Wake Up, it’s Real! Fujifilm X-Pro2 & Co Announced :: Win $1,699 by pre-ordering it with FR/BH :: LIVE BLOGGING


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Pre-order Options

Fujifilm X-Pro2: USA: BHphoto  / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP /   AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujinon XF100-400: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X70: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-E2s: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro



Live Coverage from Tokyo

Fujifilm X Live Stream – Finished

Live News from the Tokyo Headquarter at the Fuji-X-Forum

Fuji X-Pro2 (& Co) FIRST LOOKS
(Please refresh this page to see the latest updates)

Fujfilm X-Pro2: X-Pert Corner Special (coming soon) – Flickr imagesISO range from 100 to 25600/ ivanjoshualoh + Almost Purrfect / f16.click / Fujilove onetwo / dpreview onetwo / jonasraskphotography / bigheadtaco / d-pixx / maxdemartinocom / bjp-online / digitalcameraworld / flemmingbojensen / kagecollective / resourcemagonline / laroquephoto / flixelpix / morethanwords OneTwoThree / bjornmoerman OneTwomariusmasalar / photographyblog Samples / ephotozine / prophotonut Samples / pocket-lint / nathanelson / ivanjoshualoh / mikemander /
Fujinon XF100-400: ivanjoshualohmikemander / billfortney / fujixphotoworkshops /
Fujifilm X70: ivanjoshualoh / jonasraskphotography / bigheadtaco Video / bigheadtaco / digitalcameraworld / inethonduras /
Fujifilm X-E2s: Massimilano Angeloni Video / An interview with Chris Upton Video /
Fuji Flash EF-X500: ephotozine / dc.watch /

Fujfilm X-Pro2 VIDEOS: Park Cameras Unboxing: Fujifilm X-Pro2Parkcameras 60 seconds / bigheadtaco Video / Nathan Elson Fashion Shoot / maxdemartino / Martin Wagner / Interview with Takashi Ueno at amateurphotographer / Fujifilm Australia OneTwo /

Fuji Guys



Fujifilm X-Pro2: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples / Offical Full Size Samples /
Fujinon XF100-400: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples /
Fujfilm X70: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples /
Fujifilm X-E2s: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples /
Fuji Flash EF-X500: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples /

NEW X-E2 FIRMWARE + New Camera Remote

Fuji X-E2 Firmware ver.4.00: Press Release – coming Feb 4 also with Electronic Shutter!!! This Is Kaizen!!!!
Camera Remote: Click here


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

miXed zone: Unknown X-series Camera Leaked :-) :: “Dear Santa, what happened to the X-Pro2” :: X-T1 on Assignement in Iraq & More

Unknown X-series Leaked

Unknown X-Series Camera leaked (X-T50?) – more at ivanjoshualoh
And interesting feature of this camera is unveiled by the little photographer at Instagram here it doesn’t run on battery, instead on electricity.”


Dear Santa, What the hell happened to the Fuji X-Pro2?” at olafphotoblog

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: AmazonDE / PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /

Lens Preview: Fujifilm XF 35mmF2 R WR at mikepadua / French Review at patricemichellon (translation) / Fuji XF 35mm F2 R WR Lens Review at findingrange /

XF90mmF2 WR

Street Photography With The Fujifilm 90mm f2 at 35mmstreet / 90mm review at danbaileyphoto /


The Stunning X-T10 at matthewhartphotography /

Fujifilm X-T1

Seychelles Trip at whitecubestudios / Moving clouds New York and the Fuji X-T1 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Silver and Gold at littlebigtravelingcamera /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

X100S: Hauser and Wirth long exposure and Radic pavillion at marccooper.photography / Fuji X100T meets Portland Bill at stuartburrillphotography /

other X-series cameras

DPReview Gear of the Year part 2: Carey’s choice – Fujifilm X-A2 at dpreview /


X-mount lenses

Prime lenses for street photography at sebastianboatca / Hanging Rock & The Fujinon XF16 & Fujifilm X-T10 at caveiraphotography /14mm: Rocketman at littlebigtravelingcamera / 50-140 review at slrgear / NSFW: Fuji X System, My Most Used Lenses at ipcloud / Fujinon lenses in Girona at the Spanish site dslrmagazine (translation) /


Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 R WR Lens Hood Alternative at tavphotography /

X-shooter Andy Bush on photographic assignement for the SUN NEWSPAPER in Iraq

The age old dilemma of what to take at andybushphotography / Sinjar, A City Under Siege at andybushphotography / Telskuf….sacked by isis at andybushphotography

Travel X / Switch to the X / Fuji X for Weddings

Mongolia: A nomad for 7 days at richardsimko / Wedding in Versailles at vopoku /Fuji Musings – First Experiences and Plans “I never owned a DSLR” at dan-scape /

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Making a Small picture into a Big picture – Adobe Photoshop CC at leighmiller / Adobe Camera Raw 9.3.1 now available here /

a bit of everything

Eric Bouvet and Cyril Abad – French Reportage: Talent Nomade 2015, “Regards Doubles”, découvrez le documentaire ! – More at fujifilm-experience.fr

A Summary of 2015 and our Favourite Images of the Year at olafphotoblog / Review: Fuji Pro Rental Service + Q&A with Fujifilm at robzeiglerphoto/ The responsibility and privilege to testify: An interview with photojournalist Antonio Faccilongo at mirrorlessons /

Free eBook, featuring a year with the Fuji X100 series camera, at thephotofrontier

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miXed zone: XF90mm Review at Riflessifotografici :: From Nikon to Fuji :: How to make Great Music Images & more!

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USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: AmazonDE / PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /

By FR-reader Tomas:

I made a few sample images, shot mostly wide open or stopped down to 2.8 showing bokeh, sharpness and edge performance. https://flic.kr/s/aHskmPmif6. The photos has been shot in raw and I did not do any editing except improting to lightroom and publishing to flickr.

The sharpness is great at 2.0 and awesome at 2.8, no need to stop it down more. This applies across the picture. Bokeh is good, great for street photography, good enough for portraits. One thing that ppl tend to forget is that this lens minimum focus distance is only 35mm so you can get very close and that way manipulate the DOF to compensate the max aperture which is just f2.0.

The lens price is a steal for what it is.
The size and weight? Barely noticeable, feels like a little bird that you can hide in your hands.

The standard lens hood is this time plastic, which I didn’t like at the beginning and was searching for a metal replacement. But it’s really minimalistic, keeping the profile of the lens as small as possible and not obscuring the OVF on my XPRO1. So although it’s plastic I’ll probably keep it.

Images at https://flic.kr/s/aHskmPmif6

Up Close & Personal with the Fuji XF35mm F2 at f16.click / Shooting with the 50mm Focal Length at mattmccordphotography /

1.4x Teleconverter
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: PCHstore / AmazonITA /

XF1.4X Teleconverter: Second Look – Camel Racetrack Dubai at bjornmoerman / Thoughts and shots at losingit /

XF90mmF2 WR

XF90mmF2 review at riflessifotografici
“till today I am still astonished at how Fujinon is able to make all these high quality lenses.”

Natural light portraits Fujifilm X-T1 and Fujinon XF 90mm f2 at Ilko Allexandroff youtube /

X-T10 (vs. X-T1)

45 minutes with the Fuji X-T10 at addicted2light / Fuji X-T1 VS. X-T10 the nagging & ‘deep down’ differences at Theoria Apophasis youtube /

Fujifilm X-T1

NASCAR Championship Weekend at Homestead Miami Speedway at alexsopchak / Abu Dhabi at bokeh-monster /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

Catching life’s details with the Fuji X100S at ojodepiedra / Tha Kha Floating Market: environmental portraits at jakubpuchalski / Mdina Malta with the Fuji X100S at scottliddell / Hands on the X100T at photographystatistics / Fuji X100T – Reconnecting the past at haoyuanren

other X-series cameras

X-E2 Vs. A6000 in Polish at kartkazpodrozy (translation) / X-Pro1? A good call at dearsusan / X-E1: Mississippi River Basin Model – continuing decay (RAW files processed in Photo Ninja) at worldofdecay / 23 days in Europe: Adventure and Travel Photography with Fujifilm X-E2 and GOPRO By Danielle at dragplus /


X-mount lenses

The Fuji X Daily Carry Part II: 2 or more Lenses at eyebeamimages /

Travel X / Switch to the X / Fuji X for Weddings

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From Nikon to Fuji: The switch of FXF member Vedox

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

1-2-3 HDR: Adobe Lightroom CC at leighmiller / Fuji X series JPEG files at nigelrumsey / Fuji X-Trans Raw Conversions–Which is best Lightroom or Capture One at paulcaldwellphotography /

Acessories / Flash / Bags

Strobist video: Dancer Stroboscopic shoot using Fujifilm X-T1 at Ilko Allexandroff youtube / Fuji X-T1 photoshoot, with Pocket Wizard TT5,TT1 and AC3 with off camera flash at imagemakers-pg

a bit of everything

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eBook: Get in The Loop: How To Make Great Music Images: How to get started, to prepare, what to bring, what to put in the bag, contracts and 46 images analysed incl. tech details… and all with X-series gear :)

Have you sometime felt that you have nothing to shoot? at ivanjoshualoh / Industrial Landscapes – Part I at olafphotoblog / LA based celebrity photographer Ren and his X100/T cameras at haoyuanren /

Barcelona Honeymoon Adventure at vopoku

XF35mmF2 Review at admiringlight + Capture One 9 Released


XF35mmF2 Review
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: AmazonDE / PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /

Admiringhlight posted its full XF35mmF2 review. From the conclusions:

The 35mm f/2 R WR is a very good lens. It doesn’t quite measure up to Fuji’s top optics such as the 90mm f/2, 16mm f/1.4 or 14mm f/2.8, but it does a nice job balancing small size with very good performance.  It’s sharp across almost the whole frame right from f/2, has very pleasing bokeh, good chromatic aberration control, a very fast and dead silent focus motor and has the added benefit of weather sealing as well.

On the down side, the high native distortion requires digital correction that by default is actually too strong, resulting in some pincushion distortion in the JPEGs and RAWs for converters that support the correction metadata.  This leads to some loss of resolution in the corners, preventing truly tack sharp images across the entire frame.

More Reviews: Review at patricemichellon / Dutch Review at pixelmania (translation) / Real World samples at dpreview / Japanese review at dc.watch (translation) / Theoria Apophasis Impressions at youtube /

Capture One 9 Released

Capture One 9 has been released. See all new features here.


XF Lenses

XF90mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama /
XF10-24mm (save $150):
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF14mm (save $150)
: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF27mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF35mmF1.4 (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF60mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

XF16mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF18mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF23mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF56mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF16-55mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF50-140mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama /
XF18-55mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF18-135mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF55-200mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

XF 56mm APD (save $400): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X series Cameras

X-Pro1 + 23mm + 27mm (save $900): Adorama / BHphoto/ AmazonUS /

X-T1 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-T1 GS (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-T1 + 18-55 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T1 + 18-135 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline

X100T (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X-T10 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 16-50 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 18-55 + 55-200 (save $400): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 16-50 + 50-230 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama

X-E2 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-E2 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline

X30 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X-A2 body or kit (save $50): AmazonUS

miXed zone: Switch from Canon to Fuji Then Back to Canon :: Weddings with the X-series :: HS-V5 software in USA & more

Buy the X-T1 + 18-135mm WR at AmazonUS, use code “CAMERAGIFT” at checkout, and save $500 ($300 instant rebate + $200 credit). To know more about it click here (keep in mind, just the X-T1 + 18-135 is an eligible product for $200 Credit). There is much more Fuji Gear in offer (up to $900 off). Here is the whole list.

How To Get the HS-V5 Tethered Software in USA

A FR-reader was able to get a copy of the HS-V5 tethered shooting software in USA. Here is what you have to do:

Tethered Shooting Software IS available in the United States directly from Fuji USA. Call (800) 800-3854 [FujifilmUSA Customer Information Services] – Prompt #4 (Parts). There you can order Fuji’s HS-V5 Tethered Shooting Software for the Fuji X-T1. You have to wait a long time (it took me around 45 minutes). When you get through, be sure to talk to Kelley. The software price is $121.63, plus $9.95 shipping, plus tax (if you live in New Jersey). I ordered it over the phone with a credit card. Kelley told me that the HS-V5 software is available at retail in the U.S. at stores like B&H and Adorama, but they do not show it online. Another person at Fuji told me last week that the software is slated for availability by mid-December. It seems that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Fuji has great cameras and lenses, but really falls down on customer service. Too bad. BUT, I got the software!”

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: AmazonDE / PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /

FIRST LOOK: XF 35mmF2 WR at the X-Pert Corner / First Impressions at ledesmaphotography / German first impressions at marco-k.photography / Ready for anything: The XF 35mmF2 R WR at laroquephoto / Impressions and samples at yodobashi (translation) / First Impressions at mattmccordphotography / A Visit to Park Slope With The Fuji XF 35mm F2 Lens at findingrange / Test at mikemander /

1.4x Teleconverter
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: PCHstore / AmazonITA /

X-T10 (vs. X-T1)
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Review at pdnonline / Review at henrysmithscottage /

XF90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Review at slrgear /

Fujifilm X-T1

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Sinjun: “I’m getting much better results when shooting action shots with the Fuji X-T1 since installing the 4.0 Firmware update. Six year old Mack was running full speed on the roof of a house when I saw what he was doing out of the corner of my eye, but I still managed to capture a few frames at 8 fps that were all in focus including this one.

Photographing an event in a storm with the Fuji X-T1 at paulmellingphotography / Berlin: The Photographs of Samuel Zeller at thepluspaper / Iron Sand at bokeh-monster /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

Fuji X100T: How I came to eat my words at macfilos / X100 Street Photography at colinnichollsphotography / What I Miss About the Fuji X100T at joewilcox / First Impressions at mattmccordphotography / at Documenting boxers fighting with the X1ooT at fujifilmcollective / Why the X100S is the best camera I’ve ever owned at alexcoghe / Fuji X100T Project – Back to the Sea at stuartburrillphotography / Chiang Mai: streets, food markets, people and spirituality at jakubpuchalski / Las Vegas street photography with the Fuji X100T at ianmacdonaldphotography / X100T as a Portrait Camera? at fujifilmcollective / First Impressions at roger-marc /

other X-series cameras

Attempting infra red simulation with the Fuji X-E1 at garyksmithphotography / Fujifilm X-Pro1 Booty Call at billthornhill-photography / X100T & X-Pro1: The Day After the Paris Attacks… at jasonryanphotography /


X-mount lenses

56mmF1.2: Using fire for light with the brightest lens in our lab at imaging-resource / XF 10-24: The Last Days of Autumn at leighmiller / More Pancakes? Why Not! First Impression of the Fujifilm XF27 at rivalsvs / Getting by with a Fuji X-T1 and two Fuji standard zoom lenses at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Winter Imagery with the XF 50-140mm F2.8 at olafphotoblog / X-T10 + 18-55: Awareness Experimentation at ipcloud / Part 1 of 5: Must Own Fuji X lens #1, its qualities, attributes & more at Theoria Apophasis youtube / NSFW: The Lowly Fuji Kit Lens at medium /

other lenses / Adapter / Extension Tubes

$7 Macro? First Impression of the Tamron SP 90 at rivalsvs / Great Bokeh with Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG Art on Fuji X-E2 at stanleyleary /

Fuji X for Weddings / Switch (or not) to the X / Travel X

Why I Made The Switch From Canon to Fuji Then Back to Canon at rivalsvs / Weddings with the X-series at vopoku / Why I Moved to Fuji X Cameras for Engagement Work at fstoppers / Why I Chose Fujifilm X100T Mirrorless Camera With Fixed Focal Length Lens For My Travel Photography at wazariwazir /

X-Trans / Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Question For Fuji X-Trans Users at thewanderinglensman / Silkypix includes Fuji film simulation profiles at fuji-x-forum / Fuji Film Simulation Jpegs Versus Adobe Camera Raw at stonebridgephotography / Mobile X-Trans Image Sharpening at hendriximages /

Acessories / Flash / Bags

Fuji X-T1 with Canon flashes and Pocket Wizards at imagemakers-pg / Ocular Adaptor for Fujifilm X-E1 and X-E2 at Björn Sozumschein youtube /

a bit of everything

Goodbye Fujifilm at rivalsvs / Most of the pictures taken with X-gear at kaikremser blog + kaikremser instagram / The advantage of zone focusing robvisualfuji / New Orleans – contradictions and contrasts at theinspiredeye / London Bus Stories at benjamin.nwaneampeh / NSFW: Fuji X Backup Camera Conundrums at bw.ipcloud /

Lights, Mourning, People In The City, Place de la République at ianap