Laowa 10mm F4 Cookie Mirrorless APS-C Lens Leaked

The first images of the Laowa 10mm f/4 cookie lens by Venus Optics leaked at the Chinese platform weibo. It’s designed for mirrorless APS-C lenses.

Some might desire a faster lens, but keep in mind you’d have to sacrifize its lovely pancake size for that. You can’t have it all I guess.

You can always go for the Laowa 9mm f/2.8 Zero-D if you desire something faster.

RUMOR: Fujifilm X-T5 will Not Have Battery Grip Option – New Source

When Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H2S, it also launched not one, but two battery grip options for it: the regular Fujifilm VG-XH and the file transmitting Fujifilm FT-XH.

So will this be the case also for the Fujifilm X-T5? Will it also get both options?

Well, apparently not.

A new source reached out to us and told us that there won’t be any battery grip for the Fujifilm X-T5.

This would mean that if you love to shoot with a battery grip, your only options will be the Fujifilm X-H2S and the upcoming Fujifilm X-H2. Or you can go with older models like the Fujifilm X-T4 with the VG-XT4 grip.

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Rumors and Discussions

The Rumors to Come (Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-T5, Camera Remote App…) and What we Got Right and Wrong – Mid 2022 Rumor Check

We are half through 2022, so time to check out how things are going in the rumor world.

For you, this is a great opportunity to get an overview on all remaining rumors in one single article ranked by reliability and to see if FujiRumors was worth your time by delivering accurate information.

One more thing: there are so many things I am working on right now. All I can say is for now is that we are going to have lots of fun ;)

  • 45 rumors shared in 2022 so far (many more to come)
  • 10 rumors still to be verified
  • 34 correct rumors out of 44 verifiable rumors (one can’t be verified, see below)
  • 0 wrong rumors
  • 100% correct rumors

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Rumor Overview with Rating

* 75% to 99% correct

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T5 Coming with New Lower Base ISO (Less than 160)

Multiple trusted sources have reported to us, that the 40MP non-stacked Fujifilm X-H2 will have a lower base ISO than current Fujifilm models, including the Fujifilm X-H2S, which still has ISO 160 as its lowest native value.

I was always of the opinion that a lower base ISO should be a top priority for Fujifilm, so this rumor makes me particulary happen.

And what does this mean for the Fujifilm X-T5?

Well, our trusted sources also told us that the Fujifilm X-T5 will have the non-stacked 40MP sensor, so we can safely assume that also the Fujifilm X-T5 will have a new lower base ISO. But to be clear, that is a logical conclusion I make based on the current X-H2/X-T5 rumors, and not something a source told me explicitly.

And what about the other future Fujifilm cameras?

Now, Fujifilm has stated that except for the Fujifilm X-H line which has both sensor options, all other camera lines will either get the stacked 26MP or the 40MP non-stacked sensor. And since I don’t have information on which sensor the surviving X cameras will get, hence the Fujifilm X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S20, X-T40 and X100V successor, I can’t say which line will profit from the lower base ISO, too.

I have conflicting report until now on which the new base ISO value will be, but I am working to figure it out. I hope that very shortly I can give you the precise value.

LEAKED: First Image of Cosina Voigtlander MACRO APO-ULTRON 35mm f/2 for Fujifilm X

Nokishita leaked the first image of the Cosina Voigtlander MACRO APO-ULTRON 35mm f/2, which will be released in August.

  • MACRO APO-ULTRON 35mm f/2 X-mount
    ・Fujifilm X-mount
    ・Scheduled release date: August 2022

Cosina also makes the Voigtlander NOKTON 23mm F1.2 X and Voigtlander NOKTON 35mm F1.2 X which have electronic contacts and hence communicate with Fujifilm cameras. Let’s hope this one will have at least that feature too, or even better with autofocus.

via digicame-info