Fujifilm X-E3: Samples, First Impressions and Shipping Starts This Week

The first Fujifilm X-E3 are now in the warehouses waiting to be shipped starting from September 28.

So here is a dedicated X-E3 roundup… and let’s start it with feedback we got from the Fujifilm X-E facebook group:

Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera with free 64GB SD-card EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore

Matthew here:
1) It’s shipping to dealers in Canada on Monday. Stores should have it available by Friday or Monday at the latest.
2) It looks and feels smaller than any photo I’ve seen of it, including this phone shot I took.
3) It is ***THE*** street photography camera to beat now as far as I’m concerned. Totally discreet, quiet (or silent with the ES of course).
4) Some of the features will involve a small learning curve, but they are really impressive and well thought out.
5) Any existing thumb-up grip will probably block access to a couple of buttons, but the grip is comfortable without one.
6) It’s a matter of taste, but I think the black one is a lot better looking than the silver.
7) Haven’t seen the IQ on the computer yet but it looks great in the screen.

Bill here:
Just played around a bit with the X-E3 at the local store. I didn’t get to try a lot of things but I looked it over, looked through the menus, took a few shots (no card), and just tried to get a feel for how it feels in the hand. Unfortunately it had the 18-55 kit lens on it which is a fine lens but didn’t really let me get a sense of how compact the camera will be to carry around with one of Fuji’s wonderful f2 lenses, or maybe the 18 or 27. The body felt comfortable to hold, but I wish they had a different lens on it.
Two small quibbles. Although the build quality seemed pretty good overall, the speed and EV dials felt rather cheaply made, rather rough and not cleanly machined like on the X100F. For what it’s worth, I later looked at the XT-20 and it seemed to have the same kind of dials. Both of those cameras were the silver ones. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with them. I’m probably just used to the attention paid to final finishing on the cameras made in Japan. The other thing was that the focus was rather sluggish with the kit lens. It didn’t hunt and found focus quickly once it started the process, but there was a definite delay between the time I half pressed the shutter, or touched the screen, and the time it began focusing. I’m going to assume that the focus will be much faster with the newer lenses. In any case, I’ll find out on Thursday.

Fujinon GF 45mm :: Nikon D850 or Fuji GFX? :: RAW Converters for GFX without Lightroom (GFX zone)

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GF 45 mm 2.8


Fujifilm GF 45mm F2.8

  • GFX stories with Rommel Bundalian GF45mmF2.8 R WR at Fuji Guys Youtube
  • Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. SG 2017. with Fujifilm GFX + GF 45mm at ivanjoshualoh
  • GFX : MF for documentary photography? (GF45mm included) at ivanjoshualoh
  • First Impressions: Fujifilm GF 45mm f2.8 R WR (Sample Images Included) at thephoblographer
  • Fujifilm Fujinon GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR Sample Photos at ephotozine
  • Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR Sample Images at photographyblog
  • GFX stories with Giulia Bianchi (Italy) / FUJIFILMGlobal

New LEE Filter for GF 23mm

  • New LEE Filters Adaptor ring for the Fujifilm GF23mm lens for the 100mm filter system. Check it out at leefilters

& More Fujifilm GFX

GFX Community

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group and for fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Where to Buy

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore

Used G Gear at AmazonUS used/refurbished and BHphoto used/refurbished marketplace

& Stunning Images – Push Read More

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

JPEG is Freedom, Opinions on Raw Converters for Fujifilm & More (X-Trans Zone)

Aurora HDR Launch Deal

AuroraHDR for Mac and Windows are still running with a special $10 pre-order discount until September 28 (plus bonuses worth $150)

  • Current users of Aurora HDR may upgrade at a special pre-order price of $49 ($59 MSRP)
  • New users can purchase Aurora HDR 2018 at a special pre-order price of $89 ($99 MSRP)

There is also a free trial available. Get your copy here.

X-Trans Zone

UPDATE: You Don’t Have to Like HDR to Like Aurora HDR 2018 at joelwolfson

About Kaizen, the (Disappointing) Fujifilm X-T20 Firmware… and the Sexiest Fujifilm Camera Ever Made, the X-E3

Fujifilm X-E3

So, Jordan gave FujiRumors a shout-out on the latest TheCameraStoreTV live stream, saying he thinks the X-E3 is the sexiest camera Fujifilm has ever designed and that I can publish this statement on Fujirumors. Well Jordan, just done :)

TCSTV starts talking about the X-E3 at minute 26:50 of this video.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm Firmware Updates

TheCameraStoreTV dedicated their latest live stream mainly to the topic “firmware updates”, and they mention also the firmware updates for Fujifilm cameras. They praise Fujifilm’s Kaizen philosophy, but Jordan also adds a consideration/specualtion, which I would like to highlight today here on FujiRumors.

Jordan was talking about the X-Pro2 (min. 9:00), and about how, at launch, it had no 4K video, despite being capable of it*, simply because Fujifilm did not consider video shooters to be the target of the X-Pro2. They also mention the lack of tethering, which will also come to the X-Pro2 with firmware ver. 4.00 in December 2017.

The question now is: why didn’t Fujifilm give us tethering and 4K on the X-Pro2 right at its launch?

At min 09:57 Jordan speculates:

My chief concern is that I would hate see companies hold back features at launch, so that they can make a big splash when they announce a big firmware update later, and give that camera a second life of marketing

So is Fujifilm doing this on purpose? Jordan and Chris clearly say “we don’t know“. It’s just a speculation they make.

X-T20 Firmware… Why not on Par with X-E3?

And speaking of firmware updates…

As you know, in November, the X-T20 will get a nice little firmware update, which will allow you to use the touch screen also in EVF mode.

But I wonder, why won’t the X-T20 get also the improved AF-system, the RGB color histogram and the live view highlight alert already present in the Fujifilm X-E3?

  • Maybe Fujifilm just wants to “help” X-E3 sales at its launch by giving it, for now, a little “firmware advantage” over the X-T20. And who knows, maybe, sometimes in 2018, when X-E3 sales slow down, they can give to the X-T20 a second marketing life with a Kaizen firmware update that brings it on the par with the X-E3.
  • Maybe it’s not so easy for Fujifilm to pack the X-E3 firmware into the X-T20 and Fujifilm has to do some extra coding work… hence, they need more time.
  • Maybe it’s not possible… for whatever reason

Anyway, I would like every Fujifilm camera to be always packed with everything possible as soon as possible. No camera should be “castrated” via software for market (or marketing) reasons. So if possible, whenever it’s ready (if that’s even possible), please Fujifilm, bring the X-T20 on par with the X-E3.


  • Fuji Guy Billy said here that “the X-Pro2 is over-engineered and a lot of potential is not harnessed yet”, and he teased new firmware updates
  • Fuji Guy Billy said here that “4K in X-Pro2 is possible. I’m fighting with Japan for that”

Travel Smart, Travel Light, Travel Fujifilm X

Vietnam Travel — Hanoi / Sapa / Halong (filmed with X-T2) at zackhedelic

My Travel X Switch Story & More

Many years ago, I was hiking for a few days, alone, from Albania to Montenegro, crossing the spectacular, wild and remote Albanian Alps starting from the fascinating Koman lake, crossing the rural (and electricity-less) villages of Valbona and Theth and then all the way to Gusinje.

I warmly recommend you this trip. Albania is probably the most underestimated travel destination ever in Europe (and one of the cheapest, too). Great sea in the South, majestic mountains in the North. Go there, you will love it.

Anyway…. it was a hard walk. I slept in my tent on high passes, walked up to 9 hours a day, ate food some kind shepherds gave me… and along all the way I carried my heavy Canon gear with me.

One day I woke up on a mountain peak between Valbona and Theth. I left my tent to admire the sunrise in absolute peace. And thinking at all the way I still had to go with all the Canon gear, I took a decision: from now on I’ll travel light!

When I arrived back home I started looking at mirrorless cameras and bought the [shoplink 44354 ebay]Olympus Pen E-P1[/shoplink]… the first of a long series of mirrorless cameras, until I finally stumbled on the Fujifilm X-series.

And that was it… that was love… a love I needed to share via FujiRumors.com :)

So yes, for me, it was all about size/weight, when I decided to switch to mirrorless…. and Fujifilm’s APS-C line just hit the sweet spot between image quality, size, ergonomics and aesthetics.

Remembering all this, I’d like to dedicate a special roundup to those of you guys, who also chose Fujifilm as their favorite travel gear. I hope you will enjoy the stories and the images down below as much as I did :)

  • 25 Countries in 18 Months with the at 5050travelog
  • A photographic trip through Italy at alessandromichelazzi.com Part 1 and Part 2
  • Is X-Pro 2 the perfect camera for travel photography? X-pro 2 complete field test in Sri Lanka in French at cyrilbezzina (translation)
  • With Fujifilm on the road… at peterpoete
  • Traveling With The Fujifilm X-T1 and X100S On Vacation at KentuckyMan30 Youtube
  • Cambodia Revisited (X100F / X70) at spode