New Fujifilm Shacolla Self-Adhesive Panel for your Pictures :: Angelo Pelle X-Pro2 Leather Case :: My Sirui T-025X is Here :)

Fujifilm Shacolla

Fujifilm recently launched “Shacolla”, a a double-side self-adhesive foam panel that can be used several times to attach new pictures. You can read more about it at and you can find it at AmazonUS here, bundled with the Instax SP-2 printer.

Leather Case

Angelo Pelle leather case for Fuji X-Pro 2 at gambofoto.

My Sirui is Here :)

Thanks to all of you for your carbon fiber travel tripod recommendations. I ordered and just now received the most recommended one, the Sirui T-025X. If the weather allows it, I plan to hike tomorrow… and so I can immedialy test it on the field :)

Sirui T-025x: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, [shoplink 59802 ebay]your local eBay[/shoplink]

Fujifilm GFX: Travel :: Wedding :: Incredible IQ :: New Fringer C645-GFX Smart Adapter Firmware Available (GFX Zone)

Thierry Vanhuysse
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New York City skyline … pano of 6 images … fujifilm gfx50 + 32-64mm

New Fringer Smart Adapter Firmware

New firmware (v2.1) is available for C645-GFX smart adapter at fringerdev:

With the new firmware (v2.1), 55/3.5 and 210/4 have been added to the AF list. As I said earlier, I changed my mind and decided to open AF functions for all Contax 645 lenses on GFX. The last 2, i.e. 45-90 and 350/4, would also be added to AF list in the near future. Please visit to download the new firmware, the release notes and the new manual. Follow the described steps in the manual to upgrade your adapter. […]

I was conservative on AF performance of adapted Contax 645 lenses on CDAF bodies like GFX. However, more and more in field tests made me believe that the AF performance actually is quite good in most cases. And one more option for users should always be better. That’s why I changed my mind. But please don’t be too optimistic. The AF performance is still lower than GF lenses on GFX or C645 lenses on C645 body due to the limitations of the old lens design. Thus, if you find it doesn’t satisfy you, please change to MF. All C645 lens can work under MF mode. And their super fine MF rings are way better than GF lenses‘.

Fringer Contax645 – GFX smart adapter AF demo (210/4 and 55/3.5) at fringer youtube

& More GFX

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group and for fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Aziz Nasuti
shared here
Enjoy 23mm!
Trondheim in Norway!

_ _ _

Bong Luk
shared here
GFX with Leica-R 80 1.4.
I think I just try enough for the vintage lens, is it time to try the GF 110/2?

Click READ MORE to Enjoy More GFX Images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Why I use Godox with Fujifilm :: Godox’s Fujifilm Support Opens Doors :: HSS with Fuji & Godox :: Godox Vs. Nissin (Flash Roundup)

The Godox system is quickly becoming the favorite flash system amongst Fuji shooters. And that’s not really a surprise. Very affordable, performs very well, gets lots of firmware updates and it’s just great value for money.

And given the growing popularity of the Godox system, here on Fujirumors we are happy to report regulary about it. Just search for “Godox” on FujiRumors, to get quick access to all previous Godox articles.

But there are some fresh little updates for you today….

  • Why I use Godox flashes with my Fujifilm cameras at morethanwords
  • High Speed Sync with Fujifilm X & Godox flash/trigger at lilutch
  • Godox’s Fujifilm Support Opens Doors at fstoppers

Godox X1T-F controller: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox TT350F: Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox TT685F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox V860IIF: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox AD200: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fuji – Godox TT685F Flash and X1TF Trigger vs Nissin I60a Speedlight at The Photography Team Youtube

Best Budget X Lenses, 7Artisans 50mm f1.1 Reviews, Tilt-shift on Fuji APS-C, XF23mmF2 Cameralabs Review + POLL (Lens Zone)

Fujinon (and X-mount) Lenses

So what’s more important, the camera or the lens? Let’s find out what you think with a little poll, that you can find down below… after our Fuji Lens Roundup :)

What's more important, the Camera or the Lens?

View Results

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Rethinking How I Shoot Fuji Jpegs :: How I Process Fuji RAF files – The Power of X-Trans Zone :)

How I Edit / Process Fuji .RAF files at ZedProMedia Youtube

The Power of X-Trans

Fujifilm files are so lovely out of the box, that I find myself processing images way less than I did in my non-Fuji shooter life.

But truth is, I’m not Ken Rockwell, so I don’t get it always right in camera ;).

There are situations, such as recently at my mothers’ 60 years birthday party, were I do not have much time to think about the settings. So many things happen and change all the time, that I rather focus on capturing the moment, knowing that the huge flexibility of my X-Trans files will allow me to correct eventual exposure errors I made in post.

However, processing your RAW files is not only a way to fix some errors, but also a terrific creative tool.

So here is a roundup, dedicated to the power of X-Trans :)