Firmware 4.0 is coming tomorrow (finally!), so stay tuned on FR and feel free to share your initial thoughts here on FujiRumors and on the Fuji X Forum. You can find fellow X-shooters’ feedback testing the Beta FW in this thread.
Now, Chris from TheCameraStoreTV tested the new X-T1 FW 4.0 and compared it to the old FW 1.0.
“The results are pretty amazing, we are impressed. Looking at the original version X-T1 we actually had a very low hit rate to get sharp photos [admin: in tracking mode]. But the modern Firmware 4.0… every shot was bang on, we had very few missed. We noted that it hesitated less, predicted better, follows subjects especially when they are coming right at the camera, very very impressive“
After the inital test of the new Firmware, you can listen to a very interesting “Firmware Talk” between Chris and Jordan. See it here.
In the latest video here, Fuji Guy Billy demonstrates the Top Features of X-T1 Firmware 4.0. Faster and more accurate Focus, New AF-features, Eye Detection and more.
Good News: it seems you can update the BETA FW 4 to the final FW 4 :)
This time it’s a matter for the boss: Fuji Guy Billy will show you the X-T10 TOP FEATURES (including the new AF-system) in this video – Rico’s X-T10 First Look
TRACKING TIPS For AF-tracking with CL or CH (focus between each shot), you have to use Mechanical Shutter (MS) only. It doesn’t work with MS+ES (electronic shutter) enabled
Turn Off face detection to enable PDAF
High Performance Mode ON
_ _ _
A must read in these days is definitely this FXF thread, where people from all over the world, who have installed the “Fujileaks” 4.0 FW, share their findings… which is mostly enthusiastic. Just go through it here and read by yourself.
I have FW 4.0 Beta on my X-T1, and I’m happy with the improved AF-speed (especially on slower lenses like the 35mm). It might be just a Placebo, but I feel like there is less hunting.
And what about AF-Tracking?
Sure, the new Zone AF and Wide Tracking AF are very welcome additions and definitely user-friendly features! But how well do they really work?
I have to say that I’m very happy with my own tracking tests, but personally I’ll set aside my final judgment, for 3 good reasons:
1) I have on my X-T1 some kind of BETA firmware leaked on the web. I don’t know which version it is. The final version might improve it further. 2) I’m not a PRO, and if I try to track ice-skaters, I won’t get the results a skilled photographer can get. Also, AF-Tracking is something I don’t really use normally. For the way I like to shoot, I’m mostly in AF-S or Manual Focus. So I’m not the ideal person, who can test & judge the performance of the Tracking. 3) I would like to see what you can make in different shooting conditions/subjects
That said, I can’t really complaint about the tracking. As you can see from the video I’ve shared here, the Camera has no problems to follow a subject (in this case with Zone Mode). Taking shots in CL (dropbox – my dog running) gave me a high percetage of keepers. As you can see, the AF-system lost my dog on the second shot, but locked on it again in the third shot… tracking it correctly until it run out of the frame.
Also looking at Rico’s FW4 AF Tracking test, there is hardly anything to complaint about it. Another one, who is happy with the new tracking, is FXF member Jean Mareaux (Flickr). He tested it on his dog using the 56mmF1.2 and shared this link to the downloadable images.
Initial Conclusions: :) :) :) .
As said, for the final judgment, I’ll wait the official firmware (if I can install it) and more feedback from other photographers.
Finally Online: the Fujifilm X100T review of riflessifotografici! Here an excerpt:
“I lately switched from the X-Pro1 to the X-T1 and sometimes I found myself thinking nostalgically to the “old” Hybrid viewfinder. This is not to say that the electronic viewfinder is not good, because it’s not true. The electronic viewfinder is what makes CSC cameras special since you can visualize what would be the final result before you push the shutter button. The thing is that, sometimes, photography is not necessarily rational. Sometimes instinct wins over thinking, the heart wins over the brain…sometimes you just touch a camera and it’s love at first sight…You either love it immediately or you’ll never love it. Again, this is not rational, but we all know it works like that.”
Just A Few Warm Impressions On Fujifilm X100S at sebastianboatca / Stockografie, the X100T and Marrakesh Part 2 at stockografie / Exploring San Francisco Streets with the Fujifilm X100T at sjl / Traveling with the X100s at sandbox-photos / Fuji X100T Review and New York’s High Line Park – Part I at TheCameraProject youtube / A few months down the road with the Fuji X100T at cliftonbeard /
Fujifilm X-T1
Sony A7r/s Vs. Fuji X-T1
X-T1 First Impressions + Why I Switch from the Sony A7s at devinjamesoncreative / Fuji X-T1 vs Sony A7r – A Pixel-To-Pixel Showdown at alikgriffin / Something completely different… product video shot on X-T1 at Foot Patrol youtube channel / minimal gear, natural light and VSCo presets at inmybag / 88 Pitti Uomo, Summer. Pitticolor! Fuji X-T1 with 35mm at alessandromichelazzi /
Travelling with the X Series at jurgencoll (translation) / Why I Switched from Canon to Fujifilm at andrewsgibson / Paris Travel with X-T1, 56mm and X100S at storehouse / Fujifilm X Series … I’ve finally made the switch from DSLR… at johncolson /
Jpeg / RAW / Converters
Processing X-Trans images in Lightroom at xshooters / Fuji X-Ploits; Details Are Captured Well With The X-Trans Sensor at thewanderinglensman /
Acessories / Flash / Adapter / Extension Tubes
Lens Hood For The X100T at d7100shooter & Two Piece Case For The Fuji X100T always at d7100shooter / DIY Shutter Release Cable for the X-T1 at musicphotographer / Premium handcrafted camera strap at benezeth (translation) / Review: The Jinbei HD 600 II: Portable Flash Power for my Fuji X cameras at morethanwords / Lighting demo with Fuji X at Wilkinson Cameras at prophotonut /
a bit of everything
bigheadtaco interviewed Fuji Guy Billy. See the video on his youtube channel
Follow FujiFilm blog/podcast called The X Line at thexline (iTunes) / Is the Fujifilm X enough? at jorgefm / Fuji X-Ploits; Black and White Part 3 & Part 4 for at thewanderinglensman / A Successful Evening of Astrophotography at cliftonbeard / Life with Fuji – Part 1 at miksmedia /