EXCLUSIVE: Fujinon XF33mm f/1.4 vs XF35mm f/1.4 Size Comparison [UPDATED]

UPDATE: Comparison has been updated. Explanation here.

Thanks to indication of our sources, we can now share an approximate size comparison between the upcoming Fujinon XF33mm f/1.4 R LM WR and the glorious XF35mm f/1.4 R.

Note that the XF33mm F1.4 you see above is not the real lens, but just a modified XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR.

What else do we know about the XF33mmF1.4 already?

Well, here is a list of specs and details shared by our sources:

At this point all we need are sample images and reviews, and those will be delivered on September 2 at 9AM New York time during the X summit .


Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 will Weight “Less Than Half” than GF32-64mmF4

GF35-70 mock-up (not the real lens)
GF35-70 mock-up (not the real lens)
DON’T MISS IT: September 2 at 9AM New York Time – Fujifilm X Summit and Live Blog on FujiRumors

Lots, if not everything, has already leaked here on FujiRumors about the upcoming Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6.

We know about the collapsible lens design, we know about its size (see above), we know it will not have OIS and no aperture ring, we know its price.

Another tidbit, though, we can add today, is that the Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 will weight less than half than the one Fujinon G mount lens I own and I am totally in love with as it is a prime lens that can zoom: the Fujinon GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (which weights 875g).

I see what Fujifilm is trying to do here.

I mean, how the heck can any zoom lens compete with the stellar GF32-64?

Certainly the GF32-64 is unbeatable in terms of image quality. I mean, have you seen the image I’ve shared of the village I live in and I did a massive crop and you could still clearly recognize the curtains on my sleeping room? And the lovely pop it has even when shot af f/5.6?

If you can’t beat it in terms of image quality, then beat it in almost everything else: make it much smaller, much lighter and much more affordable, and it will have a chance to carve out its niche among Fujifilm GFX shooters.

I personally will stick with the Fujinon GF32-64mmF4. Mainly because I already own it, and because I used it on a 6 hours hike recently. I packed with my GFX100S in my small Camslinger Outdoor bag (yep, it still fits in that small bag !!) and hiked no problem with it.

So for now I don’t see the need for the GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6, although having such a light and compact G mount zoom would certainly be a temptation for those looking to make their GFX system as portable as it gets, maybe in combination with the super small GF50mmF3.5 prime.

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GF 35-70 Rumor Recap

TAKE NOTE: September 2 Schedule – 9AM EST X Summit Live Stream, 10AM Announcement Live Blog with Fuji Guys After Launch Party

Fuji Guys After Event at 10:15 AM EST will be covered LIVE on FujiRumors in the Live Blog Starting at 10AM
Fuji Guys After Event at 10:15 AM EST will be covered LIVE on FujiRumors in the Live Blog Starting at 10AM

September 2 – A Party Schedule

Take your calender and take notes, as here is your schedule for September 2.

First and foremost: open fujirumors.com and just refresh it. Everything that happens will be covered, collected, summarized and filtered for you guys here.

And now to the schedule:

  • 9 AM New York Time: Fujifilm X Summit Live Stream
  • 10 AM New York Time: Announcement Live Blog with First Look Reviews, Samples, News Coverage
  • 10:15 AM New York Time: Fuji Guys X Summit After Event (the video will be included in the FujiRumors Live Blog Coverage starting at 10 AM)
  • 10AM to 1PM: Non Stop Live Coverage in the Live Blog
  • 1PM to 1:30 PM: I need to bring out my almost 17 years old dog, so there will be 30 minutes break :)
  • 1:30PM until whatever it takes: the live blogging continues until I crash

So take note, add it to the calendar, and see you soon for a wonderful Fujifilm day on September 2 here on FujiRumors.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-T30II has No IBIS and is “More or Less an X-T30 on Firmware Steroids”

We already told you that Fujifilm will launch the Fujifilm X-T30II.

Now sources reached out to us and told us that it will be “more or less a Fujifilm X-T30 on firmware steroids“.

Another source (thanks) told me that it won’t have IBIS, which is one of the features many thought would be added on the X-T30II.

End of rumor… and now, dear X-T30 owners, be kind to Fujifilm in the comments if you want to get Kaizen love ;).

P.S.: Yep, I once told you the X-E4 would be the last X-Trans 4 camera. Now we have this one. But now you also get it why the X-E4 is really the last X-Trans IV camera, as this one is an X-T30 with new firmware. But don’t worry, I’ll move it into my wrong rumors list anyway.

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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm X-H2 with X-Trans or Bayer? The Answer Now on FujiRumors!

Who said the X-H line is dead? ;)

Well, certainly not FujiRumors, who warned you from all the fake X-H line is dead “rumors” already back in 2018.

The Fujifilm X-H line is not dead at all. In fact, the Fujifilm X-H2 will come, and FujiRumors has already shared a few rumors about it:

But one question I’ve often received remained unanswered (until today): will the Fujifilm X-H2 have an X-Trans sensor or a Bayer sensor?

I know this is such a divisive topic in the Fujifilm community, that no matter which choice Fujifilm makes, some will be inevitably disappointed whereas others will be happy. And I get it, as both color filter arrays have their strengths and weaknesses, as we explain here.

But now it’s time for you to know.

The Fujifilm X-H2 will feature a new X-Trans sensor.

Hold on tight guys, as more rumors will come about the Fujifilm X-H2.

But don’t get too distracted by the X-H2, as on September 2 at 9AM New York Time there will be huge Fujifilm announcements!

We will cover it all live and non stop here on fujirumors.com. And here is what you can expect:

Keep an eye on our dedicated X and GFX rumor section for the latest updates.

Fujifilm X Summit: Live on FujiRumors