Fujifilm GFX 50S Studio Fashion Shoot

Zack Arias and Billy Luong - CES 2014
Zack Arias and Billy Luong – CES 2014

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  • guest post by Chris Dodkin – dodkin.com
  • to see the original size of the images, just click on the image

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I first heard about the GFX on 8th January, 2014, when I met these two gentlemen at CES in Las Vegas [see image on top].

Zack is an editorial music photographer based in Atlanta, GA, and a Fuji X System Photographer, and Billy is a Manager for the Product and Marketing Specialist Group – ‎FUJIFILM CANADA INC., and one of the ‘Fuji Guys’ on YouTube.

We met at the Fujifilm stand at the Consumer Electronics Show, with Zack and I both pestering Billy to get a sneak peak of the new, unannounced, Fuji X-T1 camera.

With our sneak-peeks arranged, the conversation turned to ‘what’s next’, and Zack expressed a strong desire for Fuji to look at jumping the legacy 35mm format completely, and for them to take a look at producing a Medium Format mirrorless camera.

Billy was excited by the idea, and we began to discuss the features that the new camera should have.

Zack was all about a MF sensor as the starting point, and Billy suggested that this could then be used to shoot multiple aspect ratios, native in camera.

The camera needed to be mirrorless, to keep size, weight, and cost down, and should undercut the established MF market leaders by a significant margin.

We discussed super-sizing the successful Fuji X-Pro1, to make a digital version of the Fuji 6×9 120 ‘Texas Leica’ Film cameras, and building a more conventionally styled model, with the same accessible controls and styling, to make the camera easy and fun to use.

The Fuji engineers on the stand were excited. I left the show with a strong impression that this was something they wanted to make happen.

I posted about Fuji’s logic of jumping to MF a few times on DPR, with mixed reactions. Most people didn’t believe it would ever happen. Many 35mm format users did’t get it, and still don’t. Fuji see it makes the best economic sense, and takes them past the limitations of the 35mm format market place.

The Present

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Fuji X-Evolution to (Almost) Perfect System :: Fastest X-T2 AF-C Video Settings :: My Top 3 XF Lenses :: Thom Hogan X-T2 Review (miXed zone)

Cover Stories

Video Above: My Top 3 Fujifilm Lenses at Fred Ranger youtube

  • The Fuji X-Camera System Has Evolved Into The (Almost) Perfect System For Me Or An Open Letter Of Thanks To Fujifilm at thewanderinglensman
  • Thom Hogan’s Fujifilm X-T2 Review at sansmirror

Fujifilm X-T2 & More
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Fuji X-T2 Fast AF-C Setting – Quick Tipp Episode #3 at dsphotoblog (youtube)

Fujifilm GFX: Official Novoflex GFX Support Announcement + Cambo Actus GFX Vs. Linhof M679cs


Keith Miles
shared at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group here
GFX, 120mm, f/4.5 1/160, ISO500, Nashville, Tn.

Novoflex GFX Support

We already broke the news here on FR, that Novoflex is working on support for Fujifilm GFX. Well, we now have the full details, thanks to fellow GFX facebook group member Vadim (thanks). Here is the press release:

“We are happy to announce the first NOVOFLEX lens adapters for the new Fujifilm GFX 50s medium format camera.

The line will start with adapters for Leica R, Leica M, Nikon and Canon FD bayonet mount, whose market introduction is planned for the beginning of June, 2017. More adapters are in preparation. Among these will be models for medium format lenses of the following mounts: Hasselblad V, Mamiya 645 and Pentax 67 and an adapter for the universal bellows of the BALPRO-series.

Especially interesting are the lens adapters with 35mm bayonet mount for tilt-/shift lenses, as their image circle is absolutely large enough, in order to fully illuminate the sensor format of the GFX 50s. However, numerous further 35mm lenses have an image circle which is bigger than the 35mm format itself, so that none or only marginal vignettings are caused. Moreover, many old or classic 35mm lenses are based on lens calculations of large format and/or medium format lenses. Potentially arising vignettings can be used for creative purposes or in many cases can later be removed by software.

The adapter for Nikon lenses comes with built-in mechanical aperture control to allow its use with G-type Nikkor lenses as well. None of the adapters will transfer any information between the camera and the lens.

Feel free to join other fellow 12,000+ GFX owners and fans at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group and to follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page for 100% GFX news and rumors.

FYI, FR-reader Nathan wrote a Novoflex/X-T1 Trilogy for FujiRumors. Here it is:

  1. Novoflex BALPRO T/S adapter review: Part 1 – Design, Operation, Controls, Adapters – Read here
  2. Novoflex BALPRO T/S adapter review: Part 2 – stability and accuracy – Read here
  3. Novoflex BALPRO T/S adapter review: Part 3 – Fun with the BALPRO T/S – Read here

Cambo Actus GFX Vs. Linhof M679cs

GFX facebook group member Nathan shared a some videos about the Cambo Actus-GFX and [shoplink 57449 ebay]Linhof M679cs[/shoplink].

I’ve already shared 2 of the 3 videos in past mixed zones, but he just added the best-case focus prep video comparing the M679cs and the Cambo Actus-GFX.

Click READ MORE to see all the three videos.

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Fujifilm X100F: “Passion for Photography Condensed to a Little Beautiful Box” :: Ken Rockwell X100F Review :: Dust Proof X100F Viewfinder & More

Fujifilm X100F Zone

Time for another dedicated roundup about Fujifilm’s most sexy camera, the Fujifilm X100F. But it does not look only super-good, it also takes gorgeous images, as you can see at our 8,000+ Fujifilm X100F facebook group. I’ll just share 3 images from the group down below.

But let’s start with the ThePhotonauts video review that I’ve shared at the top of this article. I’d like to highlight the final conclusions the reviewer makes, because I think he really brings the whole X100F (and Fuji X) shooting experience to the point. ThePhotonauts says:

Fujifilm X cameras have helped me to enjoy photography again, when I had a big low in my career a few years ago. The X100 series is what started it all, but to this day and with the latest iteration, this hasn’t changed one bit.

Some of you may not get the same vibe, but to me and many others, these cameras are passion for photography condensed to a little beautiful box.

Just looking at it makes me want to get out and shoot. I think that’s more than I could ever have asked from any camera.”

And now a few more X100F links to enjoy :)

  • Ken Rockwell ongoing Fujifilm X100F review. He calls it the “world’s best compact camera for people and family photos because of its superior skin tones and superior built-in flash“. Read more at kenrockwell
  • Simple tip for stacking TCL-X100 and WCL-X100 at haoyuanren
  • How to Dust proof the X100F Viewfinder at haoyuanren
  • Eric Kim Fujifilm X100F Review at erickimphotography

Good Luck to find the X100F in stock: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCH AUS: CameraPro

Thitiwut Wiriya-apa
shared here
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, China #x100f

Push READ MORE… and be Amazed :)

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Fringer’s Smart Adapter Contax 645 80/2 on Fujifilm GFX50s AutoFocus Demo :: Fujifilm X100F and X-T20 Reviews and More (miXed zone)

Fujifilm GFX

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Fujifilm X100F
BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

  • The X100F — The Little Camera That Could! at fujifilm-x
  • Fuji X100F – A Street Photography Review at streetbounty

Fujifilm X-T20
BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-T2
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama