Opticallimits Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 Review: “A Surprisingly Mature Product”


Viltrox 85mm f/1.8

The Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 was the best selling third party lens of 2019 here on FujiRumors, and that it was a good choice.

The cusotmer reviews are mostly very positive:

Now also renowned review sites, such as opticallimits (former photozone), have declared it a great alternative to the Fujinon optics, which remain superior in terms of IQ and AF speed, but you also pay them significantly more.

The Viltrox PFU RBMH 85mm f/1.8 STM is an attractive medium tele lens for Fujifilm cameras. It is sharp across the image field – especially at medium aperture settings – and it doesn’t show any substantial weakness across the other characteristics either. Lateral CAs are low as are image distortions. There is a bit of vignetting at f/1.8 but it’s nothing out of the ordinary (on an APS-C sensor at least). A very positive aspect is the quality of the bokeh. Image highlights are nicely rendered at f/1.8 and the blur in the focus transition zones is very creamy. Bokeh fringing (LoCA) is present at large-aperture settings but that’s hardly surprising.

The build quality feels very “tanky” due to the all-metal design. Pro photographers may miss weather-sealing but that’s a different market segment anyway. Unlike other small manufacturers, Viltrox managed to implement an autofocus motor (STM = stepping motor). The speed is decent but action photography is a bit out of scope. However, such a lens is more aligned to portrait or street photography anyway.

It is quite surprising than Viltrox was capable of designing and manufacturing such a mature product as their first shot into the market. Other newcomers struggled much more during their first years (and some still do). Of course, designing a 85mm f/1.8 isn’t science fiction but getting all the required acts together at a very attractive price point is an achievement. Thus if you can’t or don’t want to pay the premium price for a Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 LM R WR, the Viltrox lens is a worthy candidate for your shopping list.

Now I can’t wait how the next Viltrox Fujifilm X autofocus lenses will perform, the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4.

You can read the full review at opticallimits.

Viltrox Video Reviews

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2019: The Year of Medium Format – Powerful Versatility, Leaving Canon FF for Fujifilm GFX and More

2019 – Medium Format Year

The crowd of photographer shooting digital medium format is growing, also thanks to the Fujifilm GFX system.

The lens system is growing, the camera line expanding and all what happened in the medium format world in 2019 can be checked out at BHphoto here.

As a recognition to that, DPReview declared the Fujifilm GFX100 “innovation of the year“.

Today we dedicate a roundup to the Fujifilm GFX system.

You’ll find people, who left Canon full frame for Fujifilm GFX100, reviews, images and more. Check it all out down below

The GFX Community

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GFX Reviews


“Don’t Listen Youtubers, Who Never Touched it. The Fujifilm X-Pro3 Makes You Live in the Viewfinder Jumping from Story to Story”

X-Pro3 Reviews

Recently Tony Northrup declared the Fujifilm X-Pro3 the “WTF” camera of the year.

This kind of annoyed Carlos Vega, who actually bought the Fujifilm X-Pro3, used it, and can’t understand how Tony Northrup can say that, even if he never ever touched the camera.

Now, personally I think people can have opinions about what they want when they want.

But Carlos surely has a valid point, too, as it definitely helps if you try out a camera, before making any conclusions.

So, if you want to read what Carlos Vega and others have to say about the Fujifilm X-Pro3, read it down below.

X-Pro3 buying options:

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Best Gear of 2019 According to Tony Northrup, Philip Bloom and More


DPReviewTV already made their best of 2019 gear list here.

But these days many others make their own lists, too, such as Philip Bloom, Tony Northrup and more.

So I thought it might be nice to make a “best of 2019” roundup.

SPOILER: Fujifilm GFX100 grabs quite some attention, Fujifilm X-T30 wins too, and the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is wtf camera of the year.


Then check it all out down below.

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