Profoto A1 vs Godox V1: Serious Troubles for Profoto?

Profoto A1 vs Godox V1

Robert Hall compared the Profoto A1 with the Godox V1 (video above):

Given pricing and performance, it looks like the only real reason to buy the Profoto, is if you already bought into the Profoto system.

On the long run, though, I don’t think Profoto can compete with gear that costs 4 times the Godox pricing, since the higher price is not justified by a better performance and not even build quality.

Profoto has a terrific competitor now, and they will have to substantially lower their prices, or customers will run to Godox.

Here are Robert’s findings:

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The Ultimate Fujifilm NP-W126S vs Third Party Batteries Battle

Fujifilm Batteries

We have already reported about Dom Varney’s articles “Powering the Fujifilm X-T3” and “Fujifilm NP-W126S Battery Counterfeits – A Visual Guide to Spotting the Fakes“.

He now also published the most comprehensive guide to Fujifilm original and third party batteries I have ever seen on the web so far.

The tested batteries are:

It’s a massive write-up, impossible to sum up quickly. So I’ll just share a short excerpt:

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Matt Granger Dislikes the Fujifilm GFX50R, ePhotozine Highly Recommends it as Step Up from Full Frame and More – GFX50R Roundup


Fujifilm GFX 50R Roundup

Yes, I am a Fuji fanboy, otherwise I would not have opened FujiRumors in times, where many of you probably didn’t even knew that Fujifilm makes digital mirrorless cameras.

But this does not stop me from sharing everything, the good and the bad, that people say about Fujifilm.

In today’s roundup, 100% focused on the Fujifilm GFX 50R (which now costs $3,999 only!), I will share a huge amount of Fuji GFX50R reviews.

On the positive side, we notice the ePhotozine review, which highly recommends the Fujifilm GFX 50R and says:

Delivering medium format image quality, the camera is a step up in performance compared to a full-frame DSLR or mirrorless camera, with excellent noise control, and exceptional levels of detail possible. […] the next step up in image quality […] Highly Recommended

Also lensrentals is happy and says:

Incredible price point for camera and exceptional image quality

On the negative side, we can find Matt Granger’s review, who says it has the “worst ergonomics on any camera he ever used” and he is disappointed with its focus tracking capabilities. He does not recommend to buy this camera.

Matt has spoken very good about Fujifilm many times in the past, so do not start attacking him about being a Nikon/Sony fanboy or biased in any way. It’s just his opinion after having used the camera.

Want to see and read it all? Then check out the (massive) Fuji GFX50R roundup below.

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Fujifilm X/GFX Lenses for Wedding Photographers – What’s Your Top Pick? (POLL)

BHphoto published an article about which Fujifilm X and GFX lenses are best for wedding photography.

You can read the aricle here.

I am happy they mention also the Fujinon XF 18-135 as an option. A lens good enough to snap the offcial images for the Dunkirk blockbuster should also be good enough for other professional use.

I thought to grab this opportunity to ask the Fujifilm wedding photographers out there, what you consider the best lenses for wedding photography. Feel free to vote the poll down below.

Vote the Wedding Lens Polls

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