FUJIFILM Announces XF 8-16mmF2.8, 200mmF2 and New Lens Roadmap – PRE-ORDERS and LIVE BLOGGING

Pre-order Options, SPECS & PRICE

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon XF 200mm F2: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Official Fujifilm Info

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8
Press Release / Product Page + Sample Images

Fujinon XF 200mm F2
Press Release / Product Page + Sample Images

First Look Reviews & Promo Videos

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8

Fujinon XF 200mm F2

New Lens Roadmap + Higher Lens/Camera Manufacturing Capacity

  • fujifilm.com – New Lens Roadmap Announcement
  • fujifilm.com – Fujifilm to boost its production capacity for interchangeable lenses. Addressing the ever-increasing demand for mirrorless digital cameras


Video focus is on first looks and hands on. Go to Fujifilm Global Youtube, fujifilm-x and Fuji Guys Youtube to see all promo videos

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Fujifilm XF10 Annnounced – Launch Coverage LIVE BLOG


Fujifilm XF10 Pre-orders: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

XF10 Official Fujifilm Info

Follow FujiRumors at Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line

XF10 First Look Reviews & Samples

  • ivanjoshualoh – XF10. Big Capabilities Compact Camera
  • keithwee – An user’s Review of the Fujifilm XF10 camera with lots of samples: the love that’s pocketable


Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM XF10 – First Look

Fujifilm Global FUIFILM XF10 Promotional Video

Fixing Fujifilm Charger Blinking Light Issue, Third Party Batteries Comparison, Best Tripod Ever & More (Accessories Roundup)

ddookkuu - Leather Camera Straps
ddookkuu – Leather Camera Straps

Fujifilm Accessories Roundup

I regulary get questions about the best 3rd party batteries for the Fujifilm X System.

We reported about it several times here on FujiRumors, last time here, when ultralightphotography compared 13 third party batteries for Fujifilm.

But given that many seem to have missed our battery specific roundups, I will share again today…. and of course a lot of new stuff :) .

Batteries & Chargers

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This is How Fujifilm’s Electronic Images Stabilization Works on X-T100

Fujifilm X-T100 EIS

The Spanish site Fujistas (youtube video) published a video that shows how the electronic image stabilization (EIS) works on the Fujfilm X-T100. It works only in video mode so far.

Mechanical OIS and IBIS will always work better, but the EIS is also quite effective, and I think we Fuji Lovers would not hate it to get this feature on other X series cameras, too.

& More X-T100

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Venus Optics Laowa 9mm f/2.8 – A Non-Landscape Photographer’s Review

The Laowa looks amazing with the exception of its horrible blue band


Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer instagram / website

A couple of months back I was offered pre-release Laowa 9mm for review by the local distributor in Australia. At the time I was fairly busy with work and I’m not a big landscape person, so I ended up turning it down and waiting for my own copy. The release took longer than expected, so in hindsite I probably should have taken them up on it.

For those who don’t know, the Laowa 9mm is an ultrawide manual lens available in Fujifilm mount. It’s a rectilinear lens so you don’t have the same level of distortion experienced with a typical fisheye. I’ll be completely honest and say I don’t know a lot about Laowa. According to the website, it’s made by Venus Optics who have been around since 2013 and are based out of China. Having never tried any of their gear before this, I can’t comment on any of their previous gear.

I still haven’t had a chance to take many photos, hence the lack of landscape photos, probably made worse by having kids which means it’s hard to get up for sunrise shoots when you’re helping get kids to school in the morning. I will update the missing landscapes as I get out for more landscape photography.

Thanks to Adam from the Laowa distributor in Australia for getting me my lens so quickly.

Laowa 9mm F2.8: Venus Optics, BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS


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