Samyang AF 12mm f/2.0 for Fujifilm X to Ship in January 2022 (in North America)

A FR-reader ordered the new Samyang AF 12mm f/2.0 and wondered when it would finally ship.

So he contacted the Samyang USA customer service and this is the reply he got:

We anticipate this order to be shipping around January 2022.

The lens was announced back in October, so we are looking at a looking at a three months waiting times for those, who pre-ordered it. Sounds like a long waiting, but compared to what is happening in the Fujifilm world, it is actually blazing fast. I mean, we are still waiting for gear to ship that was announced 9 months ago.

NewThird Party Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Group

Fujifilm X-H2 Coming 2022 with Huge Computational Photography Boost?

Fujifilm X-H2

What could be a good topic to talk about this weekend?

Let me think…

What about the Fujifilm X-H2? Is that OK?

And more precisely, could 2022 be the year that will see a huge computational photography boost in Fujifilm X series cameras, starting with the Fujfiilm X-H2?

I think it could be, and here is why.

Recently I wrote an article called “Top 7 Critiques on Fujifilm that Are Absolutely Justified”.

In that article, I said that Fujifilm should hire the best firmware guy there is, and develop tons of artificial intelligence features, as this is one area where APS-C cameras can easily beat full frame and medium format cameras, as I also explained in my article 7 advantages of APS-C over FF article.

The smaller the sensor, the faster the processing, the less the heat, the more the camera is free to make its computational photography magic.

While writing that article, I remembered that back in 2019, top manager Toshihisa IIda did announced a 3 year computational photography plan and said:

  • In 3 years, AI (artificial intelligence or computational photography) will become important part of photography
  • AI will not manage or control, but help photographers to take better images in an easier way

And more recently here, Japanese Fujifilm managers said:

  • If sensor and processor are very fast, then you can do lots of things with computational photography

Well, it looks like Fujifilm plans to give the X series a massive AI boost by 2022 (according to their own 3 years AI roadmap set back in 2019). And guess which camera is set for 2022 announcement? You got it, the Fujifilm X-H2.

So, in terms of new technology, the Fujifilm X-H2 will not only give us a new hardware platform (new sensor and processor), but, if Fujifilm respects their own timeline, we might see also lots of computational magic being implemented in the X-H2.

Btu to be clear: this is not a rumor. I have no idea what the X-H2 will bring in terms of AI features. But Fujifilm itself hinted that by 2022 something will happen in this department. So feel free to let us know which AI features you’d like to get on the Fujifilm X-H2.

Computational Photography – Good or Bad?

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm FF210002 Registration Found (Fujifilm X-H2?)

Nokishita spotted the registration for a new Fujifilm camera with the code name FF210002.

Fujifilm’s unreleased digital camera “FF210002” has been registered with an overseas certification body. Equipped with Wi-Fi (2.4GHz / 5GHz) and Bluetooth

As we saw in the past, it can take up to 6 months between a spotted registration and a final announcement. For example the X-H1 appeared 6 months after registration. Moreover, we are in crazy parts shortage times, so I’d not bet on anything right now.

FujiRumors already told you that Fujifilm’s first camera with new sensor and processor will be the Fujifilm X-H2.

via nokishita

BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 Coming with Two Different Sensors

Fujifilm X-H2

Recently I wrote an article, where I said that Fujifilm should do it a bit like Sony, and offer different sensors in the same camera.

However, I also said that I don’t believe that will happen, as at the recent X summit, Fujifilm has teased one (1) new sensor coming, not two.

But well, I was wrong.

A trusted source reached out to us and told me that yes, there will be indeed two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras coming as FujiRumors already told, but the source added that the two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras will feature two “different” sensors.

No more details given to me for now.

So I guess the question now is, what does “different sensors” mean?

FujiRumors already told you that there will be a 40 megapixel sensor in the Fujifilm X-H2. So at least in one of them (if not both) will come with 40 Megapixel.

Maybe there will there be one 40 megapixel X-Trans and one 40 megapixel Bayer sensor Fujifilm X-H2? With X-Trans for better image quality and the Bayer sensor for a more affordable X-H2 version? We have explained the X-Trans/Bayer difference recently here.

Or will there be two completely different sensors? With different megapixel or even different sensor technologies?

Again, keep in mind that all Fujifilm announced is one (1) new BSI stacked X-Trans sensor.

So the options I see are these:

  • Fujifilm is hiding something from us
  • FujiRumors is wrong and there will be just one X-H2 with one sensor
  • there will be two X-H2 cameras and both will feature a stacked BSI sensor

Another question: will both Fujifilm X-H2 have the identical body, or will the body be a bit different? Maybe one more video-centric body with external fan and selfie screen and one more photo-centric body with 3-way tilt screen and more compact?

It happens rarely, but I admit I am a bit confused at this point.

If anybody out there can help me out of this state of puzzlement, feel free to contact me via (with real or fake email) or anonymously via rumor box (you can use a nickname so I can recognize you in future).

You can also reach out to me via personal message on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Fujifilm X-H2 Rumor Coming Soon and it Will Disappoint Half of You (and Make the Other Half Happy)

I am about to write an publish an important Fujifilm X-H2 rumor.

As a teaser, according to poll result we have published here, about half of you will be disappointed by that rumor (and I guess the other half would be happy).

Stay tuned, the answer is coming soon, right after I’ve installed the first dishwasher I have ever bought in my life and just arrived to my home. I want to be online when the discussion kicks in here in the comments ;).

Now wish me luck with the dishwasher :D.