What Camera Should a Beginner Buy? :: CaptureOne 9.1.2 Released :: X-Pro2 Reviews & More (miXed zone)

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Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

X-Pro2 Review Trinity at thistonybridge
Walking with the X-Pro2 for the fist time at thistonybridge / X-Pro2 is getting under my skin at thistonybridge / A jolly Good slapping thistonybridge

In the Field: Photographing Duke Riley’s ‘Fly By Night’ with the Fujifilm X-Pro2 at BHphoto / Eric Bouvet en Laponie (X-Pro2) on youtube / X-Pro2 Maximizing the image quality of Fuji’s X-Pro2 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Fuji X-Pro2 Field Test Part II at imaging-resource / X-Pro2 + 100-400 Bull Roughing Up a Rodeo Bullfighter Video at Joe Ng youtube / French X-Pro2 review at jd-photos (translation) / Streets of Budapest with the X-Pro2 at gaborimages / The Three Worst Things and the Three Best Things about the Fuji X-Pro 2 at jlwilliams / The monochrome battle! – Fuji X-Pro2 vs. Olympus Pen F vs. Panasonic GX85 at mirrorlessons / A Quick and Dirty Fuji X-Pro2 Review at zanderwhite / Fuji X-Pro2 and X100T: Toy lens comparisons at macfilos / Six Months with the X-Pro2 at macleancomms / Long Term Impressions at billfortney / Going over to the dark side with the Fuji X-Pro2 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Start to an Olympic Summer at tskrljphoto / Riding In The Rain at littlebigtravelingcamera / Fuji X-Pro2 real-world hands on review at Maarten Heilbron youtube / Fujifilm X-Pro 2 Field Test: Costa Rica at photographyconcentrate / Review & testing of Fuji X-Pro2 at Zed ProMedia youtube / Nightskies with the Fuji X-Pro2 at floriansphotographs /

Other X-series cameras

Meet Winston. The most unusual thing I ever photographed: Product photography with the Fuji X-T1 at tomleuntjensphotography / X-T1: London Underground at briansolomon / Underwater Test Shots with the X-T1 at macleancomms /

X100/S/T + X70

Going Wider with the Fujifilm X100T and WCL-X70 at brettsimison / Remote Control Street Photography with the Fuji X100T at strongfoto / X70 Review at anthonythurston / X-T1: Rural street photos, rapeseed fields and stormy skies at marccooper / Berlin in leisure time… at wolfgangmayrhofer / X100T Review at tigzrice / Fuji X100T: A Wedding Photographers Review at particlenews /


X-mount lenses

Night Photos With The Fuji XF 100-400 at findingrange / Photographing Some Boats With The Fuji XF 100-400mm at findingrange / 100-400 Review at lenstip / The New Fujinon 2x Converter at macleancomms / The Fuji XF 2X TC at fujixphotoworkshops / Review: A day at the zoo with the Fujinon XF100-400mm super telephoto lens at photoxels / Fujifilm XF 35mm F2 R WR Review at fujix-pectations / Lens Review: Fujifilm FX 18-55mm F2.8-4 Zoom Lens – Not your average kit lens at fujix-pectations / 27mm review at johncaz / Which Fuji Normal Prime NSFW at ipcloud / A wider angle with the Fujinon XF16 at tomleuntjensphotography / 100-400 review at amateurphotographer / Fuji 35 f2 v. 18-55 at ipcloud /

other lenses / Adapter / Extension Tubes

XF 56mm & XF 90mm with Fujifilm MCEX-11/-16 Extension Tubes at markusrack / Ohh… The Helios! at rasve /

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Capture1 9.1.2 released here… nothing Fujifilm specific / Fuji compressed raw support for the Fuji X-Pro2 in AccuRaw and PhotoRaw at chromasoft / Aurora HDR Update Brings X-Pro2 RAW Support & Performance Improvements at photohangout / Fuji X-E1 + Iridient Developer + Lightroom + QuickLux2 at thomasfitzgeraldphotography / X-Pro 2 Diary: Part 3 – The Current State of Raw Converters at thomasfitzgeraldphotography /

Travel X / Switch (or not) to the X / Fuji X for Weddings

The Sunrise Country with Fujifilm at sebastianboatca / Is the Fujifilm X-T1 Ready for Weddings? at cameraninjablog / Heading to Europe – What’s in my Bag? at misha.gallery / Bali High’s at thesoftsaddle / Wild Mustang at thesoftsaddle / Fuji cameras – 20+ weddings in… at gwls.photium / Fuji x100T, A Wedding Photographers Review at geneoh /

Acessories / Flash / Bags

Fuji X-T1 & Bowens Streamlite 530 Portraits at derekclarkphotography /

a bit of everything


What camera should a beginner buy? at thedigitaltrekker

Night Photography – 12 Essential Techniques at sebastianboatca / Fujifilm X Cameras: Understanding the ‘ISOless’ Sensor at adambonn / Win A Think Tank Photo Mirrorless Mover 25 (Contest ends June 5) at cameraswithoutmirrors / Tutorial: Bath shot by Damien Lovegrove at Fujifilm youtube / Fuji X Passion Magazine at fujixpassion / Weekend Stock Trip to New York City at xshooters /

Fuji X-T1 The best cowboy camera? – (Guest Post by Mike Anfield)

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

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Guest Post by Mike Anfield – facebook.com/cowboyphotos / www.cowboyphotos.ca

On our community Facebook photography page new photographers are often asking the question, “What camera should I buy?” A deluge of replies usually follows extolling why Canon is better than Nikon or vice versus. Rarely does anyone ever ask , “what type of photography do you intend on doing?”

I think one would be hard pressed to buy a bad camera these days but clearly different makes or models are better suited for certain applications. I have been a Canon shooter for many years, primarily because when I started buying digital cameras their system was the best for bird and wildlife photography. I’m not sure they hold that advantage anymore but after you are heavily invested in lenses there seems little incentive to change.

A new photographic journey led me to having a pretty unique set of requirements for a camera. My family and I had moved from Vancouver to Kamloops in the interior of British Columbia Canada. This is an area of expansive grasslands most of the grasslands used for cattle ranching. Somewhat to my surprise I discovered that much of the work was still performed by cowboys on horseback. A chance encounter led to the taking of some photos of working cowboys; I was hooked and started getting to know some of the ranchers and photographing the cowboys as often as I could.

I was getting some good photos but I was pretty limited as to the activities and locations I could access. The only solution was to ride with the cowboys. It was a long progression taking a number of years but I now try to take most of my shots from horseback while working alongside the real cowboys.

This brings us back to our topic, is the Fuji XT-1 the best cowboy camera. One of the photo related businesses my wife and I operate includes camera and lens rentals so I had no shortage of options available to me. Nothing in our inventory was really working me while on horseback. I started researching the alternatives and, as size and weight was a major consideration, looking for the first time at mirrorless cameras. My requirements were:

  • Image Quality – this is not a get rich quick scheme by any stretch but I do sell images and prints so I could not sacrifice image quality for some of my other requirements.
  • Size and Weight – I am getting a little long in the tooth but still capable of carrying a full size body around, it is what happens to a larger camera when you are riding that is the problem. Sometimes we have to ride pretty hard in rough country; the bigger cameras were getting thrown around and smashing against the saddle at times.
  • Dust and Weather Resistant – We occasionally get rained or snowed on here but this is a pretty dry climate, moisture is not a huge concern, dust is!
  • Durability – I have been tossed off a horse (more than once) wearing my camera, roped a calf wearing the camera and generally treated it like no piece of photographic gear should ever be treated.

I’m not sure Fuji is going to find a huge market here but I have found the XT-1 to be just about the perfect cowboy camera. It has met all my requirements and continues (touch wood) to produce great images, even after all the abuse. In addition to all the banging and crashing I have been shooting in the branding and sorting pens where I have ended up with 6 or 7 millimeters of dust on my camera.

The image quality has really surprised me to the point that I use it, almost exclusively, for all my other photography. The exception being bird photography but I am excited about trying out the 100-400 as my 400 2.8 is really heavy and I have never come up with a suitable response to the inevitable, “boy that is a big lens!”

One of the other big plusses for me was the 18-135 lens. Carrying extra lenses and changing lenses just isn’t a viable option while working cattle on horseback. The 18-135 covers most of the focal lengths I require, performs extremely well and is a WR lens. It is a little slow for some of our, before sunrise starts, but I wouldn’t want the extra weight and size of a faster lens of this range.

My kit when riding includes the XT-1 with 18-135 and that is it. I seem to get just enough battery life to last most rides. The camera resides in a small binocular case strapped to my chest. The bag has a magnetic closure at the top and safety straps that attach to the camera. It just fits the XT-1 ,18-135 combo with the lens shade on.

There are a few small issues; the well documented flimsy card door is annoying and the diopter adjustment does not stay where I set it but overall I have been very pleased with the performance and the results I have been getting.

More of my work can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/cowboyphotos/ or www.cowboyphotos.ca

Wall Street Journal :: Instax World Reviewed :: These are The Best Instax Products you Can Buy !


The Instax Mini 90: the Wall Street Journal’s Favorite Instax Camera

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The Wall Street Journal is apparently very interested in the Rise of the Instax World. They already wrote an article and shared some numbers here.

This time they reviewed several Instax Products, including 4 Fujifilm Instax Cameras.

The winner is the Instax Mini 90, but the WSJ missed to test Fuji’s latest addition, the Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 (with Selfie Mirror).

They also tested the Smartphone Printers. They compared the Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1 printer Vs. Polaroid Zip printer. In this case, Polaroid wins over Fujifilm, due to the better print quality. So it’s good to know that Fujifilm will soon release the Instax Share SP-2 printer :-) .

Read more at The Wall Street Journal

Fuji is the Leica of the New Millenium :: Mirrorless Telephoto Comparison :: X-Pro2 + Iridient = WOW… & more (miXed zone)

RockyNook Moving Sale

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Full List of Today’s Gold Box Deals
AmazonUS, BHphoto, AmazonDE, AmazonUK

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Fujifilm X-Pro2

USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

X-Pro2 + 35mmF1.4 + ACROS: Zoe & Janosch – Photography session with a couple at museandmirror

X-Pro2 Review at lensrentals / My Experience So Far with Fujifilm X-Pro 2 & Fujinon XF100-400mm lens at joengphotography / Fujifilm X-Pro2 high ISO comparison at grittymonkey / The Fujifilm X-Pro2 is a fantastic camera, but it’s not for me at linkis / Tram Line no 2 in Belgrade at flemmingbojensen / Fujifilm X-Pro2: The next level of X Series at marclafreniere / X-Pro2 review at timstechblog youtube / Dealing with film grain simulation and the Fuji X-Pro2 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / 75 days with Xpro 2 at jorgefm / Fujifilm X-Pro2 is the Compact Camera to Beat for 2016 at gadgetreview / Field test: X-Pro2 + XF 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 – Birdwatching in Tokyo at grittymonkey / Club kyo in Singapore at flemmingbojensen / Enlightenment at littlebigtravelingcamera + Hard as a Rock at littlebigtravelingcamera / Fuji’s Classic Chrome and the X-Pro 2 at concreteshadows / Review at pictopro / A Portrait of Eduard ~ X-Pro2 & Acros Film Simulation at f16.click / X-Pro Tour, Villages of France at joelwolfson / The art out of everyday life by Gian James Maagad at theinspiredeye / Verona Photography Trip with the Fuji X-Pro2 at andrewnewson /

Other X-series cameras

X-T1: Long Toes & Broad Shoulders at ipcloud / A practical and hands-on review of the Fujifilm X-T1 and 56 at malachiajose / Fujifilm X-E2S review – Great photos but can it beat the X-T10? at expertreviews / X-T1, The Same, Different at instagram /

X100/S/T + X70

X70 vs X-T10 at ivanjoshualoh /X70 + X100T: Wandering the cobblestone streets of Rome with camera in hand at inmenlo / Being British with the X70 & WCL-X70 at f16.click / Fuji X70 – Alternative Review at therashootic / A fashion set with Alena testing the new Fuji X70 at alessandromichelazzi /


Mirrorless Telephoto Comparison Leica, Fuji, Nikon, Olympus at naturalexposures / Shooting wild raptors with the new Fujinon XF 100-400mm at josecarpin / Party Hard – Bittersweet Goodbyes with the Fuji 18mm at petetakespictures / The other nifty-fifty: a review of the Fujifilm XF 35mmF2 at eyesuncloudedphoto / 100-400 review at imaging-resource / XF16-55mm lens gets added to the kit at doncraigphoto /

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

WOW ! Combining X-Pro2´s X-Trans III and Iridient at hendriximages / JPEG Versus RAW Versus HDR With The Fujifilm X-T1 at thewanderinglensman / Adobe Lightroom Versus Capture One for Fuji X-Trans Sensors at fstoppers /

Travel X / Switch (or not) to the X / Fuji X for Weddings

The Fuji X-T1 in Myanmar at stockografie / Epic Iceland at palleschultz / Fuji X Wedding at gusmank / Travel Blog: San Francisco (X100T) at erictillotson / Wedding Photography Fuji Xpro2 at thefxworks / Why Did I Leave The Fuji System…. at steveashtonphotography / Wedding photography with Sony A7Rii. My Switch from Fuji X-T1 at markhaddenphotography /

Acessories / Flash / Bags

Low key portrait with one speedlight at richardsimko /

a bit of everything
– Fuji, the Leica of the New Millenium –


Nice T-shirt :-)
FujifilmNordic, Behind the frame, Episode 7 on youtube

Bill Palmer’s Passion: Fuji is the Leica of the new Millennium at macfilos / How to Clean your Sensor in Spanish at fuji-xperience (translation) / Training Your Eye at olafphotoblog / The importance of light when shooting street photography at ianmacdonaldphotography /