Fujifilm X-H2S Just Got “Incredible Improvements” via Firmware Update (and What about the Older Reviews Now?)

As a big lover of Montaigne, I live according to one of his maxim which says “suspend your judgement“.

Well, Montaigne’s life tip is definitely a good one also when it comes to pre-production gear.

We have seen DPReview fail to test new Fuji gear properly, others judging autofocus speed while using a camera that had not even the full menu properly written via firmware (some menu items were still marked with a questionmark!) and others commenting on burst performance when using CFepxress cards that are not properly working with the Fujifilm X-H2S.

So you see: lots of judgements and conclusions have been done in a time where there should be none!

And to underline that, I will give you this information I have just received by a new source (which I am very greatful for contacting me, and if I share it with you despite being a new source it means I have solid reasons to trust it): on June 15, Fujifilm released a firmware update for the Fujifilm X-H2S which introduced “incredible improvements“.

For us this means that whatever we have seen and heard about the Fujifilm X-H2S so far, we should take it with a grain of salt.

The real performance will only be unlocked once the final firmware is out, which should happen soon. And who knows, maybe the June 15 firmware was already the final thing, with all bugs ironed out and the final stills and video autofocus algorithm on it.

Production firmware, that’s what we want, that’s what we wait for. And that’s what we will get very soon and FujiRumors will cover it for you.

Do NOT Use These AngelBird CFexpress Cards on Fujifilm X-H2S

We recently shared the official Fujifilm recommended CFexpress Type B card list here.

We saw that not all CFexpress TypeB card are made equal and that only these 4 card models can do it all and can do it best (among the ones tested by Fujifilm).

Other cards work well too, but maybe don’t give you as long bursts as others, or can’t record ProRes and so forth (full details here).

For your convenience, here are the cards recommended

In the comments to that article many were surprised that the AngelBird CFexpress Type B cards were not included in the list.

In order to try to get clarification, I fired off a few emails to sources asking if Fujifilm simply did not test those cards on the Fujifilm X-H2S or maybe if they did test them, and saw they performed so bad that they excluded it from the recommended CFexpress Card list.

Well, today a source wrote me back and told me that the Fujifilm did test them, and they did not perform well, so they did not include them in the list.

More precisely, the source mentioned the following card models as not working properly:

So these are the AngelBird card models you should definitely avoid to use on your Fujifilm X-H2S.

I am aware about the brand new AngelBird MKII CFexpress Type B cards. I don’t have info on those ones, but I think we can be cautiously optimistic that they will work fine. However, I still don’t recommend to buy any CFexpress Card except for the ones officially recommended by Fujifilm.

Once Fujifilm updates its recommended CFexpress card list, I will inform you.

For now, you are best off with these four cards:

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UPDATE: IMX671 is NOT the Sensor of Fujifilm X-H2S

Back on May 31, an anonymous source send me the sensor sheet for the a new IMX671 sensor by Sony.

I was skeptical, and considering our approach to be as accurate as possible, I decided not to share it. I also received the one for the Fujifilm X-H2, and also that one, I did not share it.

Sharing probably fake stuff just for clicks is not what we do here on FujiRumors.

But I guess once the anonymous source noticed FujiRumors would not be tricked to publish it, it started sending that file to several websites, who, hungry for clicks, all published it giving it for granted that this is the Fujifilm X-H2S sensor sheet.

At that point, I had to publish it too, but more because I wanted to warn you that I am very skeptical about it.

So I did what FujiRumors does best: I verified!

Well, I can now say with 110% certainty that the IMX671 is NOT the sensor for the Fujifilm X-H2S and also the other sensor sheet I’ve received, which the anonymous contact said it’s for X-H2, is 110% not for X-H2.

In fact, I don’t know if they even exist, or they are just made up. Or they are just sensor for other cameras (maybe Sony, certainly not Fuji).

But what I can tell you for sure, it’s that none of them is for Fujifilm X-H2S or Fujifilm X-H2.

In a future not all too distant I will let you know the IMX definition for both sensors in a way you’ll see with your own eyes that this was just a fake.


In these years I have seen all possible fakes. Websites who claim the X-H line had been axed (but now we got even two of them!!), websites spreading rumors about nonsense lenses like the Fujinon GF56mmF5.6 and much more.

The reason why this happens is simple: they want your attention, your time and your money. And every way to achieve that is legit in their eyes. Yes, they know they fool you, but they don’t care, as long as it brings them profit. The only rumors they get right, are the ones they copy from FujiRumors (without quote of course).

But here on FujiRumors we don’t share fake rumors as we don’t take this kind of shortcut to get your attention and increase traffic.

Our commitment to you: we want to respect your time! And if you honor us with your time, then we want to deserve it by working hard and good, day after day, article after article.

I know that this is the hard way to success, as spreading sensational fake rumors would be a guarantee for traffic (and you can always talk yourself out of it by saying “hey, it’s a rumor, doesn’t have to be accurate”). But that’s not who we are. I just have too much respect for you and your time.

Decrypting Fujifilm Manager Statement: “No other Camera Platform more Suitable to Have both 5th Gen Sensors than X-H Series”

I’ve re-watched the Fujifilm X Summit, and right at the end I noticed a sentence that I think we have to investigate further what it could mean.

When talking about the two new 5th generation X-Trans sensors, the 26MP stacked sensor and the 40MP non-stacked sensor, that will both be featured into the X-H line, the manager says:

and there is no other camera platform more suitable to have them both than the ‘X-H” Series

I did try to wrap my head around this sentence to try to get what he really meant. I see the following options:

  1. It means that only the X-H line will offer both 5th generation sensor options as other platforms are not so suitable “to have them both“. As a consequence to this, all other camera lines will get either one or the other sensor (but not both)
  2. It means that since the X-H line is the most suitable of all, it will be the first line to get both 5th generation sensors, and other camera lines that might eventually also feature both options will come only after the Fujifilm X-H2S and Fujifilm X-H2

What do you think is the most appropriate interpretation of this sentence? Feel free to vote the survey down below.

The Fujifilm Manager is saying that...

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Alleged Fujifilm X-H2S Sony Sensor IMX671 Now Online Promises Future Great High-Speed Performance

Somebody is right now sending some Sony sensor specs to all possible websites. And of course we received it too.

An APS-C format stacked sensor, dubbed the IMX671-AAPH, appears to be a public version of the sensor used in the X-H2S.
This is a sensor that allows for high speed readout without DRAM, the same architecture as the IMX472 in the Olympus OM-1.
Perhaps Fujifilm can achieve greatness in high-speed photography in the future.

Down below you can see the full file I have received.

Again: I have received this anonymously. I did not plan to publish it but since it is spreading all over the web, I will share it now, even thought it is very likely a fake.