Fujifilm X-T3: Eye AF Tracking Test, X-H1 or X-T3, Eye Sensor and Battery Test, First Impression and More


Fujifilm X-T3 – It Starts to Get Boring ;)

I am trying hard to find the one guy, the one reviewer, that is not really in love with the Fujifilm X-T3. But so far I am terribly failing.

So here is yet another Fujifilm X-T3 roundup… and don’t blame me if they are all very positive ;).

Fujifilm X-T3
: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
AUS: CameraPro
EU: CalumentDE, DigitechCH, WexUK, PCHstore


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Fujifilm X-T3 Vs Rest of the World SPECS and SIZE Comparison (Canon EOS R, Nikon Z6, Nikon Z7 & All Others)

Fujifilm X-T3 Specs Comparison

BHphoto has now all the specs of the Fujifilm X-T3 in their system, so you can start to compare it to all other cameras.

Here you can see a comparison between the Fujifilm X-T3, Canon EOS R, Nikon Z7 and Nikon Z6.

Take a look at it… you could find out some interesting little things, like the fact that the Fujifilm X-T3 can work in condition between 14 to 104°F, whereas the other 3 cameras listed here go from 32 to 104°F.

To make your own comparison, simply search for “Fujifilm X-T3” and any other camera you want to compare, and then click on the little box “Add to compare”. You can compare up to 4 items.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm X-T3 Size Comparison

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Fujifilm X-T3 Vs. X-T2 High ISO Jpeg Comparison, Canon and Nikon Take a Hit, X-Trans 3 Vs X-Trans 4 Pixel Comparison & More

Fujifilm X-T3 Roundup

If the Canon EOS R and Nikon Z series earned quite some flack on the internet, quite the opposite is true for the Fujifilm X-T3, and even guys, who used to cirtique Fujifilm quite hard and never recommended to buy Fujifilm like Gerald (link below), now say that with the X-T3 changed everything. He has one for testing, and is evidently blown away.

This camera has one equation that simply fits: it’s great value for money! So let’s check out the next bunch of X-T3 first looks.

We already shared a dedicated X-T3 eye/face detection article earlier today. Now let’s see what else we can learn about the Fujifilm X-T3.

Join FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter and check out also our Fujifilm X-T facebook group and our new Fujifilm X-T facebook page

Fujifilm X-T3 Pre-orders
: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
AUS: CameraPro
EU: CalumentDE, DigitechCH, WexUK, PCHstore

X-T3 Review (Pixel Peeping Vs. X-T2 included)

Bjorn as published a 2 part review of the Fujifilm X-T3 (part 1part 2). The review also includes a high ISO comparison between the X-T2 and X-T3. JPEG only, since nobody supports the RAW files yet. So we are definitely far from being able to take any conclusions, but it’s interesting to see anyway.

Bjorn writes:

I must admit that I was expecting a larger difference between the two cameras when it comes to high ISO performance, especially since it is using the new Backside illuminated sensor (BSI). Realistically, there is about a one stop advantage for the X-T3 compared to the X-T2. I have no problem shooting at ISO 6400 and will bump it up to 12800 if needed. Compared to the X-T1 the difference is more pronounced and is closer to two stops better low light performance. For a cropped sensor camera, this is well within the ballpark.”

Before we move on, please make sure to…

Canon and Nikon Take a Hit

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Fujifilm X-T3 Eye and Face Detection Tracking Test Videos

Fujifilm X-T3

Hüseyin Taskin as well as ePhotozine have uploaded a some videos, demonstrating the eye/face detection autofocus tracking as well an f-log test of the brand new Fujifilm X-T3.

However, I start this article with a short but inspiring video Hüseyin made, because at the end of the day, what you create with your camera is what matters most.

And now, down below some good news for Fujifilm X-T3 shooters, regarding face/eye detection. You can click the link below or check out the embedded video below.

There is a huge improvement over all previous X series cameras, and give Fujifilm’s firmware approach, it can only just get even better.

Fujifilm X-T3 (save $130 w/grip): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

And don’t forget to join us on:


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Fujifilm X-T3: Tracking Full Speed Horses, See Through the Blackout-Free EVF and $1,499 is “Too Low for What this Camera can Do”

Fujifilm X-T3

Our live blogging is over. Make sure to check it out and see all the X-T3 first looks.

We have also written a follow up article, about the 17 things you might have missed about the X-T3.

And it’s not over yet, since I am meticulously searching for every tidbit about the Fujifilm X-T3 that could be of interest for you.

No Selfie Screen, Why?

I wanted to dedicate a special article to the Fujifilm Manager statement about the X-T3 lack of selfie screen earlier today here. Make sure to check it out. Done that, here is the roundup.

(Eye) AF and Tracking + See Blackout Free EVF

Here is the next bunch of content, and we start with the X-T3 first look of Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย. Unless you speak Thai, you won’t get much out of it.

However, I recommend you to see how the Fujifilm X-T3 tracks a full speed running horse using the blackout free EVF at min. 6:19 of the video with the XF200mmF2.

In short: the Fujifilm X-T3 nails it!

Right after the horses, the X-T3 tracks a water skater, an even more challanging situation, given all the water splashing around him. I count 20 frames (probably shot at 20fps with electronic shutter). I see 1 shot out of focus, and right after that, the X-T3 is again in focus. I don’t notice rolling shutter.

As for the eye detection, you can see it in action at minute 9:39. It’s definitely hugely improved over anything we have seen before on Fujifilm cameras. Let’s see how it stackes up with final firmware against the Sony Eye-AF.

Zed Pro Media – See Blackout Free EVF

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