Fujifilm X-E3 Wooden Grip, The Mini X-Pro2, Fuji X-E3 Bug Fixes, X-E3 or X-T20, A Great Little Street Camera & More (X-E3 Roundup)

JBCameraDesigns X-E3 wooden grip at dc.watch (translation) – Grip by JBcameraDesigns

Fujifilm X-E3 Roundup

So Christmas is over, and it was the first one with my new Fujifilm X-E3.  So far I am in love with it, especially if used with the XF27mm, it’s the perfect walkaround, street and travel camera.

I have only two issues, one of them I already reported abou it here.

  • The focus stick blocks – video here
  • Sometimes my X-E3 tells me that no SD card is inserted, although there is one. In that case, I have to remove SD card, put it in again, and then shoot again. The SD card issue happened also when I shot on tripod… and God knows why the X-E3 has still no centered tripod mount. So I had to unscrew everything, take out SD-card, put it in again, mount it again on tripod, and shoot.

For these two reasons, my local store told me they will replace my camera with a new one, as soon as they get one from Fujifilm after holidays.

I think I was just unlucky… the next sample will work perfectly fine. But of course I will keep you updated.

In the meantime, enjoy this huge roundup dedicated to the lovely Fujifilm X-E3.

But before that, feel free to join our Fujifilm X-E facebook group.

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Meikon Fujifilm X-T2 Waterhousing Review

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Guest Post by TheOverratedPhotographer


I’ve been wanting a decent water housing for a while. It’s a symptom of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), once you have everything you want, you find more things to want. In my case, one of the areas I play in is kitesurfing, and whilst to 100-400 is great to take photos from a distance, the option of a waterproof housing gives you a complete different perspective. As opposed to a horizontal view, you get a vertical view looking up or photos from the water looking back at the beach. My housing requirements aren’t the heavy duty scuba diving ones, mine will be mainly surface based.

Unfortunately the wind hasn’t been playing along lately so I haven’t been able to take many action photos to date, but I will update this as I go along.

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TheCameraStoreTV Declares The Best & Worst Photo/Video Gear of 2017… Fujifilm X-T20 + MK 18-55 are on the List :)

Best and Worst of 2017

This is one of the photography youtube highlights of the year: TheCameraStoreTV Best and Worst. You can check it out here on youtube.

It’s as usual a very enterning and informative video, so make sure to watch it all. This year they ask also other popular youtuber, what was their favorite/worst gear of the year, and include them into their video.

For those of you, who are on the run now and have no time to watch the video, here are the winners.

Best camera of 2017:

  1. Nikon D850 – and they also add it’s probably the last time a DSLR will win the best camera award. Seems like mirrorless is the future.
  2. Sony A7RIII – Tony Northrup declared this his Nr.1 camera
  3. Fujifilm X-T20 – cute, fun, functional and sells great

Best lenses of 2017:

  1. Panasonic Leica 8-18mm F2.8-4
  2. Fujinon MK 18-55
  3. Sony FE 85mmF1.8

Best Video Camera of 2017

  1. Panasonic GH5

Best Trends of 2017 such as quality equipment from China (Laowa lenses, Drones etc), jack of all trades cameras and more. Ted Forbes considers the MF trend set by Fujifilm also a hot trend.

The Worst Camera is the Leica CL, and Jordan says “why not grab a Fujifilm X-E3 for a 1/3 the price?”

Now take your time, and enjoy it all at TheCameraStoreTV here.

Fujifilm X100F, Limitation and Liberation :: Best (and Cheap) X100F Accessories :: Is it as Good as it Looks? (X100F Roundup)

Fujifilm X100F

The X100 line is and remains my forbitten dream.

And I had a hard time recently to decide between the Fujifilm X100F and the Fujifilm X-E3. I went for the X-E3 and added the 27mm to it, trying to emulate the compactness of the X100F.

But still I miss the leaf shutter, the hybrid viewfinder, the build in ND-filter, the combined ISO/Shutter dial and last but not least, the incredibly sexy look of the X100F. And with WCL-X100 and TCL-X100 the X100F is a flexible mini-system that would cover most of my photographic needs.

The Fujifilm X100F follows the philosophy: limitation is liberation, or less is more.

So let there be another X100F zone today…. while I’m driving home from Prague in the night, on roads white of snow. What a fun drive :)

Fujifilm X100F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

Fujifilm WCL-X100 ver. II: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm TCL-X100 ver. II: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Why I Bought Fujifilm X-E3 (and not X-T20, X100F, X-H1)… and Why All this Hate for XF27mm? – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

I’m packing. I’m leaving. A long car ride all to way to Prague is waiting for me.

But before I leave, here is a blog post about why I bought the X-E3, XF27mm and XF10-24, as well as some initial feedback… sadly also something negative amongst it.

But first… make sure to follow our Fujifilm X-E facebook group.

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