image courtesy: sebimagery here
This Fujifilm GFX 50s Roundup is brought to you entirely by the Fujifilm GFX facebook group, biggest source of inspiration for FujiRumors (and Co :) )
Fujifilm GFX 50s Review
Sebastian Lee (check out his instagram) is a very active Fujifilm GFX facebook group member, who shared many awesome images on the group and I had the pleasure to feature here on FujiRumors already.
Well, he now completed his Fujifilm GFX review, and it’s a great real world review that includes also wonderful images. And btw, he uses also a Sony A7rII (oh, well, he sold it now :) ) and could also test the Hasselblad X1D.
You can read his review at sebimagery here. Here an excerpt:
“But I must tell you…there is something about it [the look of the images]. […] I’m just very pleased with the images coming out of the GFX. Now keep in mind my day to day camera is a 42MP Sony A7R2. This is only a 8MP bump going to the GFX. But there’s just (enter W. Shatner voice) some….thing about the images. Hell…maybe there is some magic after all?
Maybe I’m just becoming a better photographer….haha…nah it’s gotta be magic. Maybe it’s just a illusion in my head. I simply don’t care…I’m really enjoying this camera and right now it looks like I’m going to be buying one. I took the first step and sold my A7R2 last week.
Are my photos any better? Nope I don’t think so. Are they a little sharper…yeah…the details are better and sharper by a little bit. I look at 200% and 300% shots and I’m constantly impressed with the images and I simply enjoy shooting with it. But it’s not twice as good….
[…] for portraits, macro/detail and land/cityscapes…this thing is a beast!
[…] And yeah, I get it, $10,000 for a body and two lenses is a significant investment and again…that magic question to most…”is it worth it?”. That’s up to you…for this dude….yeah…it’s totally f***ing worth it.”
There is much more to read and to see at sebimagery here. Check out Sebastian’s instagram here.
Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Aurora Timelapse
Another Fujifilm GFX facbeook member, William Chua, shared his Aurora timelapse video on the GFX group here. You can check it out on his website williamchua here or directly at vimeo here.