Fujifilm X-H1 Face Detection, Low Light AF and IBIS tests, CP+ Fujifilm Coverage, Laowa 9mmF2.8 and More

ZedProMedia Youtube – Fuji X-H1 Launch event. Testing Face Detection, Low Light AF, IBIS and samples.

FujiRumors Non Stop

With the Fujifilm X-H1 now shipping and finally in stock, there will be tons of X-H1 content flooding the web in the next weeks. But don’t worry, FujiRumors is here to collect it, order it and share everything you need to see and read with you.

Moreover, the CP+ in Japan just started, and there are some tidbits coming from there too. FujiRumors will be your window to the CP+ and deliver you everything Fujifilm related CP+ content on this blog.

Don’t miss anything, and make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and RSS-feed.

An impressive amount of X-H1 content is continuously shared also on our X-H1 facebook group and X-H1 facebook Page.

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Shared earlier Today

  • fujirumors – Fujifilm Explains how they developed their IBIS system
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X-H1 is now in Stock!

Fujifilm X-H1 Mini-Roundup

Also feedback from our X-H1 facebook group by Mario V. here.

First Shots & First Impressions with the X-H1…

1. Ergonomics… Amazing. Yes, Better with the grip with the 16-55 but still very nice without the grip.
2. Shutter Sound… What??? For a mechanical shutter that is so damn Sexy and quiet!!
3. Focus. Yes, it’s better, faster and the face and eye focus is f’ing awesome!
4. I have a Sony a7R iii and NO, I would not buy an a7 iii after having tried this. I will be ordering a second X-H1.
5. Size… Not even an issue. The ergonomics make up for the minimal size difference compared the the X-T2.
6. Low Light Focusing… Yes, snappy and fast!
7. I shot these with the 56 f1.2 which I normally don’t tend to use because I can’t hold steady for crap! With the IBIS the results were soooo much better.

Tomorrow I’ll be taking it into the studio to try it there. I can’t quite put my hands on it but this camera just functions fast. Reacts fast and the focus isn’t jumpy as I used to experience.
The face and eye auto focus feel as good as the Sony but we’ll soon find out.

CP+ 2018

The CP+ in Japan just started, and here are the inital tidbits:

Backlit Artifacts… on Sony A7III. Where DPReview is Wrong on Fujifilm and My Final Word on X-Trans Backlit Artifacts Myth

image courtesy: dpreview
image courtesy: dpreview

Let’s Talk Backlit Artifacts

Imporant disclaimers:

Disclaimer 1: Sony A7III is an amazing camera
Disclaimer 2: I share this post, no to attack Sony, but because DPReview claims Fujifilm has the same issue, and gives a wrong explanation that I want to correct
Disclaimer 3: I love DPReview
Disclaimer 4: Keep in mind Sony A7III is still pre-production model

The Legend

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Fujifilm X-H1 Ready to Ship, First Looks, X-H1 with MK Cine Lenses & More

Fujifilm X-H1 arrived at thepixelconnection
Fujifilm X-H1 arrived at thepixelconnection

Fujifilm X-H1 is Coming

No bad surprises this time it seems.

As you can see above, the Fujifilm X-H1 boxes are right now arriving to stores and waiting for the March 1 embargo to ship them to customers, although I we have seen in the past that some stores decide ship a few days before the embargo ends.

The image above has been shared at our X-H1 facebook group by thepixelconnection

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
Fujifilm X-H1 Coverage: X-H1 facebook group + X-H1 facebook Page

Fujifilm X-H1 in Nepal & more

We have already shared Palle Schultz’s Fujifilm X-H1 overview here as well as his X-H1 field test in Nepal here. Now the trinity concludes witht the Klaus Bo & Palle Schultz Reportage in Nepal on youtube here.

And here is more Fujifilm X-H1 content to check out.

Fujifilm Global Youtube – Peter Delaney x Widlife

Fujifilm Global Youtube – Bernie Richardson x Wedding

Whoops, They Did it Again: Sony Announces A7III… Fujifilm X-H1 Vs. Sony A7III Specs and Size Comparison

Sony A7III + Sony FE 70-200 F4 Vs. Fujifilm X-H1 + XF50-140 F2.8
Sony A7III + Sony FE 70-200 F4 Vs. Fujifilm X-H1 + XF50-140 F2.8

Sony Vs. Fuji (once again :) )

So it happened again, Sony launched yet another A7 series camera, the brand new Sony A7III.

The “battle” between Sony and Fujifilm is definitely an exciting one in the industry.

Not only because they both keep release great products, but also because their different philosophies.

As we have written here, Sony acts “fast and furious“, and never hesitates to put as quickly as possible the latest and greatest specs into their cameras.

So it can happen that, within a few months, they announce the Sony A6300 and shortly after the A6500 with IBIS. And not to talk of the infinite variations of Sony A7 (and now also A9) cameras.

Fujifilm on the other hand, is definitely not in a hurry when it comes to release new iterations of their cameras and they focus to support their customers with frequent firmware updates for their cameras.

But also the Fujifilm world sees major “specs-jumps” in their line-up, just not as rapidly as in the Sony world.

A good example is the Fujifilm X-H1, which now has IBIS. Fujifilm worked very long on their IBIS system, because they say they wanted their IBIS system to work perfectly without affecting image quality. Hence, it took them more time to come with an ideal IBIS solution for their cameras.

I am not here to judge which philosophy is better. At the end it will be the market to decide who’s the winner.

However, I have personal preferences, and in my case, I prefer to buy a camera that I know Fujifilm will take care of over next few years, giving me nice firmware updates.

Also, a potential downside of acting “fast and furious“, is that, maybe, sometimes, certain features will look great on the specs sheet, but not work as that good as intended in real life use.

For example, as imaging-resource tested here, the weather sealing on the Sony A7rIII has some serious design issues. And recently there were also some doubts about the Sony’s IBIS efficiency. Not to talk of all the overheating issues Sony was dealing with for a long time.

But in any case, it is undeniable that Sony is pushing the industry and continuously raising the “specs-bar“. This is a huge merit we acknowledge also here on FujiRumors.

Specs Comparison

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Sony A7R3 vs Fujifilm X-H1: Comparing IBIS, 120fps Slow Motion, Log, Bitrates. The Conclusion is “Shocking!”

Sony A7RIII Vs. Fujifilm X-H1

Pro Shooters had about one hour time to test the Fujifilm X-H1.

One hour is not that much time, but enough to quickly compare some Fujifilm X-H1 features to the Sony A7RIII. They look at IBIS, 120p slow motion, 4K 200mbps, Slog2 vs Flog, and do a codec stress test.

When it comes to IBIS, the Fujifilm X-H1 is far superior. I am actually quite shocked how bad the one on the Sony A7rIII looks like in the video. I mean, if this test is correct and the IBIS on the Sony was not broken, then the Sony A7rIII IBIS looks good on the specs sheet, but not really in real life use.

Also the codec stress test shows that the 200 Mbps of the X-H1 make quite a difference over the 100 Mbps of the A7rIII. Much cleaner image on the X-H1.

They conclude their quick comparison with just one word: “Shocking

You can see the video at Pro Shooters Youtube

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
Fujifilm X-H1 Coverage: X-H1 facebook group + X-H1 facebook Page