Sigma 50-100mm/1.8 Autofocus Speed on Fujifilm X-T3 using Fringer EF-FX Smart Adapter VIDEO DEMO

Fujifilm X-T3 with Fringer Smart Adapter

Fringer just uploaded a video showing the performance of the Sigma 50-100/1.8 on Fujifilm X-T3 using the Fringer EF-FX Smart adapter.

He is using it in low light and taking advantage the full sensor PDAF coverage on the Fujifilm X-T3.

You can see the video above or check it out on youtube here.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm X-T3: Are 2/3 Stops Better Low ISO Dynamic Range Compared to X-T2 Realistic?

Fujifilm X-T3

A few days ago, DPReview published their Fujifilm X-T3 studio lab test shots, and as to expect, the FR-community had lots to discuss.

Keep in mind that DPReview used a non final BETA version of Adobe with X-T3 support. DPReview says the will re-check the ACR performance before making any final conclusions.

In the comments to the lab test article, some FR-reader observed certain improvements on the Fujifilm X-T3, that at the end could give us 2/3 stop better dynamic range over the X-T3. I will share their feedback below, as well as some of my observations.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera


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Fujifilm X-T3 Significantly Improves AF Speed of Older Fujinon Lenses – VIDEO

Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus

Dylan Goldby compared the performance of three “older” Fujinon lenses on the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm X-T2.

  • XF 35mmF1.4 (min 3:18 on X-T3 and min 4:44 on X-T2): Used on the X-T2, it takes more time to lock focus and hunts more. On the X-T3 it is definitely faster and no hunting.
  • XF 23mmF1.4 (min 5:25): This lens seems to benefit the most from the new X-T3
  • XF 56mmF1.2 (min 6:33): X-T3 locks on things more confidently, the X-T2 tends to hunt around and miss
  • Tracking (min 10:25): X-T3 is a big upgrade. Much more keepers
  • Face/Eye detection (min 12:59): works very well. Only thing when the person moves out of the frame, then gets into the frame again from a different distance, then it needs more time to find the face again.

Check out the full video at Dylan Goldby Youtube.

Fujifilm X-T3 IN STOCK NOW !!!: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm X-T2 (save $500): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
XF 23mmF1.4 (save $100): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
XF 35mmF1.4 (save $50): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
XF 56mmF1.2 (save $150): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera

Fujifilm X-T3 vs. X-T2 JPEG Dynamic Range and ISO Performance Compared

Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-T2 JPEG comparison

ThePixedCatcher wonders: is there a visible difference between the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T2 in terms of sharpness and dynamic range? He imported the JPEG images into Capture One and says (using XF23mmF1.4):

UPDATE: Follow up video here.

  • DR100 @ ISO200: no difference in sharpness
  • DR400 @ ISO800: noise similar. Details a little bit better on X-T3, but not huge difference
  • ISO200 and ISO800: no noticable difference in dynamic range
  • Conclusion: Video features and Autofocus are main advantages with X-T3 over X-T2
  • at very high ISO the X-T2 has more noise than X-T3, but the difference is not that much

The French youtube channel Les Guide Fujifilm by Damien Bernal compared the X-T2 and X-T3 during a Fuji event at very high ISO (12,800). The comparison is not really fair, since the X-T2 was shot at 1/1000s whereas the X-T3 at 1/1100s, but you can see the result minute 12:01 here. The difference is substantial, but again, take the test with a grain of salt.

Also williamchua is testing the Fujifilm X-T3. Apart from wonderful images he shared in his blog post here, he says that “high ISO noise control is better than the X-T2“.

Make sure to check back our previous article about the JPEG X-T3 vs X-T2 high ISO comparison here and we have an X-T3 ISO 8000 sample by DPReview, which we shared and commented here.

CONCLUSIONS: Of course no conclusion can be taken, since only the RAW files will tell the truth. But if I should take one based on JPEG comparisons shared so far, I’d say there is no difference at lower ISO, but at very high ISO the X-T3 is better than the X-T2. But only RAW will tell the truth.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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Fujifilm X-T3 Reviews, Tracking Tests and Lock-Up Reports

Fujifilm X-T3 Roundup

TheCameraStoreTV published their full Fujifilm X-T3 review. No IBIS, could have battery life, but for the rest it’s a solid camera. Check out the video down below or directly on youtube here.

And now to the lock-ups.

Dylan Goldby has tons of great things to say about the Fujifilm X-T3. Especially the autofocus is excellent. He was convinced and pre-ordered one right away.

However, he experienced lock-ups. Check out the video above or on youtube here. In his follow up video here, he says Fuji is releasing a fix via firmware update.

We already reported, that ZedProMedia also experienced lock-ups, but only when his X-T3 was attached to the battery grip. Using the X-T3 body only, ZedProMedia said the camera was “rocksolid“. In Dylan’s case it happened with body only.

BigheadTaco also said he didn’t experience any lock-ups.

Keep in mind that most you see is pre-production stuff, and in part some bugs are to expect while developing the final firmware. But let’s hope that once the Fujifilm X-T3 hits the market, the X-T3 will be bug free… and if not, at least Fujifilm has a great firmware update history ;),

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
News, Rumors and Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group / Fujifilm X-T facebook page
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