Fujifilm GFX Shooting Review :: GFX Profoto and Miltiblitz Support :: Full Size and ISO 4000 Samples


Shooting Review: Fujifilm GFX System at bigheadtaco youtube. Some considerations out of his 50 minutes long video:

  • EVF is laggy in dark conditions [EVF refresh rate of GFX is 50 fps]
  • EVF sticks out, which is great, since your face/nose hardly touches screen
  • impressed with JPEG’s also whet it comes to highlight/shadow recovery
  • Play and Delete button in an odd spot
  • 63mm AF a little bit slow
  • 32-64 Take’s favorite lens. In good light it rarely missed and very quite. A lot faster AF than 63mm
  • if you are currently shooting high-end DSLRs for weddings, portraits, studio and you are considering buying the GFX, the GFX is an awesome choice.

P.S.: Take has excellent contacts with Fujifilm, and in the video he mentions the X70S, with a vague hint “if that comes out soon“. He also mentioned a Rangefinder styled GFX (which was mentioned first by a Fujifilm Manager here)

Another First Look: Fujifilm GFX 50S at atmtxphoto

Dpreview updated GFX Sample Gallery.


I’ve shared the rumor of Profoto support for Fuji last year here. In the last weeks, we could already see many X-photographers using Profoto with their GFX. I also just got further indications, that Profoto, Miltiblitz and other important flash manufacturers are now or will soon work on the protocols that will add full support for the GFX. HSS up to 1/4000 should be possible.

Fujifilm GFX USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro


These are samples shared over at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group

Tom Museeuw – image shared here: Rosalinde Fujifilm GFX50s & GF120mm F4 (Jpeg edit)
1/80, F4.5, ISO 800, GF120mm

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Sebastian Lee – image shared here
From a test shoot earlier this month. 120mm, 1/125, F11, ISO 50. Lit with Profoto B1’s. Fullsize JPG link here.

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Jeroen Selderslaghs – image shared here: First serious photoshoot with the GFX 50S. Reliable autofocus in low light conditions is good news. ISO performance at 4000 is still very useful. It was near dark so i had no choice then high iso to get enough ambiant light at a decent shutter speed

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Tinnapho: p Tonitiwong – shared here: Fujifilm GFX 50S + all 3 GF lenses. Sony A7RII + 24-70mm f2.8 GM size comparison

XF50mmF2 WR In Stock at AmazonUS :: Fujifilm X100F and GFX First Looks & Full Size Samples


And now also the XF50mmF2 can be found in stock, for example at AmazonUS. They also had the X100F and X-T20 in stock earlier today, but they sold out quickly.

XF50mmF2: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm GFX Roundup

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X100F Roundup

Fujifilm X100F: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCH AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-T20, X100F and XF50mmF2 Owner’s Manual Available


Fujinon GF 63mmF2.8 Vs. GF 32-64mmF4 Compared :: Elinchrom GFX HS Trigger Rumor :: More Tidbits

Fujinon GF63 Vs GF32-64

Ivan Joshua Loh has a quick and interesting comparison over at his blog here. He took some images with the GF63mm (at F2.8 and at F4) and some images with the GF32-64 (at 64mm and F4).

He shared the images over at his blog (go to his blog for a larger view of the images).

Now all you have to do is to check them out, and recognize which image was taken by which lens… and according to what you see, make your decision if the 32-64 is all you need, or if the 63mm gives you that little extra you need.

X-photographer Ivan is also a very active member over at our Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

More GFX Tidbits

60 minutes with the Fuji GFX 50s at elundqvist:

  • The lenses are pretty hefty things and do not have the same comforting, solid build as the XF lenses. In fact, they felt rather plasticky, but were at least pleasently light.
  • What really stood out was the EVF; it was responsive and BIG.
  • Autofocus was snappy, but again it was not really very challanging conditions. I don’t expect it to be an issue for most of my use cases.
  • I’ve heard a rumour, from what I consider a reputable source, Elinchrom are working on a HS trigger for Fuji but they don’t know when it will be released. Fuji confirmed they are indeed talking to Elinchrom about this, but that was all he could say, understandably.

GFX First Impressions at stephenscharf

  • extremely well thought-through
  • surprisingly light, but it is also very well made and robust-feeling
  • I found the AF to be surprisingly fast, at least as fast as a Fujifllm X-T1.
  • The aperture rings have just the right amount of stiffness in rotation, and manual focus and zoom rings feel very nice, smooth but with just the right amount of resistance that allows you to precisely set the adjustment exactly where you want to.
  • it is a real workhorse and a serious “photographic tool”

CP+ Report by the Japanese site dc.watch (translation)

Fujifilm GF Lenses “Superlative” Sharpness Results :: It Feels Like You Can Step Into Each Image :: Clearly the New ‘State Of the Art’ for Fashion

Le Monde De La Photo
(superlative sharpness)

The French site Le Monde De La Photo published its first report about the Fujifilm GFX.

It’s just an early first look, but for those interested in “independent” reviews, this is one of those.

They also published a nice graph (see image above), where they list the sharpness of the various GF lenses. Most of the time they perform “superlative” (dark blue) to “excellent” at any aperture, focal length, from the center to the corner. Only the zoom lens, the GF 32-64, is only “good” (green) at 46mm and F4 in the corner.

It seems Fujifilm is about to release on the market some really amazing lenses… again :-)

Here some excerpts (google translated:

LENS PERFORMANCE: The dive was calculated on the basis of standard style Jpeg, as Raw conversion software was not yet available. Overall the sharpness is always of high level, from very good to superlative according to the focal length and the openings. Only the corner area is sharply recessed at the focal length of 46 mm on the zoom, in all cases the dive is superlative over the field at medium apertures. The vignetting is never annoying and the chromatic aberration almost invisible, the only small defect noted is a cushion distortion (-0.15%) a little strong on the 120 mm macro that can be used to make reproductions of Works of art or documents, a little post-processing will be required.

AUTOFOCUS: the contrast detection autofocus is very precise but not always ultra reactive, and the continuous shooting at 3 frames second is not really targeted sport but sufficient to capture Changes of attitude of a model in portraiture.

ISO: On our “Nesie” basic test with a maximum sensitivity of 12,800 Iso, there is little degradation of the structure of the image, with the rise of a very light grain observable at 100% screen but quasi- Invisible on a glossy A1 paper print. The contours will nevertheless be a little less sharp than at 6 400 Iso, a grade that does not present more granulation than an average film format 100 Iso

Read it all and see the samples at lemondedelaphoto (translation)

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Karen Hutton
(it feels like you can step into each image)

image courtesy: Karen Hutton
Fujifilm GFX, GX32-64mmF4 R LM WR. ISO 1000, f/32, 30 sec. Really Right Stuff TQC-14 and BH-40 ballhead

Karen Hutton tested the GFX for a couple of days under tough conditions… and she shared some really amazing images.

The dimensionality, the depth of field, that “certain something” that makes you feel like you can step into each image… all of that sang from each photo, straight out of camera! What kind of wizardry WAS this??

The GFX just gives everything an epic sort of feel

Read all the article “YES! Worth The 35 Year Wait” and see the amazing samples at karenhutton.

Markus Klinko & Koala
(clearly the new ‘state of the art’ for fashion)

FR-readers will know Markus Klinko quite well. He is the photographer behind the amazing David Bowie exhibition and I shared his work several times on FujiRumors and the exhibition is still on world tour. You can discover more about the David Bowie exhibition and Markus’ work at markusandkoala.

Markus is also currently testing the GFX, along with his photo partner Koala, and he send me the link to this video he made on assignment with the GFX. Markus is impressed by the GFX, as you can read below from the email he wrote me. And he also allowed me to share some samples you can download

I would say that for me, the GFX is clearly the new ‘state of the art’ camera system (for high-end advertising, fashion and celebrity portraiture type work). I would go as far as saying it is the best camera ever built, and I would expect it to become a ‘game changer’ in the industry. Here are some samples from the RealRyder campaign that you are welcome to share. DOWNLOAD HERE

And don’t forget to check out his work with David Bowie (that gets an amazing feedback from the press). All portraits shot on Provia film, as I already told you a year ago here.

Feel free to join the 7,500+ members strong GFX facebook group.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm GFX: The Good and the Bad in Bryan’s First Impressions ** 3D Printed Tilt-Shift Adapter ** and More!

GFX Facebook Member Bryan wrote a very nice first impressions review about the GFX (prototype). Since the first look is visible only to people, who are members of the group, I will share the whole text here on FujiRumors. But you can find this and a lot more at the GFX facebook group. I really can’t keep up with all the news and hands on shared over there… so you better check out by yourself ;)

At the bottom of this post you will find a few more GFX links to Fuji Guys videos.


Got to mess with the GFX a bit today. Some notes:

— It’s super light. Lighter than an FF DSLR. A bit bigger than I expected, but still very small. The vertical grip is great, and unlike other cameras, and because the battery door is on the side of the camera, there are contacts right on the bottom of the camera, so you don’t have to remove battery doors when adding the grip. You can quickly and easily just add or remove it whenever you want.

— The lenses are large, but also impossibly light, too. I don’t know what kind of sorcery this is. Even the zoom and the 120 macro were way lighter than I expected them to be.

— Because of the above, it kind of feels like a toy, which was a bit of disappointment. Sans grip and with the 63 f/2.8, it’d be a good (albeit expensive) “walkaround camera” with an amazing sensor because of its size and light weight, provided you can deal with the slow, deliberate, method of MF shooting.

— The Contrast-Detect Focusing is faster than I expected it to be, but it does hunt quite a bit, racking focus back and forth two or three times before it acquires focus – even in a relatively well-lit indoor space (like a camera shop). When it does lock on, using the smallest focusing area, focus is accurate and the results are sharp [ADMIN NOTE: keep in mind the firmware is not yet final]. The joystick is awesome to quickly navigate the 425 focus points.

— Viewfinder blackout seemed incredibly long. It got a little annoying. VF does not blackout during continuous shooting. [ADMIN NOTE: I wonder if High Performance mode was on and if that, along with a newer firmware, can shortn the black out time a bit] [ADMIN NOTE 2: Here are 2 videos, where you see the black out – video 1 / video 2 @ 1:33 ]

— Coming from using and owning a few Fujis, I was able to pick it up and manipulate everything without really having to wonder “how” to do something.

— Both screens are awesome. The e-ink display for the top of the camera is awesome and easy to read. The tilt-screen is the same as the XT2, so it can tilt to the right as well, Kind of cool to be able to use it as a pseudo waist-level finder. Touch screen works well for selecting focus points, as well as swiping through and pinch/tap to zoom in.

— I still don’t really like EVFs. It’s good on this camera, but not any noticeably better than my XPro2 or an XT2 (I still use the OVF on my Xpro, mostly). The EVF seemed to be laggy, but it was a “pre production” model.

— It’s comfortable-ish. I wish the grip was deeper to get a better grip on the camera.

— It’s well balanced – with the 63mm f/2.8 only. Put the 32-64 f/4 on it or the 120 f/4 macro, and it becomes fairly front-heavy. This is sort of alleviated a bit with the grip in place.

— I didn’t get to take any photos home on my own card, but going off of the rear screen during review, it’s really clean through ISO1600, and 3200 is usable.

— I was teetering (if I did buy one) between the 63 and the 32-64 zoom – The 63 is very sharp, and super light. I think the body (without grip), and a 63 would be the the best combo available at launch. I think the 45/63/110 would be the direction I’d go, if I decide to get one later on.

— Overall, I was hoping it’d sell me completely on the GFX, but I’m not quite there yet. The 1/125 X-sync is still something that concerns me, as well as the (lack of) weight and my lukewarm feelings about about EVFs.

UPDATE: Check out Brian’s First look also at thebroketographers

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro


Andy’s 3D printed tilt shift Adapter… it works! See the samples at the GFX group

Fujinon GF63mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro