Fujifilm X-T3 Significantly Improves AF Speed of Older Fujinon Lenses – VIDEO

Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus

Dylan Goldby compared the performance of three “older” Fujinon lenses on the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm X-T2.

  • XF 35mmF1.4 (min 3:18 on X-T3 and min 4:44 on X-T2): Used on the X-T2, it takes more time to lock focus and hunts more. On the X-T3 it is definitely faster and no hunting.
  • XF 23mmF1.4 (min 5:25): This lens seems to benefit the most from the new X-T3
  • XF 56mmF1.2 (min 6:33): X-T3 locks on things more confidently, the X-T2 tends to hunt around and miss
  • Tracking (min 10:25): X-T3 is a big upgrade. Much more keepers
  • Face/Eye detection (min 12:59): works very well. Only thing when the person moves out of the frame, then gets into the frame again from a different distance, then it needs more time to find the face again.

Check out the full video at Dylan Goldby Youtube.

Fujifilm X-T3 IN STOCK NOW !!!: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm X-T2 (save $500): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
XF 23mmF1.4 (save $100): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
XF 35mmF1.4 (save $50): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
XF 56mmF1.2 (save $150): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera

Fujifilm X-T3 vs. X-T2 JPEG Dynamic Range and ISO Performance Compared

Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-T2 JPEG comparison

ThePixedCatcher wonders: is there a visible difference between the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T2 in terms of sharpness and dynamic range? He imported the JPEG images into Capture One and says (using XF23mmF1.4):

UPDATE: Follow up video here.

  • DR100 @ ISO200: no difference in sharpness
  • DR400 @ ISO800: noise similar. Details a little bit better on X-T3, but not huge difference
  • ISO200 and ISO800: no noticable difference in dynamic range
  • Conclusion: Video features and Autofocus are main advantages with X-T3 over X-T2
  • at very high ISO the X-T2 has more noise than X-T3, but the difference is not that much

The French youtube channel Les Guide Fujifilm by Damien Bernal compared the X-T2 and X-T3 during a Fuji event at very high ISO (12,800). The comparison is not really fair, since the X-T2 was shot at 1/1000s whereas the X-T3 at 1/1100s, but you can see the result minute 12:01 here. The difference is substantial, but again, take the test with a grain of salt.

Also williamchua is testing the Fujifilm X-T3. Apart from wonderful images he shared in his blog post here, he says that “high ISO noise control is better than the X-T2“.

Make sure to check back our previous article about the JPEG X-T3 vs X-T2 high ISO comparison here and we have an X-T3 ISO 8000 sample by DPReview, which we shared and commented here.

CONCLUSIONS: Of course no conclusion can be taken, since only the RAW files will tell the truth. But if I should take one based on JPEG comparisons shared so far, I’d say there is no difference at lower ISO, but at very high ISO the X-T3 is better than the X-T2. But only RAW will tell the truth.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
News, Rumors and Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group / Fujifilm X-T facebook page
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Fujifilm X-T3 Reviews, Tracking Tests and Lock-Up Reports

Fujifilm X-T3 Roundup

TheCameraStoreTV published their full Fujifilm X-T3 review. No IBIS, could have battery life, but for the rest it’s a solid camera. Check out the video down below or directly on youtube here.

And now to the lock-ups.

Dylan Goldby has tons of great things to say about the Fujifilm X-T3. Especially the autofocus is excellent. He was convinced and pre-ordered one right away.

However, he experienced lock-ups. Check out the video above or on youtube here. In his follow up video here, he says Fuji is releasing a fix via firmware update.

We already reported, that ZedProMedia also experienced lock-ups, but only when his X-T3 was attached to the battery grip. Using the X-T3 body only, ZedProMedia said the camera was “rocksolid“. In Dylan’s case it happened with body only.

BigheadTaco also said he didn’t experience any lock-ups.

Keep in mind that most you see is pre-production stuff, and in part some bugs are to expect while developing the final firmware. But let’s hope that once the Fujifilm X-T3 hits the market, the X-T3 will be bug free… and if not, at least Fujifilm has a great firmware update history ;),

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
News, Rumors and Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group / Fujifilm X-T facebook page
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** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8, XF 200mm F2, XF 16-80mm F4 Reviews, Samples and Thoughts

New Fujinon XF (Roadmap) Lenses

I thought we take a little break from all those fantastic Fujifilm X-T3 reviews, and get back to the core of every system: lenses!

For 2019/2020, Fujifilm has recently announced a new roadmap which include 3 lenses: XF16-80mmF4 and XF16mmF2.8 for 2019 and XF33mmF1.0 for 2020 (don’t forget to vote our XF 33/1 features request poll).

In 2018 we will get the XF200mmF2 in October and the XF8-16mmF2.8 in November.

There is still not much about this lenses online, but down below is what he have so far.

And if you like the non stop Fujifilm coverage delivered here on FujiRumors, please consider to join us on our facebook pages/groups listed below.

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  • williamchua – My world has become wider with the Fujinon Lens XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR
  • williamchua – portraits with Fujinon Lens XF 8-16mm F2.8 R LM WR
  • keithwee – An mini review of the Fujion XF8-16mm F2.8 LM WR lens with samples
  • ivanjoshualoh – Clash of the XF Wide Angle Lenses  (XF8-16 Vs XF10-24)
  • photographyblog – Fujifilm XF 8-16mm F2.8 R LM WR Sample Images
  • pcmag – Fujifilm Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 R LM WR


  • Rico Pfirstinger Flickr – XF200mm – 50 Samples in full resolution
  • billfortney – Fujinon XF200mmF2 sample Part 2
  • fujifilm -x – Shooting UEFA Super Cup with the new FUJINON XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR
  • photographyblog – Fujifilm XF 200mm F2 R LM OIS WR Sample Images
  • dpreview – Hands-on with new Fujifilm 200mm F2 and 8-16mm F2.8
  • pcmag – Fujifilm Fujinon XF 200mm F2 R LM OIS WR

XF16-80mmF4 + XF16mmF2.8 + XF33mm F1.0

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon XF 200mm F2: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

FUJIFILM Says FULL FRAME Does NOT Make Sense For them NOW and Compares Size, Weight, Price of APS-C with Full Frame

APS-C vs Full Frame

At the Spanish press event for the launch of the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm has displayed a comparison between their Fujifilm X-T3 and a “mirrorless full frame” system. The media slides were published at the Spanish site albomedia.

The comparison should show, how Fujifilm’s APS-C system is better balanced in terms of size, weight and price compared to full frame. Well done Fuji, now you opened the Pandora box of equivalency… watch out what happens in the comments ;).

When asked if Fujifilm would enter Full Frame, Fujifilm answered:

We would have to start from scratch with the optics, and that would not make sense now

In a recent major poll here on FujiRumors, most FR-readers agree that Fujifilm should stick with their APS-C and medium format systems, and stay away from the full frame slaughter between Sony, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic and maybe even Olympus soon.

As a consequence to your vote, I have shared a list of advantages that APS-C offers over full frame.

Mirrorless vs DSLR

Then Fujifilm also displayed a chart, that shows the overall decline of the camera market, and that DSLR sales are affected most by this decline.

When asked what Fujifilm thinks about the Canon EOS R and the Nikon Z series, they answered:

” it’s good news, as it will allow mirrorless to grow. It is always better have 5% of a market of 20 million that 10% of a market of 5 million”

We already discussed this topic in our article “Canon and Nikon enter mirrorless, and Fujifilm is happy about it“.