The End of DSLRs in 2020, Sony A9 Vs. Fujifilm GFX Specs Comparison and Answering Your Ultimate X-Camera Questions

The Sony A9 Vs. Fujifilm GFX Specs Comparison

The video above shows a basic specs comparison between the newly announced Sony A9 and the Fujifilm GFX 50s. However, all the specs comparisons do not answer the big questions, how good the image quality of the Sony A9 is, also compared to the one of the Fujifilm GFX 50s.

I think it’s safe to assume, that the Medium Format 50MP Fujifilm GFX 50s will deliver a superior image quality over the 24MP Sony A9. But let’s wait for the first lab test and real life comparisons before making any final conclusion.

The Stacked CMOS sensor, the Speed and the Megapixel

As usual, when Sony announces a new camera, the specs look quite impressive. And the Sony A9 just continues this tradition (specs & price here).

On paper, the strength of the Sony A9 is “speed“.

The new “stacked CMOS sensor” makes it possible to have impressive 20fps with no viewfinder blackout. However, in order to achieve this speed, the Sony A9 has to sacrifice Megapixel. Hence, it has 24MP, compared to the 42MP of the Sony A7rII. For wildlife and sports photographer, who might occasionally need to crop their shots quite a bit, this could be an issue.

(NOTE: in theory, as Fujica shows us here, also the X-T2 could be capable of 20fps, but not black-out free)

But you know Sony, maybe in 4 months they will release a successor with 42MP and stacked CMOS sensor :)

So let’s talk about speed:

It’s safe to assume, that nobody out there bought the Fujifilm GFX 50s for its speed. All what GFX owners want, is the ultimate image quality… and they are willing to sacrifize speed for that.

Who wants the ultimate speed in the Fuji world, has to go with the Fujifilm X-T2. And just last year, even the godfather of the Sony A7 series, Sony Manager Kimio Maki confirmed in this interview that the fast focussing Fujifilm X-T2 is a threat for Sony A7 series, since “we don’t have this weapon [speed] right now”.

Well, now Sony dropped this weapon on the market, and it’s called Sony A9. On paper, an amazing answer to the X-T2, in terms of speed. Well done Sony.

And it’s good that Sony keeps up innovating their sensors… because you know, also Fujifilm buys them from Sony :).

The Ultimate X

Now, my Inbox is exploding with questions regarding the ultimate X (last rumor summary here). I get especially one question: will it have a stacked CMOS sensor, too?

The answer is simple: I do not know it…. yet ;)

Sure is, that Sony sells its sensors to Fujifilm. And if Sony will implement the stacked CMOS sensor technology also on APS-C sensors, then Fujifilm will be able to buy it. Of course with the usual rule, that other companies have to wait a couple of months after the first Sony camera featuring the new sensor technology has been announced, before they can use it on their own cameras. This gives Sony a little time advantage. But if you are willing to wait a bit, then you will get the same sensor also on other cameras.

So, it is possible, that the Ultimate X will have a stacked sensor. But for now, I have no information about it. I will share an update, as soon as I know something more… in the meantime, asking me this question in the comments and via email might not help much. I just can’t answer it now.

Another question I often get, is when the Ultimate X will be announced. And again I have to say that I don’t know it. It’s a bit too early to have any sure and final release date. The camera is still under development. I will let you know when time has come :)

So make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for the latest updates.

The End of DSLRs in 2020

Innovation in mirrorless cameras is fast. And now the last DSLR bastion is falling: speed!

Two years ago Canon (or was it Nikon?) released a video, showing how annoying the black-out during continuous shooting in mirrorless cameras is. Their goal was to demonstrate, that for sports and wildlife, you still have to go with a classic DSLR.

Last year, the Fujifilm X-T2 already made a nice step forward in this regard and its speed makes tracking using the EVF so much easier. However, the new stacked sensor technology now allows blackout-less EVF experience even at super-high frame rates. That’s better than any DSLR can do.

The ultra fast sensor readout made possible by the stacked sensor will improve the overall speed of mirrorless cameras so much, that you won’t miss a DSLR for sure :).

But the stacked sensor is not enough, to declare the death of DSLRs.

What mirrorless also needs to completely replace DSLRs, is the arrival to the mass market of the global shutter, and this will happen in 2020. At least, this is what Fujifilm X-guru Rico Pfirstinger said at our forum here:

“[Answering the question when mirrorless will completely replace DSLRs] It will happen around 2020: Tokyo Summer Olympics feature the global shutter in mass market cameras –> end of DSLR technology as mass market technology. DSLR hybrid cameras will probably continue to exist in the high-price segment (Canon EOS 1X Mk3?).”

It’s almost done… mirrorless will completely replace DSLRs. And kudos also to Sony, for improving sensor technology so much to make this possible… and to Fujifilm for making that technology such a pleasure to use in cameras ;)

And now I do hope that also Canon and Nikon will take the mirrorless market segment seriously and give us some great mirrorless cameras soon. The more offers we have, the better it is for us customers :)

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

stay tuned guys
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RoboShoot Firmware Ver. 2.1

We are pleased announce version 2.1 of RoboSHOOTplus. It is available NOW for MX-20 and MX-15 upgrades! This version adds Studio Strobe and additional flash support, High performance with CH/CL manual mode, In-Camera Control improvements, and more. Also, by virtue of expanded Nikon speedlight compatibility, this release enables Nikon support even on the lower cost ‘X-15 units. As a result, the MX-20 and MX-15 make great companions, as with that combination you can upgrade both over-the-air!

The most important new features include:

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Fujifilm GFX Misconceptions, New GF 110mmF2 Videos, Fuji GFX meets Leica SL, GFX Vs. Canon 1DX and 7D for Landscapes (GFX Zone)

GFX + GF 110 stories with Sara Lando / FUJIFILM youtube

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

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5 Things I Wish I’d known Before Buying X-Pro2 :: 5 X-T2 Shortcuts :: 5 X-T20 Accessories :: 5 Fuji Accessories under $100

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Thoughts on the Fujifilm X-T2 for Video

guest post by Alben Osaki: / @alben.osaki

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Thoughts on the Fujifilm X-T2 for Video

I recently went on a trip to Canada and really got to put the Fujifilm X-T2 through it’s paces. I’ve played around with the video before but I feel like this trip was my first, real, intensive test of my X-T2’s video capabilities. Prior to this, I had a Panasonic GH3 (that I used exclusively for video work. I used an X-T1 for my photography), which I had sold when I got the X-T2. The following is a collection of thoughts I had regarding using the Fujifilm X-T2 for video work:

Note that I did not record to an external recorder. So everything was shot in 4K 23.97 4:2:0 with the Fujifilm XF18-55 f2.8-4 IS and XF50-140 f2.8 WR IS lenses.

In my opinion, the video files look fantastic. Especially when viewing in 4k on a 4k display.

I probably only used the Vertical Booster Grip for about half the shots.

Nearly every gripe I had while shooting this video was fixed with the new firmware 2.0, such as:

  • The ability to use single point AF while recording
  • The ability to change ISO while recording
  • Using the EVF/LCD while recording

I thought I wanted a firmware that added F-LOG internal recording. Now I don’t care as much. Sometimes it’s nice not worrying about having to grade too much. And if you record in a log profile in 4:2:0 I feel like you wouldn’t be able to push the image too much before you started getting banding and the image falls apart. Of course if they added it it’d be a nice option to have, but I don’t think it’s really necessary. But I’m no colorist, so maybe someone can correct me here.

Speaking of color, I barely touched the color of any of these files. The most I did was adjusting the color temperature in a few shots and add a bit of sharpening. That’s about it. I used the PRO Neg Standard color profile/film simulation.

Most of these shots were handheld. I did add warp stabilizer to a few shots in post.

The X-T2 weather sealing, in my experience, is pretty rugged. Exhibit A (disclaimer – your individual mileage may vary!):

I tried using one Tiffen 77mm variable ND filter for both the XF18-55 and XF50-140 lenses, using adapter rings to fit the filter on the lenses. This was a mistake that led to missed shots. I’d try to swap lenses to get a certain shot, but then I’d have to unscrew the filter and put it on the other lens. By the time I had it ready, usually the opportunity was missed. I ended up buying another variable ND from The Camera Store in Calgary.

I would buy a Fuji XF18-55 f4 WR IS if they made it. The 16-55 2.8 WR looks great, but the IS is very nice to have when I don’t have a shoulder rig, which is most of the time. I take too many photos to usually ever want to use a shoulder rig. I generally tend to find it too cumbersome for me. I would even accept a larger/heavier lens if they could make a XF 16-55 f2.8 WR IS. Basically, I want the best of the XF18-55 and XF16-55 and turn it into one super lens. Is that too much to ask, Fuji?!

I’m actually not sure where the internal mic is on the X-T2. But it feels like I cover it up with my hands whenever I’m recording, as almost all my audio sounds muffled. Or the X-T2 internal mics are just that garbage. That’s also a possibility.

I wish the mic jack had it’s own, independent cover. I hated exposing all those plugs to the elements when all I wanted to do was plug in my Rode Videomic Pro. This led me to not use it very often. It kind of defeats the purpose of weather sealing in that regard.

Be wary of your command dial. I shot all my video in 4k 23.97 and used a shutter speed of 1/50. But sometimes I’d inadvertently hit my command dial, shifting my shutter speed a third of a stop.

The crop when shooting 4k was both a blessing and a curse. It was nice having a little extra crop when I was trying to record something far away. But it sucked trying to get a wide shot and not getting everything fit into the frame. Not a dealbreaker, but worth noting.

I hate the fly by wire system of the Fuji lenses. It makes pulling focus/rack focus nearly impossible. Even the fly by wire focusing on my Panasonic 12-35 f2.8 seemed more bearable than this. I’ve heard the Fuji 23mm 1.4 and 16mm 1.4 both have pretty cool manual focus rings with hard stops (I don’t own these lenses, so I don’t know how well they work). That would be amazing if they could somehow incorporate it into all of their lenses. I know that likely won’t happen though.

Fuji shooters tend to naturally gravitate towards each other. A random guy walked up to me while in Capilano Suspension Bridge Park and asked if I was using a Fuji. Turns out he also had an X-T2 and we ended up talking shop for a few minutes. This would never happen when I had my Canon or even my Panasonic. Thinking back on it, I wish I got his name, seemed like a cool dude.

If anyone is wondering, the other cameras I used for this are the GoPro Hero 5 Black and DJI Mavic Pro. But probably 95% of the footage comes from my Fuji.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message! And if you’d like to check out my other work, you can visit me at or @alben.osaki on Instagram!