Fujifilm GFX100 is Coming, Nikon D850 vs Fujifilm GFX, The GFX Drone, GFX 50R L-Plates, GF 100-200 Reviews and More

Fujifilm GFX

The Fujifilm GFX 100 is coming on May 23 (and we have shared everything we know about it here), and while waiting for this mega event and live blog on Fujirumors, we are going to take a look to the current Fujifilm GFX selection.

Fujifilm GFX 50R L-Plates

  • reallyrightstuff – L-Plate for Fujifilm GFX-50R
  • eBay – Peipro Bracket Fujifilm GFX 50R L-plate

Third Party Lenses for GFX

  • fstoppers – Zhongyi Mitakon 65mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm GFX

GFX 50S Reviews

GF Lenses

  • gizguide – Meet the Fujinon GF 100-200 f/5.6 R LM OIS WR – Lightweight workhorse zoom
  • mediumformat – the GF 100-200 F5.6 – Review
  • imaging-resource – Fuji GF 100-200mm f/5.6 OIS WR Field Test: Fuji’s new GF telephoto zoom delivers excellent image quality
  • fcracer – Fujinon GF100-200 review
  • mediumformat – New edition fo the medium format magazine online
  • photographyblog – Fujifilm GFX100 hands on photos
  • pcmag – GF45mm f/2.8 review
  • fstoppers – Complete Review of the Fuji GFX 50S, Part Two: How Does The Shooting Experience Compare to the X-T3?

BHphoto Explora – In the Field: Fujifilm GF 100-200mm f5.6 R LM OIS WR Zoom Lens

GFX Drone – shared at our GFX faceook group here


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These Guys Switched from Full Frame to Fujifilm APS-C and Are Happy About it

Fujifilm Vs Full Frame

So it’s time for another comparisons roundup, this time focusing on people switching to Fujifilm APS-C from Sony, Nikon and Canon full frame, and believe it or not, they are happy with their switch!

In the Fujifilm world, if you really want a bigger sensor, you go Fujifilm GFX, which offers an almost 4 times bigger sensor than APS-C and hence can really offer that ultimate jump in image quality, that the jump from APS-C and FF can not offer.

And before you start complaining, we remind you that we have also shared dedicated roundups of people unhappy with Fujifilm.

LIVE BLOG MAY 23: Fujifilm GFX100 Announcement on FujiRumors!

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Tony Northrup Fujifilm GFX 50R (not Error-Free) Review: “Fujifilm GFX 100 Will Fix All Our Concerns”

Fujifilm GFX

Tony Northrup took a Fujifilm GFX 50R for his Barcelona trip and now published a review about it (video above).

I will sum it up for you below, but I would quickly like to correct a few errors he made.

He says the GFX sensor surface area is 30% bigger than Full Frame, but it is actually 70% bigger. This is not correct, and Tony makes the MF sensor sound smaller than it really is.

He complaints that there is only one lens with OIS, but there are actually 3 lenses with OIS, the GF 250mm F4, GF 120mmF4 and GF 100-200mm f/5.6.

Since we like percentages, basically Tony claims that about 12% of all GF lenses have OIS, when reality is that almost 40% have OIS.

Rather big errors, I hope Tony will correct soon, and I wonder how they could even slip into his review in the first place.

For the rest, you can read his findings below.

  • not a sports camera, not good at tracking
  • not a video camera
  • great landscape camera, but Fuji needs more lenses, and more astrophotography lenses
  • decent walk around camera
  • no huge difference in IQ compared to FF
  • soon GFX 100 will be here with IBIS, and should address all concerns they have with GFX 50R
  • corner placement of viewfinder is great
  • does not give the joy, that Fujifilm X-T3 gives him
  • small flat buttons
  • grip to small for big medium format lenses
  • screen is small compared to overall size of camera
  • design of Hasselblad X1D is better
  • eye detection AF is not accurate
  • sensor has 30% more surface area
  • if you crop to standard 35mm aspect ration, the surface area advantage is almost gone as well as image quality difference
  • Cropping 8×10 gives about 50% more surface area
  • he complaints that it has not IBIS and only 1 lens has OIS
  • Fujifilm GFX has much better lenses than Hasselblad X1D
  • Sony A7rIII is better overall camera
  • Fujifilm GFX 50R is a specialized camera

DPReviewTV Fujinon XF 8-16mm f/2.8: “Optically Fantastic, but for Most People the Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4 is a Better Choice”

DRPreview TV reviewed the Fujinon XF 8-16mm f/2.8. Here are their findings:

  • professional line of Fujinon lenses
  • well-built, heavy and expensive
  • well suited for cameras like Fujifilm X-H1
  • manual focus ring feels sloppy
  • no OIS, but it’s typical for lenses in this range. But they miss it anyway, unless used on X-H1 with IBIS
  • XF 10-24 more well suited for lighter bodies and has OIS
  • no filter threads, typical for lenses that wide
  • powerful autofocus motors. Fast and accurate
  • coma very well corrected, excellent for astrophotography and cityscape
  • vignetting and distortion very well corrected
  • sunstars are not bad, but not the best they have seen
  • close focusing is similar to the XF10-24 (9 feet)
  • XF8-16 optically fantastic, very sharp
  • 8mm at f/2.8 a little bit weird in the corners, but stopping down cleans up beautifully
  • wide open it is sharper than the XF10-24, but stopped down difference gets smaller
  • It’s admirable that Fujifilm gives us lenses that give us full frame equivalent look, like the Sony 12-24mm f/4 G
  • the Sony 12-24 is lighter and $300 cheaper
  • if you want FF look in APS-C, you are not going to save money
  • for most people, the XF 10-24mm F4 is a better choice, since landscape you stop down anyway
  • XF 8-16mm F2.8 is a niche lens

Fujinon XF 8-16mm f/2.8 (save $100): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
Fujinon XF 10-24mmF4 OIS (save $100): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera