AstrHori to Launch a Tilt Shift Lens for Fujifilm GFX in 2022/2023

I have been informed that AstrHori will launch a tilt-shift lens for Fujifilm GFX. The timing could be (if all goes well) within 2022, but also 2023 is a possibility.

Fujifilm has already announced two tilt-shift lenses for 2023, the Fujinon GF110mmF5.6 Tilt Shift Macro  and the Fujinon GF30mmF5.6 Tilt Shift. In fact, B&H Photo has them already listed at their website:

We have shared hands on images of the Fujinon tilt-shift lenses here.

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7Artisans 4mm f/2.8 Drone Lens and 12mm T2.9 Cine Lens for Fujifilm X

7Artisans is displaying two new lenses on their Chinese social media platforms, that will both be available for Fujifilm X mount:

  • 7Artisans 4mm f/2.8 drone lens
  • 7Artisans 12mm T2.9 Cine Lens

7Artisans offers many lenses for Fujifilm APS-C. You can see the full list at their official store.

That’s all nice and good, but I am hoping to see also the rumored autofocus X mount lenses from them one day.

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via 7Artisans

LEAKED: Image of Tamron 150-500mmF5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount and Announcement Tomorrow

As we reported yesterday, Tamron will release the Tamron 150-500mmF5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount on October 13.

Now, according to How2Fly, the announcement is scheduled to happen tomorrow, September 21.

Also, the guys at the Japanese site asobinet extracted a screengrab from a youtube video I think.

The Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 for Sony enjoys very good reviews:

The next lens to come after the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 is the Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8.

via asobinet via How2Fly

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Tamron 150-500mm F/5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount Coming October 13

Image Shows the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 – For Sony FULL FRAME
Image Shows the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 for Sony

A couple of weeks ago I told you that Tamron would launch a telephoto zoom lens for Fujifilm X mount in 2022.

Well, Nokishita confirmed it right now.

The Tamron 150-500mm F/5-6.7 Di III VC VXD for Fujifilm X mount will be released on October 13.

And there is still one missing.

Which one?

Well, a Tamron manager gave an interview promising three more lenses:

Tamron X Mount AF Lenses

via mevius via asobinet via digicame-info

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Fujifilm Manager Teases Another Launch Event “Very Very Soon” and adds “Oh, I Should Not Have Said That” – Fujifilm X-T5?

The House of Photography in Sydney was packed with guests for the Fujifilm X-H2, XF56mmF1.2 R WR and GF20-35mmF4 launch event, when the whole presentation came to an end, and the Australian Fujifilm manager closes the event by saying:

Thank you everyone here, thanks to everyone out there in the web world for tuning in and watching us. I am sure we will be doing this again very very soon… oh, I shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t I? Alright. Good night everyone. Thank you again!

So he just teased that another launch event is just around the corner.

What could it be?

Some might say he is referring to the only remaining gear Fujifilm already said would come in 2022 and we are still waiting to be announced: the Fujinon XF30mmF2.8 Macro.

But frankly I doubt that for this lens alone Fujifilm would set up a bigger launch event with guests at the House of Photography. And also, why say “I should not have said this“, when Fujifilm already announced it for 2022, so it’s all but a secret that it is coming.

He is probably referring to something we don’t know about yet… unless you follow FujiRumors of course. In that case you know what it is (hint: Fujifilm X-T5) ;).