One Year After Leaving Full Frame and Shooting Weddings with Fujifilm X-T3 – Did it Work?

Fujifilm for Weddings

Reggie Ballesteros switched from full frame to Fujiiflm APS-C, and after one year of work, he sums up his experience in a 34 minutes long video (see below).

His camera of choice is the Fujifilm X-T3 (now with big savings)

Down below a summary:

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Nikon Z50: the Lucrative Sub $1,000 APS-C Market Gets a New Competitor – Z50 vs Fujifilm X-T30 vs Sony A6400 vs Canon EOS M6 II

Nikon has launched the Nikon Z50.

Just like Sony (and unlike Canon and Fujifilm), Nikon decided to use the same mount for two different sensor size systems.

The Nikon Z50 is a direct competitor to the Fujifilm X-T30, a very successful camera for Fujifilm.

The lucrative sub $1,000 APS-C market is getting a new and strong competitor, and of course we customers all welcome that.

via BHphoto specs via BHphoto sub 1,000 list via camerasize


Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4: Lots of Distortion, Exposure Inconsistency and Yet a Recommended Lens

Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4

As a free and independent space, here on FujiRumors we report just everything, the good and the not so good, not matter if Fujifilm likes it or not, as my only boss are FR-readers, and I owe you the best service I can deliver.

Hence, today, in this Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4 roundup I chose to highlight some aspects of the lens, that are not really that good.

And yet, despite not being a perfect lens, those who review the Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4 still end up recommending it, as a great all rounder lens.

At the end, it’s all about finding the right balance, keeping in mind what’s the target group of a certain lens. And I guess in order ot keep size, weight and price down, Fujifilm had to rely more on digital correction in the case of this lens.

Previous Roundups

  • fujirumors – Fujinon XF 16-80mmF4 Compared to XF14mmF2.8, XF35mmF1.4, XF56mmF1.2 and XF90mmF2
  • fujirumors – Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4: Pros and Cons, First Looks and Thoughts

New Roundup

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