Fujifilm NP-W126 Vs. Third Party Batteries :: Insanely Fast Warranty Repair :: DPReview Best Cameras between $500-900 (miXed zone)

Cover Stories

  • NP-W126 batteries: Everything you wanted to know about (also comparing to third party batteries) at ultralightphotography
  • TESTED: Third Party Fuji Batteries? “Inflated capacity values. Some batteries almost Fraud!”… and the Winner is…? at fujirumors.com
  • Fuji love: Insanely fast warranty repair turn around at mikekobal
  • 2 Fuji Cameras recommended by DPreview between $500-900 at dpreview

Fujifilm X-T2 & More
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Best Mirrorless Camera for Wildlife Photography: “Fujifilm X-T2 Best AF Performance of Any Mirrorless”… but the Winner is?

Oh… if only the Fujifilm X-T2 would ship as fast as it focusses :(

Best Mirrorless for Wildlife Photography

From all the mirrorless cameras available right now at the market and tested by Mat from Mirrorlessons, which one is the best for wildlife and bird photography?

In his (as usual) well written and honest comparison, Mat says that the Fujifilm X-T2 has

the best AF performance and settings I’ve tested out of all mirrorless cameras” [Also the IQ] is top notch“.

Regarding the XF100-400 he says it is

excellent concerning sharpness, autofocus speed and optical stabilisation”

And yet, the Fujifilm X-T2 is not the number 1 mirrorless choice for wildlife photography, mainly because

  • live view only goes up to 5fps
  • the camera grip is not really designed for big lenses
  • no fast prime lenses – we need to wait for the long rumored XF200mmF2

So, at the end, it’s the Olympus OM-D E-M1 mark II to get the award for the best mirrroless camera for wildlife and bird photography. But make sure to read the whole comparison at mirrorlesscomparison.

And yes, I guess we will see the Sony A9 in the list too, once it is available for real life testings.

Fujifilm X-T2: USABHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, BestBuy CA: AmazonCA EU: AmazonDE, Calumentphoto DE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUS: CameraPro

Fujinon XF100-400: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama CA: AmazonCA EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK

Top Sony Manager Confirms The Fast Focussing Fuji X-T2 is a Threat for Sony A7 series Customers. “We Don’t Have This Weapon Right Now”

Fujifilm X100F: Lab Shots, Back From Repair, A Reiteration of Pure Joy & More (X100F Zone)

There are many fellow camera friends out there, who are still waiting for their X100F to come and/or have a hard time to find it in stock.

Till then, you can enjoy the great images photographers all around the world are sharing at the X100F facebook group and also check out the links below, for more images and reviews.

There is also a little bit of pixel peeping, although I know that X100 lovers are usually not really hard core pixel peepers.

Fujifilm X100F: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

btw… at Photokina 2016, I found Waldo at the Fujifilm Booth. And no… I had no meeting with the Fujifilm Guys. I was 100% anonymous, and it was perfect this way :)

Sony A7sII Vs. Fujifilm X-T2 for Video ** Lens Stars: Fujinon XF 16-55 beats G-Master Lens ** Freemod X-Cap2 Review (miXed zone)

Sony Vs. Fuji

  • Sony A7sii vs Fujifilm X-T2 for video review at Maru Films youtube. Yep, the Sony has IBIS, but the reviewer is considering to go for Fuji anyway. The colors, the overall size and more convince him that Fujifilm X-T2 is the better choice.
  • Lens Stars are “Weaksouce” on Sony f/2.8 90 Macro and G Master f/2.8 24-70 compared to the beautiful lens stars on the Fujinon XF16-55. Check out min. 1:00 of The Hunter Report youtube video.

Fujifilm X-T2, X-T20 & More

Fujifilm GFX: Motorsports, Weddings, GF110 + GF23 Images, GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D… and Do I Really Need the GFX? (GFX Roundup)

Allan Higa
shared at the GFX group here
Shot with the GF 63mm

Fujifilm GFX 50s Roundup

This Fujifilm GFX Roundup is almost entirely brought to you by our terrific Fujifilm GFX facebook group, where most of the links below have been shared by the authors of those articles. Feel free to join.

For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Masami Tanaka
shared at the GFX group here
GFX50S Samyang 12mm F2.8 ED AS NCS Fish-Eye

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Thorsten Rother
shared at the GFX group here
Fujifilm GFX 50s / GF 110mm f2 / ISO 500 / ☀️ Daylight

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Idea Pix
shared at the GFX group here
My first wedding shooting with Fuji GFX.

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Oliver Wehrli
shared at the GFX group here
Isle of Skye Rainbows

In the intense and extremely exciting movie project with the new GF 23mm F4 lens for the Fujifilm GFX on the Isle of Skye, I was able to make this picture. If you are interested on the movie, then follow this youtube link.

Many thanks to FUJIFILM, 10ft TallTall for the great movie and professional work and Fjällräven for support with outdoor equipment.

… and by the way the 23mm lens is the madness!