Skin Tones – Fuji 56/1.2 vs Sony 85mm GM, Canon 85/1.2 L, Zeiss Batis 85, & Panasonic Leica 42.5/1.2

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By Rick Birt of Romeo Bravo Photo

Like most serious photographers, I mostly shoot RAW.  However, both my wife and I have clients that just want jpgs straight out of the camera.  This wasn’t a problem with my wife’s old Canon 1Ds mkII that I first started with, but it was with my Sony a7R II.  The out-of-camera (OOC) jpg files produce less than desirable skin tones. I know about the glorious Fuji colors, and I use Fuji simulations in some of my post-processing.  After reading numerous glowing reports about Fuji OOC jpg colors, I decided to rent a Fujifilm X-Pro2 with a 56/1.2.  I’ve also read great things about Olympus jpg colors so I added an Olympus Pen-F with a Panasonic Leica Nocticron 42.5/1.2.

I wanted to judge skin tones in both OOC jps, and after processing RAW files in Lightroom (my version of Capture One doesn’t recognize the new Fuji RAW).

So, I grabbed my wife, and fellow photographer, Kelly Williams and we shot all Saturday afternoon.

So lets look at the OOC jpgs…

Fuji X-Pro2 with Fujifilm 56mm f1.2:

OOC Fuji Provia
OOC Fuji Provia

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Instax Share SP-2 First Look… a matter for the Fuji Guys Boss Billy! (VIDEO) – Direct Printing via X-camera Possible (of course)


14 minutes of Fuji guy Video for the Instax SP-2 Printer. That’s a longer video than the one Billy made for the X70.

It’s known that the real money maker in Fujifilm’s imaging division is the Instax-Universe, so not a suprise that Instax Product first looks are often a matter for the boss amongst the Fuji Guys… who takes all the time he needs to guide you through the features of this fun little printer.

Oh, and since I saw some people confused about it… of course you can send images directly from your X-series camera to the printer :-)

Enjoy the Video on youtube

Capture One: the Worst Option for Fujfilm X cameras? :: Fuji photo on NYTIMES Instagram & More (miXed zone)


Fuji photo on NYTIMES instagram

Full List of Today’s Gold Box Deals: AmazonUS, BHphoto, AmazonDE, AmazonUK

Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro


Where the Ground Meets the Sky at rileyjoseph

6 months with the X-Pro 2 at morethanwords / Fujifilm X-Pro 2 first impressions! at larsauthen / X-Pro2 Long Term Impressions at billfortney / Dubfire at the Belgrade Fortress at flemmingbojensen + Red Bull Music Academy @ Distortion 2016 at flemmingbojensen / A rainy day in the park with the Fuji X-Pro2 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Rugby met de Fujifilm X-Pro2 at edwingoed / belwo Zero at bokeh-monster / The Lofoten Islands, A Road Trip at stevefullerphoto / Fuji X-Pro2 book at friedmanarchives / Review at digital-photography-school / 5 things I wish I’d known about the Fuji X-Pro2 before I bought it at takebetterphotos / Fujifilm X-Pro2 Mirrorless Camera Review at shutterbug / X-Pro2 Test at australianphotography / Review at sleeklens / X-Pro 2 Diary: Some of My Favourite Shots So Far at thomasfitzgeraldphotography / Going Into The Curve at olafphotoblog / Snap Photography Festival & Extreme Low Light Craziness at / X-Pro2… a brief evaluation at billgekas / Fuji Xpro2 – four month’s on at thefxworks / The Fujifilm X-Pro2: The Optical Viewfinder Documentary Hybrid Camera for the Rest of Us? at creativityinnovationsuccess / Fuji X-Pro2 – More Beauty, less Beast in German at peterpoete (translation) /

Other X-series cameras

X-T1 field test at eccentric99 /

X100/S/T + X70

Fuji X70 Review in Spanish at fuji-xperience (translation) / Fujifilm X100T at rousette / Fujifilm WCL-X70 samples at dpreview / My morning coffee routine: Rancilio Silvia v3 (video taken with X100T) at Ian Mackie – Architectural Photography youtube / Blog Post – for images check out ianjmackie / What is so great about the Fujifilm x100T? at photoventureboy / Without this little guy, I would have quit shooting for good – Fujifilm X100T at medium /


X-mount lenses

Fujifilm XF100-400mm at leighmiller / 90mm Review at fstoppers / 100-400 at findingrange + 1.4 TC review at findingrange/ 100-400 review at lenstip / Review: Samyang 8mm Fish Eye Lens Test at macleancomms / Covering an international rugby match with just a kit-lens (18-55) at fujix-pectations / Fuji 35mm WR – First Time Out at ipcloud / 50-140 Review at philippowell / Fujifilm 56mm vs Samyang 50mm at mirrorlessons / XF16mmF1.4 quick review at mattmccordphotography /

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

My Reasons to Switch to Capture One at captureoneblog… However, Rico tells you here why Capture One is currently the worst option for X-shooters (fuji-x-forum)… and there are more X-shooter frustrated with Capture One. Read more here

Speed up Lightroom with Fuji Files (RAW Editing) at / Capture One 9.2 New Features Overview at captureoneblog / SILKYPIX Developer Studio 7.1.6 Now Available, Supports Fujifilm X-Pro2 Compressed RAW and More at silkypix /

Travel X / Switch (or not) to the X / Fuji X for Weddings

My full switch to Fuji-X: resolution of a gear dilemma, and the X-Pro2 two month user report at eyesuncloudedphoto / Scotland with Fuji – Beautiful Glen Coe at miksmedia / A Month of Travel Photography in Myanmar With Fuji X at fstoppers / Hoi An, Vietnam at thomasdlh /

Free eBook – Rocky Nook’s Guide to Travel for Photographers at Rocky Nook.

Acessories / Flash / Bags

HOOD HOOD Hurray! at ivanjoshualoh

Flash and the Fujifilm X-system: dramatic lighting in India at morethanwords /

a bit of everything

What’s in My Bag Now (and Why) – Fujifilm Mirrorlesss Landscape and Travel Photography Kit at roycruz

Visiting the Dingle Peninsula at lensedbyoliver / The World’s First ‘Fully’ Digital Camera was Created by Fuji at petapixel / New Zealand landscape photographer of the year is X-shooter Thomas Busby. See his work at tb-photography /

David Bowie Unseen” Exhibition (taken with Fuji Cameras) in Tokyo from 8 to 20 of July – Details here

the exhibit has also be extended in Paris troughout July 31 at gallery ArtCube


The Stray Cats of Porto

Beautiful Stray

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

_ _ _

guest post by Adam – website

A very great many ‘togs seem to protest at the idea of cat photos…

When the Fujifilm X-Pro2 finally landed, the internet wags quipped that the Fujifilm X-Pro1 was now only good for “cat shots and infrared conversion”

:) I did have to laugh

The thing is…

I love cats!

I realise that some find them aloof, greedy and self centred. But animals didn’t ask to be domesticated, they didn’t sign up to some mutually exclusive deal, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Animals exist in our domesticated world because we have use for them, or because we tolerate them.

But many large urban areas have stray animals, perhaps once a pet, perhaps the offspring of a pet. Strays are NOT a Porto problem, they’re not a London problem or a Rome problem or a anywhere problem, they’re a humanistic problem.

Strays say something about our own species; and it’s not nice. Animals stuck in a neither world of not being part of human existence nor being free of it. They exist in this space because of the human world and despite the human world.

When we take a pet, we create a dependant. When we break that bond, we create a shadow.

These are not cutesy kitties, they could be… they have the capacity, but these are street creatures, discarded and dirty. Left to eek out an existence on whatever they can get.

I love cats.

And when I look into the eyes of these strays I see the struggle they’ve endured and their defiance in never giving up. This isn’t some sort of aloof detachment. This is the primordial square root of survival. Even the little indoors only kitty curled up on your bed has this ability.

These cats are not pets… To me, they’re as valid street subjects as anything else in the genre, after all, if we say that ‘street’ is the documentary of the humanistic world, then what tells our story more than the problems we create and the things we discard?

All these shot are taken with the X-Pro1 and X-T1.

Both bodies soon only to be suitable for infrared conversion, and cat shots. Perhaps even infrared cat shots :)

I realise that you may not enjoy cat shots… But hopefully you’ve seen a different side of the kitty, one which is perhaps a bit more engaging than a pampered fat cat chasing a toy or lapping up some milk…

If it’s of interest, you can see more of my work on the links below.

Warm regards

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Click for the Largest Fujifilm X-Pro1 Opinion Article on the Internet

A Calm Moment on a Stray Day

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Fuji X-Pro2: “First Comes The Feel, then the Specs… but that ISO-dial !” – Riflessifotografici Review & More

image courtesy: Riflessifotografici

I know, there is a lot of buzz around the imminent X-T2 launch… a buzz that is almost eclipsing the fact that just about 3 months ago, a camera called Fujifilm X-Pro2 hit the market.

So let’s get back to it, and honour the amazing X-Pro2 with a dedicated roundup.

1) Let’s start with a refreshing review at riflessifotografici here (English VersionItalian Version). But be aware: don’t expect the usual pixel peeping, 100% magnification, and too much tech talk. This review focusses more on the “philosophy” and “feel” of the X-Pro2 rather than just on the mere specs. A review, with more emphasis on the optical viewfinder experience rather than on the EVF refresh rate. And… a review without images of walls or bookshelves ;) . Make sure to check out “Fujifilm X-Pro2… Back to the Futurehere at riflessifotografici.

2) Also located in Italy, the “Postcards From Rome – Photographing the Ponte Fabricio” by karenhutton. It’s a short video, where Karen shows you how she captured the Ponte Fabricio at sunset in Rome.

3) To see how the X-Pro2 (with 56mmF1.2) performed in Low Light at a Concert, check out “Live At Last – A new Fuji X-perience!” at littlebigtravelingcamera. Spoiler Alert: “The combo performed flawless

4)If you are considering the X-Pro2 just do it. Every once in a while a new digital camera comes along that sets a new benchmark and in my opinion this is one such camera“. Why? Just check out “Lily, in the studio, with the Fuji X-Pro2” at lloyd-roach

5) Fuji X-Pro2 – The difficult attempt of a first approach – Part 1 in German at peterpoete (translation) – Part 2 in German at peterpoete (translation)

6) Yep, I know, many of us don’t buy Fuji for shooting video. However, it’s good to hear that the X-Pro2 made some nice step forwards also in this compartment. Read “X-Pro 2 Diary: Some thoughts on Shooting Video” at thomasfitzgeraldphotography

7) X-Pro2 Review, substance over specs at Mirrorlessons.

Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro