EXCLUSIVE: Fujinon XF33mm f/1.4 to be Announced on September 2

Our sources contacted me and informed me that also the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.4 will be announced on September 2.

September 2 is going to be a fantastic day for Fujifilm shooters, don’t miss out on the Fujifilm X Summit party here on FujiRumors!

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF23mmF1.4 MKII with Weather Sealing to be Announced September 2

You might remember we told you back in April that Fujifilm will launch the Fujinon XF23mmF1.4 MKII and that it should be released in 2022.

Well, it is correct, the XF23mmF1.4II is coming, but earlier than originally planed.

According to sources Fujifilm stepped on the gas and anticipated the release of the Fujinon XF23mmF1.4 MKII to 2021.

I don’t know when exactly it will ship, but the official announcement will take place at the Fujifilm X Summit on September 2.

Another tidbit a kind new source passed us (thanks, also for the X-T30II) : it will come with weather sealing.

The original Fujinon XF23mmF1.4 was my workhorse at the recent wedding I photographed and it performed admirably in combination with the Fujifilm X-T4.

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Fujinon GF35-70mm F4.5-5.6 will Have a Metal Bayonet

We already shared lots of info about the upcoming Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6.

And today we have one tidbit, that might surprise some FR-readers, who where sure it will have a plastic bayonet.

Well, I am sorry to disappoint you ;).

Unlike the Fujinon XC lenses, the Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 will have a nice and shiny metal bayonet!

Fujifilm GFX50SII Rumor Recap

Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6

Fujifilm X-T30II to be Announced September 2

We told you that “surprise” Fujifilm X series camera to come in 2021 will be the Fujifilm X-T30II.

I forgot to tell that our new source added it will come “alongside GFX50S II”, which means that it will also be announced on September 2.

There will a Fujifilm X Summit on September 2.

Feel free to join the live stream and following live blog on FujiRumors on September 2.

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EXCLUSIVE: Never Rumored Fujifilm X Camera Coming 2021 Will be Called…

After I told you that Fujifilm will announce a never rumored before X series camera in 2021, I have been contacted by a few sources, including an anonymous source (*message to source below), who told me which camera it will be.

The camera will be the Fujifilm X-T30II.

Yes, Fujifilm X-T30 MKII and not Fujifilm X-T40.

*thanks for contacting me and informing me. I have read also the second part of the rumor which will go online shortly. If you want, you can now drop me again a message via rumor box by using a nickname so I can recognize you in case you decide to contact me again in future. You can also contact me at fujirumor@gmail.com if you want.

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