Fujifilm GFX 100 Reviews and Change Your Factory Default Menu Settings

Nick Schreger has published a video, showing a couple of Fujifilm GFX100 factory settings that, according to him, don’t always make much sense, and he recommends you to change them.

The video is in German, so down below his setting advices in English.

  • change FINE to RAW+SUPER FINE
  • change sRGB to Adobe RGB
  • enable FOCUS PEAKING
  • set INSTANT AF SETTING to AF-C (so you have AF-S with single press and AF-C if you keep pressed)
  • set shutter type to MECHANICAL SHUTTER only
  • If you work with flash in dark studio, deactivate Preview exp/wb in manual mode
  • Activate histogram and live view highlight alert
  • Set Shoot without Card to OFF
  • set AUTO POWER OFF to 5 minutes (default is 2 minutes)
  • set high performance mode ON

Do you agree with this list? And which changes did you make to your Fujifilm default menu settings?

Down below more Fujifilm GFX100 reviews.

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GFX100 Reviews

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Capture One Pro Workflow Tips and Tricks

Capture One Tips and Tricks

Since so many fellow Fujifilm X shooters are switching to Capture One Pro 12 in the last few months, I think it’s a good idea to share a Capture One tips and tricks roundup that might help you to quickly establish a new and fast workflow for you.

However, if you are still on the fence, there is also the free Capture One Express version, and we will include a few tutorials in the roundup.

  • captureone – 11+1 tips and tricks for Capture One
  • sellfy – Capture One Styles by Natan Elson
  • petetakspictures – Exploration in Colour – on Capture One & Fujifilm

THE DEAL: Capture One Pro 12 – save 50%

Capture One Video Tips and Tricks

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TESTED: Fujifilm X Mount Kamlan 21mm f/1.8 and Kamlan 50mm f/1.1, Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF, 7artisans 35mm f/1.2 and More

Fujifilm X Third Party Lenses

There is such a vast choice of native Fujifilm X mount lenses out there, that here on FujiRumors we have to dedicate them an apposite roundup.

In most cases we are talking of manual focus lenses, but also autofocus options are hitting the market.

The Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 is the first AF lens for Fujifilm (and FujiRumors delivered the worldwide first autofocus test about it). And we already reported in this article, that Viltrox is considering to launch 3 more AF lenses for Fujifilm soon. For all the details (focal length/aperture) about the upcoming Viltrox AF lenses for Fuji X, check out this article.

Since its launch, the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 is the best selling third party lens here on FujiRumors.

Today’s roundup includes also a review about the brand new Kamlan 21mm f/1.8, which comes with a gentle price tag, and seems to perform remarkably for what it costs.

Other lenses included in todays roundup are the 7Artisans 60mm f/2.8 Macro, Kamlan 50mm f/1.1, a couple of Mitakon X mount lenses and much more.


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