The Non-Love Story between DPReview and the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Continues – Silver Award

DPReview has no love apparently for the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0. Let me explain.

The Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 was declared the worst lens of 2020 by DPRTV here due to the lens being soft and showing too much chromatic aberration. And now it got the silver award at DPReview.

Before we look at the negatives, here is what Rico wrote in the comments:

I have been using two copies of the 50mmF1 (pre-production and production), and both of them have been pretty sharp wide-open. I also did bokeh comparisons, and it easily beat the 50mmF2 at f/2.

It’s strange that DPR is recycling old sample images taken by DPR TV (who probably had a bad copy of the lens for their review) into a “field test” written by a different author who did not even take his own sample images with another lens.

Now let’s get into it.

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Tokina atx-m 56mmF1.4 First Look Reviews, Samples and Worldwide Sale Start August 6

Tokina announced on their website that the worldwide sale start for the Tokina atx-m 56mm f/1.4 will be August 6. You can read the full announcement down below.

Also, you can now find the first first look blog posts and videos, which you can also find down below.

Reviews + Official Announcement

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Flash Roundup: Lots of Godox (New Gear and Reviews) and a bit of Yongnuo and Jinbei

Here is a roundup gravitating around flashes.

Most of the roundup will cover Godox, as it is arguably the one brand that grew strongest over the past few years. And in fact, new Godox gear has been announced recently too. There will be also reviews about the Godox AD100 Pro pocket flash.

But we will cover also Jinbei and Yongnuo.

Jinbei released two pieces of TTL lighting gear with full Fuji support. A couple of months ago Jinbei released a round-headed flash with a touch screen called HD-2 Pro. There is another monolight called HD-200 Pro. A video in Chinese showing an X-H1 user with his HD-2 Pro and HD-200 Pro in a studio setup here. The HD-200 Pro unboxing video from the official Jinbei channel in Chinese here.

More Below

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Lenstip Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 Review: “It Breaks Resolution Records by a Very Healthy Margin with Only One Expected Flaw”

Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 – Simply Sensational

After getting the Gold Award by DPR, being immensely praised by ePHOTOzine and getting stellar customers reviews at B&H here, at AmazonUS here and at Adorama here, the Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 gets another fantastic review by lenstip.

Here is what they write about the resolution capabilities of this lens:

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Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR ePHOTOzine Review: “Outstanding Sharpness and Delightful Lens to Use”

TheĀ Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 keeps up its victory parade.

After getting the Gold Award by DPR, it is now also highly recommended by ePHOTOzine with a long list of virtues and just minor negatives (none of them has to do with image quality).

In fact, in their latest review they write:

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