Fujifilm XF 50-140 / X100T SHIPPING at B&H + Tom Grill’s review “Sharp Everywhere” with high-res samples to download!

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XF 50-140 Shipping

BHphoto has received the next batch of lenses and is right now shipping them to those who placed their pre-orders… hopefully they got enough units to fulfill all pre-orders. For now the lens is marked as “IN STOCK: shipping olny”. The XF 50-140 is out of stock elsewhere in USA, or available overpriced at AmazonUS via third party seller.

XF 50-140 IN STOCK CHECK USA: BHphotoAmazonUS / Adorama / EU: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUS: CameraPro

XF 50-140 hands on review

MUST READ: Rico’s First Look at the 50-140 f/2.8!

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image courtesy: Tom Grill

1) Tom Grill just completed a full hands-on review of the 50-140mm zoom and included plenty of high res samples for downloading so that you can judge the quality by yourself. The whole article and the samples can be checked out at aboutphotography-tomgrill. Here an excerpt:

“The lens is sharp everywhere — center, corners, and all apertures. The Fijifilm MTF charts on it are really impressive, among the best results I’ve ever seen. Is it as good as the rival, full frame equivalent zooms from the big two. Easily, and maybe even better.”

2) Preview of the 50-140 at mikemander:

“So… I don’t know about you, but I’d say that lens is pretty darn sharp! In fact, I actually ended up reducing the default level of sharpening in my PhotoNinja workflow from what I normally have it set to, since this shot was simply rendered far too sharp then. Focusing was silent and very snappy and the image-stabilizer seemed extremely effective as well. The bokeh was nice as long as the background was substantially blurred as in the above shot. With only a slight blur, there is some nervousness (outlining) to high-contrast details, as can be seen in the slightly out-of-focus beard hairs in the above photo.”

USA: BHphoto  / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

BHphoto also started shipping the silver X100T again. The camera is available in black at pictureline.

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miXed zone: Confessions of a Fuji Fanboy + X100T reviews + 50-140 vs 56 vs 56 APD + New Fuji X book + more!


Confessions of Fuji Fanboy at olafphotoblog: “Unfortunately, this zoom [XF 50-140] turned out to be really, really good. Damn Fuji! Because of you I had to write another superlative review, which I agree with my forum friends, is totally over-the-top. Micro-contrast? Are you kidding me? I should have known better! What’s even more calamitous is that I dared to publish a few holiday-themed shoots of children at Christmas. How unprofessional! I totally forgot to include MTF data, vignetting info and a scientific evaluation. But the fact that I didn’t include a photo of the wall at 300% is unforgiveable.” Read more at olafphotoblog.

XF 50-140
BHphotoAmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE:WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore

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image courtesy: randallcipriano

– Comparing the XF50-140mm to the XF56mm at randallcipriano /

USA: BHphoto  / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

bigheadtaco X100T youtube review

 – Fujifilm X100T review at photoxels: “Head or heart, you can’t go wrong with the Fujifilm X100T. You will have in your hands a finely crafted camera with excellent image quality, excellent build and ergonomics, and it is an even more delightful camera to use now in its third revision.” / French X100T review at k-pture (translation) / Bigheadtaco Goes To Hong Kong with the Fujifilm X100T, the Leica T and the Ricoh GR at bigheadtaco / Fujifilm X100T laboratory First Shots posted: How do you top the X100S? at imaging-resource /

XF 56mm f/1.2 APD
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / WexDE AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

– THE REAL DIFFERENCE: XF56 vs XF56 APD vs FF at randallcipriano /

 Fujifilm X-T1 + Graphite X-T1
[shopcountry 21553]
Graphite Silver

– Graphite Silver: My X-T1 review part 2b at jonasraskphotography / Fuji X-T1 graphite silver: electronic shutter distortion at wimarys / A Fuji Guys unbox the graphite silver X-T1 on youtube here /

Classic Black

David Alan Harvey, Magnum photographer and aslo National Geographic photographer…look at the camera he use in this youtube video :)

48 hours. New York Stories. (X-T1+23mm) at laroquephoto / Nikon D800 and my Fuji X-T1 at jlmphotos / Five things I like about my Fuji X-T1 at jackgrahamphoto / WIldlife Photography with the Fuji XT-1-GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK at jackgrahamphoto / The Fuji X-T1 on African Safari – How Well Did It Work? at daveburnsphoto / Sigma DP1 Quattro vs Fujifilm XT1 JPEG quality at camerlabs / Fujifilm X-T1 Has Pro Appeal and Fits Modern Needs at news360 / Fuji X-T1 – A hands On, Multiple Exposures and Long Exposures at fstoplounge / Fuji X-T1: A Revelation Indeed at daveyoungfotografia / Fuji X-T1 (and X-A1) in Norway at flipbook / Coffee in Tokyo arslan / Price comparison of the X-T1 worldwide at fujifilmindex / Fuji X-T1 Custom Settings & Tips at cliftonbeard / Olympus E-M1 vs. Fuji X-T1 – after using both for a longer period of time at fotodesign-rs / Los Angeles with the X-T1 at stockografie / Fuji X-T1: my favourite camera for travel at wimarys / Day 2 With the Fuji X-T1 at rivalsvs /

 Fujifilm X30
USABHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / BestBuy / EUROPE: wexUK / wexDE / PCHstore

 – Fujifilm X30 thumb-rest at the Japnases site dc-watch (translation) / Is the third time the charm? – The Fujifilm X30 Complete Review at mirrorlessons /

X100/S + Converters
[shopcountry 12883]

– “Smaller is better […] Try an X series Fuji. Seriously, try it.” wemakepictures / Photography: Freedom of a Single Focal Length at ditchitall / Fujifilm TCL-X100 tele-conversion lens review at amateurphotographer / Shooting Stitched Panoramas with Fuji X100 Cameras at ianmacdonaldphotography /

Welcome in the X-club to Fuji X Shooter Kenneth Reitz, who is also a Top 15 developer on the mega social coding site Github, as well as being the product owner of Python at Heroku and a fellow at the Python Software Foundation, both significant positions in the software community. kennethreitz.org/camera-equipment.

 other X-series cameras

 – Westfjords Day 1: Keflavik to Ísafjörður (X-E1/X-M1) at photo.stjeanm / first images with the X-Pro1 at alexandregilbert / All The Fun of the Fair (X-PRO1) at veritymilliganphotography / Fuji X-Pro1: Set-Up for Street Photography – Part I at eyebeamimages / Street Beats – Toronto with the X-Pro1 and Some Scary Mean Dude at petetakespictures / 10 days in Japan with the X-E2 at thomasdlh.exposure / X-E1 vs D800, or David vs Goliath at jiriruzek /


X-mount lenses

– Wide Angle Wizardry :: Fujifilm XF 10-24mm f4 at derekclarkphotography / Fujinon XF 23mm review at johncaz / FujiFilm XF23mm 1.4 at schoolboycouture / A Review of Fuji’s X-trans CMOS II Sensor and X-mount Lenses at borrowlenses / A Review of the Fuji XF 14mm 2.8 at lightstalking / XF 56mm review at colinnichollsphotography / Fuji 10-24 mm f4 lens at mikecroshaw / Fuji XF60mm f/2.4 R Macro: A Lens Re-visited at daveyoungfotografia / Fujifilm XF18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 Review and Gallery at photomadd / Fuji X-T1 – 18-135mm Zoom Compared To 23mm And 56mm Primes at soundimageplus / Leica T (Typ 701) + 18-56mm Zoom Compared To Fuji X-T1 + 23mm And 56mm Primes. The Appeal Of The Leica T System For Me at soundimageplus / Fuji XF 56mm f/1.2 R: A stunning, ultra-fast portrait lens for X-Series at macfilos / Fujifilm X-T1 + 23mm f/1.4 Lens Review at thephotobrigade / Bringing 1:1 macro to the Fujifilm X system: The Zeiss Touit 50mm Macro Full Review at mirrorlessons /

adapted lenses

London with a 35 year old Yashica 50mm f2 at timallenphoto / Mitakon 24mm f/1.7 lens for Fuji X – First Impressions Review at simonsphotographyblog / Fuji XE2 + OM 28mm F2.8 Lens / Abandoned Slate Quarry in Wales at colinnichollsphotography / A Tale of Two M Lenses (Part 1 of 2 Parts) at findingrange / Zeiss Announces New 35mm f1.4 Lens for M Mount Cameras (which you can use with Fuji’s M-mount adapter) at phoblographer / The New Standard: 56mm at fotografiainc / Can you Really Use Manual Lenses on the X Pro 1? at fstoplounge youtube /

 RAW-conversion / processing

Maj: “Hi Patrick – I am sure you are interested in Adobe improving RAW support as much as other Fuji users. I noticed in the comments to an earlier post that someone linked to a lightroom blog and asked users to comment with their dissatisfaction on Adobe’s support of X-Trans RAW files; and it seems it got a fairly good response. The problem is that this isn’t the place to comment as Adobe developers won’t read it. The correct place is here: http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/fuji_x_trans_support and people need to +1 the problem on that site which will raise the issue to the top of the problems list and hopefully, just hopefully, Adobe will do something about it and match the great results users are getting with other RAW developers. I wonder if you can promote this in a post some time? We all have a vested interest in improving RAW results so hopefully it’s something you can support.”

Also. check how many comments are all about the Fujifilm X-Trans support from Adobe (Lightroom) on the blog post for the new 5.7 Lightroom here.

– My workflow for natural looking HDR photos at ucphoto / An Improved Starting Point For Fuji X Series RAW Images in OS X at thephotosexpert /

Switch to the X… or mirrorless

 – Switching to Mirrorless: Embracing Fujifilm X at danielkorzeniewskiphoto /


DiCaPac WP-S3 Underwater Housing For FujiFilm X-T1- XPro1 at capturemyimage /

a bit of everything – New X Book & more

– Lifestyle Campaign preview shot exclusively using Fujifilm X-Series at Alex Lambrechts facebook page here.

– Just Released: A User’s Guide to the Fuji X-System at billfortney

– Fujifilm named a Thomson Reuters 2014 Top 100 Global Innovator (see here) / A night at the museum ~ Lighting sets at prophotonut / Welcome to Classic Chrome at olafphotoblog / A Photo Found on a Fuji X100S That Paid a Visit to the Fuji Repair Facility at petapixel / That Classic Feeling – Classic Chrome at jonasraskphotography / In this video of the song “do they know it’s christmas?, at around the minute 2.57 appears the back of a fujifilm camera… guess which one ;) / Fuji current and future macro solutions at macfilos /

Novoflex BALPRO T/S adapter review: Part 1 – Design, Operation, Controls, Adapters

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Novoflex BALPRO T/S adapter review: Part 1 – Design, Operation, Controls, Adapters

guest post by Nathan Wright (ohm-image.net)


Two years ago I did the switcheroo from Nikon’s F mount to Fujifilm’s X mount for all client work which took me outside of the studio. That would be model stuff, event stuff, and the like. Like many photographers, I am now work 100% mirrorless. I’ve also managed to shy away from posting the ridiculous “I ditched my (insert dSLR name) for (insert mirrorless camera name) and here are pictures of my dog to prove it” blog post.

I don’t have a dog. I don’t do weddings. Live with it.

I’m a still life photographer. My clients manufacture, and sell, geeky things: earphones and headphones, microphones and speakers, lenses, fountain pens, straight razors, and the like, for and to the geek that scoffs at the mass market. (Irony: I don’t mind using mass-market cameras for most of what I do.)

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Regarding my geek, I’m as bashless as they come. Here’s my CV: My favourite universal earphones: Grado GR10. My favourite modified digital audio player: the Mezzo Hifi-modded MSAK100. My favourite closed headphones: Mr. Speakers Alpha Dogs. My favourite portable headphone amplifier: Vorzüge PURE II. My favourite mid-end DAC: Linnenberg Vivace. My favourite artisan straight razor: Jenes Sándor Custom Straight Razors.

I guess you could say that I shoot what I love. (BTW, none of those products are made by my clients; I just dig them.)

Back to photography. Which lens do I best love? is a question with many answers. For personal stuff, my favourite is the Leica pre-ASPH 50mm Summilux. It’s a lens that is capable of being more than just sharp, or contrasty: it is dreamy, and ghosty when called for. But it’s not a lens I could use for work. Nor would I want to. For work, I need good macro lenses, or a great bellows system.

Until a year ago, I put Nikon’s excellent PC Micro tilt shift lenses into constant use. The 85mm PC Micro was my favourite. Both it and its 45mm sibling provided tip-top resolution, resistance to flare, and contrasty colour to my subjects. But when the D800’s poor live view and lack of WiFi preview moved me onto shallower flange mirrorless cameras, I looked further afield.

Today, my favourite lens is the Schneider APO-Digitar 5,6/100 Macro. It is sharp, contrasty, resistant to flare, and all that. Better yet, it is small, light, and comes with Copal shutters/apertures, which makes perfectly adaptable to pretty much any shuttered and non-shuttered system.

I use it on a number of cameras, the most recent of which is the Novoflex BALPRO T/S. The BALPRO T/S is a 6×7 bellows macro camera onto which you can fit almost any lens or imaging device imaginable. It is more stable than the Horseman VCC Pro while offering more generous camera movements. The best part is that it weighs a mere 975 grams, and hides easily in hiking backpacks.

No, it can’t fully replace a full-size 6×9 Arca Swiss F Line technical camera, but at less than half the weight and cost, it shouldn’t have to.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

XF50-140: “IQ slightly better than the Nikon 70-200” (Bjorn) + “superb micro-contrast” (Olaf) + “it thinks it’s a Prime” (Derek)

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BHphotoAmazonUS / Adorama / EU: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUS: CameraPro

MUST READ: Rico’s First Look at the 50-140 f/2.8!

The XF50-140 is optically an outstanding lens, especially when it comes to sharpness and micro-contrast. Here are some more reviews/first looks about this lens.

1) olafphotoblog: ““They’ve done it again!” The XF 50-140 is BITINGLY sharp with a crisp tonal transition and superb micro-contrast! The bokeh (out of focus area) is surprisingly smooth, given the smaller sensor size (in comparison to the FF). The only thing we could whine about is the size of the lens but if this is a trade-off to achieve top quality, I’m glad Fuji went for it.”: For the following article “ 7 Points About the XF 50-140mm” click here.

2) bjornmoerman: XF 50-140 on field review in Myanmar: “Auto-focus speed is very fast in normal lighting conditions. In very low light there is the occasional focus hunting; nothing more pronounced than on the other Fujinon glass however. […] Overall I’m very pleased with the quality of the bokeh. When shooting a very contrasty background, it can at times be a little harsh […] Sharpness: this is really where this lens shines! […] I feel the image quality of the lens is very close if not slightly better than the Nikon 70-200 2.8, while its built quality and smoothness of operation is clearly better.”

3) derekclarkphotography Fuji 50-140mm f2.8 :: It Thinks It’s A Prime: “So in conclusion: The Fujifilm 50-140mm is just outstanding! We’ve waited a while, but the wait was well worth it. I keep thinking that Fuji has peeked with the quality of their lenses, but as soon as I do, they bring out something that just blows me away!”

image courtesy: Olafphotoblog

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image courtesy: bjornmoerman

First Look: Fujinon XF 50-140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR


First Look: Fujinon XF 50-140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR

first impressions / practical review / shooting experience by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

Rico’s XF 50-140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR Sample Images – Specs

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to get my hands on a pre-production copy of Fuji’s new “professional grade” tele zoom lens, the XF 50-140mm F2.8 R LM OIS WR. Since the lens is already available in many regions and will soon start shipping in North America, I’d like to take this opportunity to share my observations during a brief period of testing.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **