About my New Fujifilm X-E3 and About JPEG only in Full Auto Mode
Fujifilm X-E3… All Good :)
As you might know, back in December 2017 I purchased a silver X-E3 as well as two Fujinon lenses. I have explained in a first impression article why I picked the X-E3 and not the X-T20, X-T2 or even the Fujifilm X-H1. You can read it here.
I also told you, though, that I was having 2 issues with my X-E3
- sticky joystick
- SD-card not recognized sometimes
Of course I didn’t make a big drama out of it. I just went to my local store and asked for replacement.
Sadly, it took them almost a month to get a new X-E3, because of the holidays and also because they said the X-E3 is selling well, so Fujifilm is a bit slow in delivering and fulfilling the demand.
But now it’s here, my new Fujifilm X-E3, and this time it comes all in black.
I promised you an update, as soon as I get my new X-E3, and here it is: I am happy to report that, at least until now, everything seems to work just fine. The joystick isn’t sticky and the SD-card has, so far, always been recognized by the camera.
X-E3 Review?
I will see if I can find some time to write a comprehensive review, but time is not really what I have at the moment, since basically almost every spare minute of my life goes into FujiRumors, due to the imminent announcements of the Fujifilm X-A5 and XC15-45 on January 31 and the huge announcement of the Fujifilm X-H1 on February 15.
The weeks after that, will be even more busy, in order to cover properly all the Fujifilm X-H1 news and reviews here on FujiRumors.
But I’m excited by the good stuff coming from Fujifilm, so I’m 100% motivated to give you guys the best Fujifilm coverage in the known universe ;) .
Auto Geotagging
The review might come later… but for now…
… I have written a detailed article about one of the new features of the Fujifilm X-E3, the auto-geotagging.
I have received great feedback about it and many readers told me it helped them to make it work not only properly, but also quickly. Feel free to read it here.