Fuji Guys Compare X100F and X-E3, Which One Should You Buy? :: Hack a Wide Angle Converter :: LeicaQ Vs. Fuji X-E3 & More

Fuji Guys X100F Vs. X-E3

The Fuji Guys just published their Fujifilm X-E3 Vs. X100F comparison, and try to give an answer to the question which one suits you better.

I personally struggled with the same question, and at the end decided to go for the X-E3, because I own plenty of Fujinon lenses already, and because the X-E3 had bluetooth (I like to geo-tag my images in travels).

I do not care much about the touch screen, and use it only for the 4 swipe FN functions.

But of course the X100F has its strenghts too, such as the hybrid viewfinder and a feature strangely not mentioned by the Fuji Guys, but that I’d love to have on my X-E3: the combined ISO/Shutter dial.

Other than that, the X100F shines due to the leaf shutter and due to… let’s say… it’s philosophy: carry less (fixed lens), keep it simple, do not stress, go out and shoot.

The final conclusions are made while eating the Fujifilm Film Simulation Noodles, which we reported already 2 weeks ago about.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujifilm X100F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

& More

But not only Fuji Guys… here is more about the X100F and the X-E3

Tethered Shooting for Fujifilm X-T2 and X-Pro2 on Linux – UPDATE: now also Fujifilm X-T3 supported

Tethered Shooting for X-T2 and X-Pro2 on Linux

NOTE TO READERS: Due to new EU regulation, we were forced to currently disable the guest post plug-in. But if you want to be featured on FujiRumors, you can still reach out to me and send me your articles via fujirumor@gmail.com.

UPDATE: Now also works with Fujifilm X-T3

Guest Post by Stefan Weiberg – www.hibiki.eu / @stefan_weiberg

During this years SUSE Hackweek Marcus Meissner, the maintainer of libgphoto2, worked on tethered shooting support for Fujifilm cameras on Linux.

The community provided him with a X-E2, X-T2 and X-Pro2. On top of that the developers of Timelapse+ (www.timelapseplus.com), which internally uses libgphoto2 to communicate with the camera, provided code for adding basic support.

As the X-E2 doesn’t support the necessary protocol for tethered shooting Marcus couldn’t add it for this camera. But for the X-T2 and X-Pro2 a lot of stuff now works:

  • white balance mode
  • image format (quality and size)
  • exposure metering mode
  • exposure program
  • focus metering mode
  • capture delay (self-timer)
  • focus mode
  • shutter release

Here you can see Entangle, a graphical frontend for libgphoto2, together with a X-Pro2 in action:

Live view support doesn’t seem to work as of now and many other features that the Fujifilm protocol might support as well. A tremendous help for further development would be an open specification for the connection protocol by Fujifilm. As we know Fujifilm follows Fujirumors. The addition of some of the highest voted lenses of the Fujirumor survey in the new Fuji lens roadmap is prove of that. Maybe this will get their attention and get them into contact with the developer.

To test this on your own machine you have to use a master branch build of libgphoto2 or if you use openSUSE Leap 15/Tumbleweed use the graphics repository to receive a newer build:


If you want to help Marcus Meissner to further improve libgphoto2 head to the pixls.us forum and join the discussion.

UPDATE: The official release 2.5.19 is now tagged and can therefore be build by other distributions – check out discuss.pixls.us

FUJIFILM Announces XF 8-16mmF2.8, 200mmF2 and New Lens Roadmap – PRE-ORDERS and LIVE BLOGGING

Pre-order Options, SPECS & PRICE

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon XF 200mm F2: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Official Fujifilm Info

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8
Press Release / Product Page + Sample Images

Fujinon XF 200mm F2
Press Release / Product Page + Sample Images

First Look Reviews & Promo Videos

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8

Fujinon XF 200mm F2

New Lens Roadmap + Higher Lens/Camera Manufacturing Capacity

  • fujifilm.com – New Lens Roadmap Announcement
  • fujifilm.com – Fujifilm to boost its production capacity for interchangeable lenses. Addressing the ever-increasing demand for mirrorless digital cameras


Video focus is on first looks and hands on. Go to Fujifilm Global Youtube, fujifilm-x and Fuji Guys Youtube to see all promo videos

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm XF10 Annnounced – Launch Coverage LIVE BLOG


Fujifilm XF10 Pre-orders: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

XF10 Official Fujifilm Info

Follow FujiRumors at Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line

XF10 First Look Reviews & Samples

  • ivanjoshualoh – XF10. Big Capabilities Compact Camera
  • keithwee – An user’s Review of the Fujifilm XF10 camera with lots of samples: the love that’s pocketable


Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM XF10 – First Look

Fujifilm Global FUIFILM XF10 Promotional Video