10 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X-Pro2 Surprised me… and Why the ACROS Film Simulation will (sadly) never go to X-T1 (& Co)

My girlfriend is now officially addicted to my Fuji X-T1… what do you think, time for me to buy the X-Pro2? ;)

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Fujifilm X-Pro2
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Note: this list is entirely based on feedback we got in reviews so far.
I’ve never seen an X-Pro2 in real life… and it seems it will take very long before I’ll ever see one

1. Amazing High ISO – ISO 6400 on a par with Full Frame Sony A7II!: The high ISO performance seems to be really really good. According to focus-numerique, there is no difference at ISO 6,400 between the APS-C X-Pro2 and the Full Frame Sony A7II. Also, go throught the Full X-Pert Corner X-Pro2 First Look and click the high ISO seriesAcros at ISO 25600.

2. Blazing fast AF in low light: At the end of January, Fujifilm release a new beta-Firmware for the X-Pro2… and I heard that this firmware turned the X-Pro2 into a AF-speed monster in Low Light. This was confirmed by lab test of lesnumerique, that show how the X-Pro2 beats any other mirroless camera (and not only mirrorless) to what belongs AF-speed in low light. It also outperforms some DSLRs (focus-numerique)! Another Review that confirms the fast AF in low light at cruz.ae: “the Fuji X-T1 post firmware 4.0 is already quite fast and reliable, but the X-Pro2 takes it to another level, specially in low ligh“.

3. Fantastic Dynamic Range: The challange for Fujifilm here was to improve, what was already so great on the current X-series cameras… and it seems they succeeded. Once again, I invite you to go through Rico’s excellent X-Pro2 First Look to know more about it. And check out also Kevin Mullins youtube video here… 5 stop shadow recovery!!!… it’s X-Trans Magic!

4. “Impressive” Video Quality: It’s not 4K, but according to videographer eoshd, the video quality is “seriously impressive“. Also dpreview is very happy with the X-Pro2 Video capability. They call it “a new era of video for Fujifilm” and say here: “The X-Pro2’s headline video specs are broadly unchanged compared to previous models but the quality has moved forwards dramatically. […] Add in the ability to apply Film Simulations to your shooting and video becomes another storytelling tool in the camera’s arsenal.” More that enough for me. However, if you look for 4K and S-Log, then the X-Pro2 is not for you.

5. Turbo Boost with X-Processor Pro: the new processor not only makes the camera super-snappy (fastest AF in low light & writing speed amongst all mirrorless cameras – src lesnumerique – quick start up time and overall responsiveness) but also improves the overall image quality. It seems to be extremely efficacious.

6. No Waxy Skin Tones at High ISO in jpeg: According to jonasraskphotography, the waxy skin tones at High ISO in jpeg’s are gone… so if I buy the X-Pro2, I’ll shoot even more in JPEG than I already do!

7. ACROS: From the samples I could see so far, I’d say that this is another Film Simulation that just looks great. Bad News: it seems it will never come to the X-T1/X-E2 & Co, since “Acros is an X-Processor Pro thing“! This actually doesn’t come surprising, since Fujifilm already officially said regarding the Classic Chrome Film Simulation, that due to the different processor (EXR1 Vs. EXR2), the CC film simulation can’t be implemented in the X-E1/X-Pro1. Same story with Acros.

8. Optical Viewfinder – now more versatile (up to 140mm): A feature that is sometimes overseen is the ability of optical magnifications. Now, with the X-Pro2, Fujfilm expanded its reach to 140mm, making the OVF more versatile (previous limit 60mm). As written in Rico’s First Look, “this means that primes like the fantastic XF90mmF2 R LM WR become even more attractive, but also zoom lenses like the XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR or the razor-sharp XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR.”

9. Reliable Battery Indicator: This was not part of the rumors… so it was definitely a welcome surprise for me. Kudos to Fuji, who was able to finally make it reliable after 5 years of hard development ;)

10. Centered tripod mount: I know, that’s a little detail for most out there, but I’m that kind of guy, who appreciates these apparently small improvements. As explained at cruz.ae: “Centering offers 2 things, (1) When doing a Panorama or even a 360 pano, a centered tripod mount lets to find the nodal point so much easier. (2) You don’t need to remove the tripod plate everytime you have to change batteries, which can really put you in sh*t mood in an instant, believe me.”

I guess that’s more or less it… for now…

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X-Pro2: “A new video era for Fuji” (dpr) :: Fuji’s SOOC Vs. Lightroom Film Simulations :: X-Pro2 IR Comparometer & more!

Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP /   AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

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MUST READ: X-Pert Corner X-Pro2 First Look

X-Pro2 & Video

After eoshd here, now also dpreview confirms: for Fujfilm, the X-Pro2 marks a huge step forward. No 4K, no S-Log, sure, but what it does, it seems to do really good. Here is what dpreview says:

Video has previously been one of the great weaknesses of Fujifilm’s X-Trans cameras but that’s all changed with the X-Pro2. We’ve shot our test scene, pounded the streets of New York and captured all the visual clichés we could, to show you what the X-Pro2 can do.

The X-Pro2’s headline video specs are broadly unchanged compared to previous models but the quality has moved forwards dramatically. It’s still not going to be the first choice for professional use but it’s now more than competitive amongst its 1080-shooting peers. Add in the ability to apply Film Simulations to your shooting and video becomes another storytelling tool in the camera’s arsenal.

Film Simulations: SOOC Vs. Lightroom 6.4

X-Processor Pro Film Simulations: SOOC vs. Lightroom 6.4 at fujixsecrets – looks like Adobe worked to match Fuji’s film simulations… now please also the promised “detail rendering and overall edge definition.”

IR Comparometer… and more

Fuji X-Pro2 First Shots: Flagship Fuji rangefinder-styled body struts highest resolution X-trans sensor. See the comparometer studio shots at imaging-resource

The X-Pro2…Finally! at neillsoden / X-Pro2 + XF100-400 @ hi-ISO at fauland-photography / Fujifilm X-Pro2 in 15 Minutes at jordanmay / ArcaSwiss L-Plate for X-Pro2 at Really Right Stuff / Long Exposure Landscapes with the X-Pro2 at macleancomms / Fujifilm X-Pro2 in 15 minutes at agentlemansword / X-Pro2: The Dream of all Photographers? This camera can do a lot, but not everything. Video at by chip.tv (translation) / Fuji X-Pro2 Review Part Two: Low light autofocus and high ISO performance at ianmacdonaldphotography / X-PRO2 : Remder My RAW ™ at petebridgwood / X-Pro2 test at the Polish site fotopolis (translation) / X-Pro2 review at whitecubestudios / I cancelled my Fuji X-Pro2 order and bought a Canon 7D Mark II at bershatsky / Thoughts: Switching from Fuji X-T1 to X-Pro2? at tavphotography / New Fuji X-Pro2 or Wait for X-T2 at ricklewisphotography /

Video: X Series 5th Anniversary Event / FUJIFILM

X-Pro2: “Impressive Progress, AF in low light outperforms some DSLR’s. ISO 12,800 is impressive!” (focus-numerique)


Fuji X-Pro2 Roundup

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Full Test at focus-numerique

Full X-Pro2 test at the French site focus-numerique (translation): [some excerpts, google translated]

AUTOFOCUS: Studio, reinforced X-Pro2 of 16-55 mm f / 2.8 is very reactive and beyond the X-T1 . The focus is always less than 0.3 s and the wide-angle, latency is 0.2 s. Excellent performance that hoist the new housing at the best hybrids.

On the ground, we confronted the X-Pro2 equipped with 16-55 mm Panasonic GX8 with the 12-40 mm f / 2.8 Olympus . In bright light, the Panasonic Hybrid dominates: the focus is almost instantaneous, but the X-Pro2 is not far. Night photo (without AF), the Fujifilm takes clear advantage. The X-Pro2 will be perfectly comfortable in all light conditions. We noted that the development time greatly depends on the optics used. Thus, the 23 mm f / 1.4 was less reactive, with a much more sensitive pumping effect.

In the darkness, he holds a candle to the best Micro 4/3 and outperforms some reflex. In bright light, the contrast detection Olympus or Panasonic is a bit more responsive. In all cases, the progress made by Fujifilm in the field are impressive.

On the subject tracking burst mode, progress is notable and in our tests, we managed to capture moving subjects with an excellent success rate.

HIGH ISO & IQ: Even at ISO 12 800, the X-Pro2 images are impressive. While the grain is visible, dynamic drop, borders are increasingly blurred, but overall, the picture is easily readable and keeps the material. The texture is fine and light-colored and therefore quite pleasant.

It is interesting to compare the performance of the X-Trans III APS-C sensor of Fujifilm those of Sony A7II 24×36 sensor. Both imagers have the same resolution (24 megapixels), but the sensitive surface of the photosites is very different, the side measuring 3.9 microns at Fujifilm and Sony almost 6 microns. Yet the images are quite similar and it is not easy to separate the two housings to ISO 6400: a good performance for an APS-C case.

Faced with the X-T1 and 16MP, the X-Pro2 also fits easily comparison despite a much higher definition. Again, the performance is outstanding. Canon’s CMOS sensor in the 7D Mark II pales in comparison and it sports the Canon case is far behind in the management of electronic noise.

The magic of imaging X-Trans always work and this 3rd iteration reveals splendid, with excellent noise control up to ISO 6400 and usable images up to 12,800 ISO”

More X-Pro2 Feedback

Most of us were really excited, when we’ve read how, according to lesnumerique tests (Test 1 and Test 2), the X-Pro2 basically sees in the dark, beating all the various flagships to what belongs AF-speed in low light. FR-reader Michael had the opportunity to play shortly with the X-Pro2 (with the 35mmF1.4) and shared the video on youtube here.


X-Pro2 first impressions and ISO test at aevansphoto (includes RAW files to Download)

So, what do I think? The new sensor, OVF, dual card slots, joystick and ISO dial are nice improvements over the X-Pro 1.  I’m looking forward to trying this camera out some more and perhaps having a bit more comprehensive review later on.

ISO seems great from 100iso – 3200 and useable above depending on what you’re using it for.  Personally I’ll be keeping 6400 as my max, with 3200 and below being my safe zone.  But YMMV.

X-Pro review at cruz.ae:

AF speed. It is not an exaggeration if I say it is a thousand times faster than the X-Pro1.  The Fuji X-T1 post firmware 4.0 is already quite fast and reliable, but the X-Pro2 takes it to another level, specially in low light. […]  I’m pretty happy with the X-T1 AF speed, but the X-Pro2 just upped the game in that department.”

Samples and comments on Fuji’s improved RAW quality at the Spanish site dslrmagazine (translation).

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AutoFocus in Low Light: X-Pro2 Beats X-T1, Sony A7RII, Nikon D810, Canon 7DMKII + many more (lesnumerique)


Ok, we have seen, how lesnumerique tests show that the Fujfiilm X-Pro2 focusses faster in low light than the Olympus, Panasonic and Samsung flagships.

After I’ve published the test, there were strong cirtics basically pointing towards 3 aspects:

  • the test is not objective
  • why compare with M43?
  • We want comparisons with Sony, Canon and Nikon!

To the first critic I can just say that lesnumerique is a highly respected and extremely popular French webiste, that has proven in the past not to be afraid to say the truth. They work seriously and professionally. Honestly, if we can’t trust lesnumerique, then we should also stop to trust dpreview, admiringlight, imaging-resource, DxOmark and all the other sites, that work with passion and dedication to deliver the best reviews out there.

To the second critic, I will just say that to me Olympus and Panasonic are the benchmark to what belongs AF-speed. It’s widely known that their AF is blazing fast, faster than any other mirrorless camera (and those who own them – like me in in the past – will be able to confirm this)… and that’s the record Fuji has to break.

And now the last thing: how does the Low Light AF compare to other camera systems like the Sony A7RII, Nikon D810, Canon 7DMKII & more? FR-reader Frankie summed up several lesnumerique data and put them together in one graph: and here are the resutls.

What you can see, is that the Fujifilm X-Pro2 beats them all in low light focussing and writing speed. The Sony A7RII is the worst of the bunch.

Keep in mind though, that it also depends on which lenses they used for testing. I doubt the 35mmF1.4 will perform that good, while the 35mmF2 could perform even better. Also other brands will have variations according to lenses used.

Anyway, the improvement seems to be significant and the best part of all this? The X-Pro2 uses still a pre-production Firmware, so there is still room for improvement until its launch :-)

I know it’s hard to accept, especially for those, who are used since years to criticize the AF-speed of Fuji cameras. But we all should try to be objective here, and so far the best elements we have to judge AF-speed of the X-Pro2 is the feedback that some of the best and most respected reviewers out there give us… and lesnumerique made the start.

take it easy…

Fujifilm X-Pro2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR** / AmazonESP** /   AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-Pro2 Low Light AF-speed Monster :: Breaks the Records of Olympus, Panasonic and Samsung Flagships! (lesnumerique)


Sure, we have to wait for the final X-Pro2 Firmware to judge the real AF speed of the latest Fuji gem. But, at this point, the X-Pro2 seems to do pretty well, at least according to lesnumerique, who compared it with the AF-speed demons and flagships of Olympus (OM-D E-M1), Panasonic (GX8) and Samsung (NX1).

In Low Light situation, the AutoFocus of Fujifilm X-Pro2 (with XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR) beats them all (with non-final Firmware!!!). There is a slight advantage for the 43 cameras in good light… but who knows if the Fujfilm X-Pro2 will break also this record, once the final Firmware is out.

Also the writing speed (RAW / JPEG) is the best amongst all the cameras.

See more at at lesnumeriques (translation)

well done, Fuji, the X-Pro2 really rocks :-)

Fujifilm X-Pro2: USA: BHphoto  / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR** / AmazonESP** /   AUSTRALIA: CameraPro