pushing IBIS and a Taste of Eterna in Street Photography
  • camerajabber – Fujifilm X-H1 Review
  • Keoni Ahlo Youtube – Fujifilm X-H1 Unboxing & First Impressions by a Regular Guy
  • mjrusso – Fun with X-H1
  • dsphotoblog – Fujifilm Eterna with the X-T2
  • erohne – Fujifilm X-H1 at the Norwegian Nature Photo Festival
  • phoblographer – Review: Fujifilm X-H1 (The Perfect Fuji With a Big Problem – the ergonomics)

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Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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