TTArtisan AF 35mm f/1.8 II – First Details Leaked

We recently reported how BHphoto is listing already the TTartisan AF 35mm f/1.8 II on their website, even though the MKI version was announced just 1 year ago.

Well, a source (THANKS!!!!) has passed us the following information about it.

Coming Soon:

  • TTartisan AF 35mm f/1.8 II

The Original Version:

Fujifilm FF240004 ​​​Camera Registration Spotted – Fujifilm GFX100RF?

Fujifilm has just registered a camera with the codename FF240004. It features Tri-band WiFi as spotted by the Chinese Weibo account EM8.

As you can read here, so far we have at least four cameras scheduled for release in 2025:

But there might be even more in the pipeline. Maybe even some I could not see coming, just as it was the case of the Fujifilm GFX Eterna.

My best guess so far is that it could be the Fujifilm GFX100RF fixed lens camera or the Fujifilm GFX Eterna. But that’s just a guess. And in fact it does not really matter which codename which camera has. There will always be a codename because there will always be a camera coming.

Ricoh Beats Fujifilm, Firmware Love, GFX100RF Specs and More – Top 10 November Articles

Here are the top 10 articles for November. Interestingly, the rumor about the Ricoh GR IV and GR IV M is by far the most read article, which proves my point even further: we need a monochrome Fujifilm as soon as possible and we need a Fujifilm X70 successor. There is a huge interest for such cameras, and Fujifilm should grab a piece of that market share before it is too late.

  1. Watch Out Fujifilm: Ricoh GRIV Coming First Quarter 2025 and Monochrome Version to Follow Later On
  2. FINALLY: New Autofocus Firmware and New Features Released for Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S, and GFX100 II
  3. Fujifilm GFX100RF is the Name of the Upcoming Rangefinder Fixed Lens Camera
  4. Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T2, X100F, X-T20, X-E3, X-Pro2 and GFX50S
  5. Fujifilm GFX Fixed Lens Camera “About the Size” of Fujifilm X-Pro3
  6. Fujifilm GFX Fixed Lens Camera Lens Patents Spotted – GF35mm F3.5, GF40mm F3.5 and GF50mm F3.5
  7. Fujifilm Autofocus Feedback: Mostly Positive and The Curious Case of the X-T3 (or the Root of All Autofocus Issues?)
  8. Fujifilm’s Upcoming Half Frame Camera: Welcome to Diptych Heaven!
  9. Fujifilm GFX100RF First Specs: No IBIS, GF35mmF4 Lens and Coming March 2025
  10. Fujifilm GFX Eterna Filmmaking Camera Development Announcement with Expected 2025 Release

Do Not Miss


BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100RF First Specs: No IBIS, GF35mmF4 Lens and Coming March 2025

As we told you yesterday, an anonymous source contacted us with the details about the upcoming fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera.

First off: THANKS for the help!!! And second: it’s all very accurate according to my trusted sources, except for one thing (and at this point you know what). If you want, we can chat 100% anonymously via Signal to talk about it.

So these are the first specs of the Fujifilm GFX RF.

  • Name: Fujifilm GFX100RF
  • 100 Megapixel
  • No IBIS
  • GF35mmF4 Lens
  • Coming March 2025 (it’s unclear if this is the date for the announcement of for the shipping… or maybe even both? I will let you know if I figure that out).

No IBIS makes sense, considering that it will be very compact for a medium format camera. In fact, we told you it will be “about the size of the Fujifilm X-Pro3“.

Also 35mm was to expect, as we always told you it will be a 28mm equivalent lens (hence 35mm on GFX). We also told you it will be an f/3.2 lens, but we were not sure if it was f/3.2 on GFX or f/3.2 Full Frame equivalent. Well, we can now say it will be f/3.2 FF DOF equivalent (hence f/4 of GFX)

Related articles:

RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100RF is the Name of the Upcoming Rangefinder Fixed Lens Camera

An anonymous source (THANKS) has send us the name of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX fixed lens camera.

It will be called Fujifilm GFX100RF.

We have also received a few specs that I am now in the process of verifying. But the first feedback I got is that they are very likely all correct, except for one.

To the anonymous source: if you want, we can chat 100% anonymously via Signal, so I can tell you what I hear regarding that other detail that does not match up. Or just drop me an email if you want (you can create a fake email account).

To my fellow FR-readers: I should be hearing back from my trusted sources very soon, it could be a matter of hours. Once the specs are 100% confirmed, I will share them here on FujiRumors.

But I’ll also take some extra time to verify any additional details that don’t fully align with the information I have heard so far. Only when the conflicting reports are solved I will be able to give you the final answer.

Expect updates very soon.