Viltrox AF 13mm f/1.4 XF Review: Sharpest Viltrox Fujifilm X Mount Lens coming for $469 in 2022

The Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 is on the official Viltrox roadmap since April 2020 and yes, I know that based on hints I got I said that it should be announced in November. Well, that evidently did not happen and I apologize to all of my readers.

I guess also Viltrox struggles with the worldwide parts shortage and in fact in today’s video, Damian, who is testing the lens right now, confirms that Viltrox had to postpone the release for this lens once again. Viltrox now told him they pushed it back to 2022.

The good news: the review samples are now out, so I guess it can’t be that long of a wait anymore.

Speaking of review samples, Damian is the first to publish his first look on the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 AF XF.

It’s a nice video which includes lots of samples and autofocus demos (for stills and video). So definitely check it out.

Personally I am happy to hear that Damian considers the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 XF the sharpest (and best) Viltrox XF lens so far with excellent autofocus (also face detection) and very usable in the center even at f/1.4 (a bit less usable in the corners wide open). The clicked aperture ring is a bonus for me although I’d have hoped for a bit of lighter lens (it weights 420g).

It’s not free imperfections, like a noticeable vignetting wide open and some distortion and chromatic aberration, but considering that many will mostly use it for landscape photography (and hence stop down anyway) and especially considering the price of $469, to me it looks like a good value for money lens.

Now let me say this.

I generally prefer Fujinon X (or GFX) mount lenses, and not because they are better in terms image quality (if a lens is more affordable, then I can accept to give up a bit of IQ), but if there is one thing that I love about the X/GFX system, then it’s the colors I get from it (with Astia being my favorite all-rounder film simulation).

And in my experience, whenever I use third party lenses on my Fujifilm cameras, the colors simply don’t come out the way I am used to (and love it) from the Fujinon lenses. In fact, this is one of the main reason why my Fujinon XF10-24mm has basically replaced my Samyang 12mm f/2 in my camera bag. Not because the Samyang is bad, not at all (look, I have taken some of my most loved images with it). But sometimes I can be terribly lazy with post processing my images, and I know the XF10-24mm will nail the colors the way I love it more than my Samyang 12mmF2 would, and hence spare me some time in post.

In short: if you love film simulations, like I do, native Fujinon lenses will deliver better results, or let’s say results that more faithfully reproduce the vibe and tone Fujifilm intended to give us with the various film simulations.

Ah, speaking of colors, Damian says that the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 XF colors are on the cooler side.

With all that said, I think Viltrox made a very smart move with this lens, as Fujifilm itself is not offering anything that can closely match the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 in terms of focal length and aperture. The closest competitor at this point is the Samyang 12mm f/2, which is smaller than the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 and also weather sealed (the Viltrox is well built, but not weather resistant). However, the Samyang is also slower and more expensive.

So overall a great addition for the X mount system and a lens that I am hugely interested in if it performs decently also for astrophotography.

We Got You Covered!

Some Images taken with my XF10-24mmF4 and Samyang 12mmF2

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Fujifilm GFX100S and GFX50SII Reviews by Sean Reid

Fuji GFX 100S With Fujinon GF 50/3.5 WR, ISO 640, F/8 @ 1/220 Photo © 2021 Sean Reid/Reid Photography
Fuji GFX 100S With Fujinon GF 50/3.5 WR, ISO 640, F/8 @ 1/220 Photo © 2021 Sean Reid/Reid Photography

Sean Reid at has recently published two new Fuji G system reviews.

The first is a detailed 18 page side-by-side field and studio test of the GFX 100S and GFX 50S II. It looks at autofocus speed, buffer capacity, resolution, vignetting, color rendering and various other aspects of these cameras’ performance. The second is a full field and studio review of the GF 50/3.5 tested on the GFX 100S and GFX50S II.

I asked Reid if he could share an aspect of his test results that might be particularly interesting to Fuji Rumors readers. He noted this:

When photographers think about using a very high resolution (in terms of MP count) camera with a given lens, it is common to be concerned about whether the camera will reveal weaknesses in that lens. But the GF 50/3.5 actually performs even better, off axis for example, with the GFX 100S than the GFX50S II.

Reid has previously reviewed many other Fuji G and X system cameras & lenses and the article topics are all listed here:

Reid Reviews, which has been published since 2005, is unusual in that it accepts no advertising and instead is accessible only by paid subscription.

The GFX Community

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Fujifilm GFX: One of 2021 Most Praised Systems Gets a Roundup – GFX100S Adventure Film, GF110/2 vs GF80/1.7, GFX50SII and More

The year is ending, the internet is flooded by “best and worst” articles and videos, and at some point of the ranking the Fujifilm GFX system always comes out on the very top positions.

It happened for example with DPRTV here (who gave tremendous praise to the Fujifilm GFX100S) and with BH Explora here, who ranked both, the GFX100S and the new GFX50SII in the top 10 mirrorless cameras list for 2021.

Now, nobody can predict the future in the long term. So if the GFX system will keep up rising or not remains an open question whose outcome will depend on many things.

But if we look back on how it all started with the GFX system and where the system is now, then we can surely say that Fujifilm has set some solid fundaments on which they could potentially build up something very special.

So, in order to honor the big GFX year that we just had, we celebrate today with a dedicated GFX roundup that you can find below.

GFX Gear Launched in 2021

GFX Roundup

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Samyang 12mm F2 AF X First Impressions Review

In Europe and other parts of the world, the brand new Samyang 12mm f/2 AF X autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount is already shipping, and hence the first reviews now start to appear on the web.

As we reported a few days ago, Samyang US customer service told to a FR-reader that his Samyang 12mm f/2 should ship in January, hence it might take a bit longer in North America to ship.

So how does this lens perform?

Well, you can find a first impressions video review by Luca Petralia (as well as a summary) down below.

NewThird Party Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Group

Samyang 12mm f/2 AF X First Impressions

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Which Film Simulation is Best (and Worst) for Low Light Photography?

There is a misconception out there.

And the misconception is that Fujifilm film simulations are something good only for pure JPEG shooters. But that’s far from true.

When I photographed the wedding of my friend I did shoot everything in RAW (I explained which gear I used here), but when it was time to edit everything in Capture One 21, I did not waste any time with color grading the images. I just scrolled over the various film simulation options in Capture One, saw in real time which color gives me the best mood, clicked on that film simulation and that’s it. Done that, I started to edit the images to taste (except for the colors).

I’ve explained in this article which film simulations I’ve used most in my wedding editing (curiously a film simulation that I’ve rarely used until I’ve shot the wedding).

So that’s how I see it: also hardcore RAW shooters can take huge profits from Fujifilm film simulations.

But it is also true, that in many cases the JPEG output of Fujifilm cameras is that good, that you can skip the RAW editing right away.

It happened to me recently when I was in Ferrara with my family. I took my images in RAW+JPEG and when we were going home by train, I just used the internal RAW converter to try out some film simulations on certain pictures, stored them directly on the SD-card, and once home all I did was to load them into my computer, and that was it, my holiday images look great without any editing effort.

And here comes the connection to the video we share today.

If you are like me, and about 80%* of the images you keep are simply JPEG images (*thanks to the amazing Fujifilm JEPGs, with my previous gear I mostly edited the RAW files), then it might be of interest to know which film simulation works best in which context.

And Chris from Pal2Tech (one of the must follow channels for Fujifilm shooters) tested which film simulation works best (and worst) for low light photography (if you shoot in JPEG).

Chris’ video has been cross posted to petapixel here, where the conclusions is:

  1. Monochrome is much less noisy than ACROS at all higher ISO ranges. In going through my testing, it seems pretty conclusive that Fujifilm adds some additional grain and/or noise to ACROS to help give it that unique look. The problem is, at much higher ISO values, it can start to fall apart at bit. If you are planning on shooting with ACROS, I would not go above 3200 ISO. Also, I’d definitely make sure the grain setting on your camera is turned off.
  2. PROVIA, VELVIA, ASTIA, ETERNA, Pro Negative High and Sepia all performed well and had roughly the same good performance at higher ISO values. Of this group, PROVIA was the overall winner when you start pixel peeping at 300% or above.
  3. If you are shooting at ISO 3200 and above, I would avoid Bleach Bypass, ACROS, and Classic Negative. Once you go above ISO 6400, I would not use any of those three film sims if I wanted to keep my noise to a minimum.
  4. Most interesting of all were the winners. And they were Pro Negative Standard and ETERNA. If you are planning on shooting in low light at very high ISO values, you may want to give them a try. Both Pro Negative Standard and ETERNA gave me the overall best and consistent results.

And if you love Fujifilm colors, then… join our 100% pure Fujifilm Colors Group.