IMPORTANT UPDATE Regarding Fujifilm X-H2 Teaser: Fujifilm Africa is Not an Official Fujifilm Account

A few days ago we reported how Fujifilm Africa shared on their Instagram page that the Fujifilm X-H2 is coming soon.

What a teaser, right?

Well, I have investigated and I can now say that the fujifilm_africa instagram account is not an official Fujifilm account. Yes, Kevin Mullins and other X photographers follow it, and I thought it is official. But is is not. And yet, if you like Africa and Fujifilm, you can always give it a follow.

Anyway, this is not an official teaser by Fujifilm. I feel I needed to make this clarification in order to be 100% accurate with you guys.

And look, right now when I am typing these words to inform you all, I checked again the account and I see they added “fan page” to their Instagram description, meaning it is run by a fellow Fujifilm lover who probably reads our rumors and looks forward to the Fujifilm X-H2 just as much as we do.

So the story is:

Fujifilm managers never teased anything regarding the Fujifilm X-H2.

Oh well, except for saying that…

Hm, it actually looks like Fujifilm said a lot already!

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Fujifilm Confirms: Long Wait for Fujifilm X-H2 is Almost Over (Coming May 2022)

Just yesterday Fujifilm announced the Fujifilm X Summit for May 2022, with the introduction of the 5th generation X series cameras.

Now, they didn’t give any hint on which camera will come, but thanks to FujiRumors you guys know it’s the Fujifilm X-H2, or the two Fujifilm X-H2 I should better say.

But if you still doubt our rumors, look at what Fujifilm Africa shared on their social media:

The long replacement wait is almost over #fuji #fujifilm #xh1 #xh2

I guess it does not get much more clear that this.

What I do not know for sure at this point, is if both X-H2 cameras will be announced in May or if there will be separated announcements.

On the other hand, I am making great progress on other X-H2 rumors (but not only X-H2 ;) ). So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors. As soon as I have it all multiple checked and I have green light from sources, it’s going to be very fun here on FujiRumors.

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Nokishita Twitter Account Closed – A Big Loss for the Rumor World

Nokishita Is Gone :(

This is a bad news to start 2022 with.

At the time of this post, the Twitter account of Nokishita is not available anymore.

As you can see from the screenshot above, Nokishita did announce in the past the possibility to delete his account with the new year. And sadly it did happen.

Look, here on FujiRumors we do not leak entire press releases and rarely we share with you leaked images. That was terrain of Nokishita, who had access to all this information in the days ahead of announcements and nobody did leak that stuff better then he did.

What will change for us here on FujiRumors?

Well, I always saw FujiRumors and Nokishita as nicely integrating each other.

In fact, FujiRumors shared with you all the main details about the upcoming gear many months (sometimes even 1+ year) ahead of the announcement, so at the time Nokishita started to leak (around 10 days ahead of announcement), the Fujifilm community had already a pretty good idea on what is about to come.

But no matter how much I leaked, I never shared every single detail about all the Fujifilm gear, and those details I never leaked (but Nokishita did) sometimes made a whole lot of difference for you guys to determine if that upcoming camera/lens was something you are interested in or not.

And last but not least, for as much as I trust my sources, I was always happy when nokishita started to leak and hence confirmed that our rumors were correct.

At the end of the day, missing out on all the Nokishita rumors is without a doubt a huge loss for the rumor world, also for us here on FujiRumors. Few things on the web were more exciting and fun to follow than Nokishita.

take care Nokishita… and if you think there is anything FujiRumors could do to bring you back on Twitter, feel free to contact me.

Take care, Nokishita, I hope you are doing well… you were the best of all of us and you will be missed.


Fujifilm X-H2 Announcement in May and Celebrating 10 Years of Fujifilm X Series

So now we know it:

As we reported earlier today, Fujifilm has announced the 5th generation X series camera to be launched in May 2022.

No more than that.

However, FujiRumors readers know it since May 2021 already: the first X series camera to feature an all new sensor and processor will be the Fujifilm X-H2. And actually, not only one, but two Fujifilm X-H2 will come in 2022.

Sure, that’s the huge news of the day.

However, I allow myself to bother you for the second time this Sunday, to hightlight something that otherwise probably would pass unnoticed.

In fact, Fujifilm has released a couple of videos to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Fujifilm X mount (the X-Pro1 was launched in January 2012), and in addition to the Fujifilm X Summit in May, they also annouced a new video project called “Reflections” and a #10YearsOfXMount hashtag campaign.

So we have the following:

  • Fujifilm X Summit in May: 5th generation Fujifilm X Series cameras – Fujifilm X-H2
  • Video Project “Reflections”: Fujifilm would like to feature X-users who they came to know during their 10 year journey. The first video will be released on the 26th of January.
  • #10YearsOfXMount hashtag campaign: Fujifilm will set a theme each month, and you can share a photo about that theme on your social media using the hashtag. The theme for January is “my best photo” (you know which one is mine)
  • GFX Challenge Program (we reported here): Fujiflm will select 50 projects, then narrow it down later on to 15 and in the final round 5 projects will be selected

What we know from previous teaser is that Fujifilm will launch a stacked BSI X-Trans APS-C sensor.

In the same video (you can see below), the Fujifilm manager also says:

  • X-Pro1 was announced 10 years ago on January 9, 2012
  • customers feedback was very positive especially due to the X-Trans sensor and high quality lenses
  • Since then, Fujifilm as introduced about 30 camera models and over 40 lenses

You can also find other celebration videos down below as well as chech out the dedicated Fujifilm X 10th anniversary website.

Also the Fuji Guys and X Photographers started sharing their celebration videos. You can see them all down below, and I will add more videos to the article once they go online.

Fujifilm X-H2 Rumor Recap


BREAKING: Fujifilm Announces X Summit in May with 5th Generation X Series Camera (Fujifilm X-H2)

Fujifilm has just announced the next Fujifilm X Summit for May 2022.

The manager introduces the X summit saying:

  • 5th generation X series cameras
  • further evolution of X series based on expertise of the past 10 years

I wonder, what could it be?

FujiRumors always told you that the first Fujifilm camera featuring a new sensor and processor will be the Fujifilm X-H2. Moreover, we told you there won’t be one, but two Fujifilm X-H2. We also gave first specs and price indications. You can find it all down below in our Fujifilm X-H2 rumor recap.

So, while the Fujifilm manager does not mention the Fujifilm X-H2, FujiRumors readers know what the manager is talking about. ;)

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