Voigtlander NOKTON 35mm F1.2 X Price Leaked and Pre-Order Start this Week (also for Tokina 56mmF1.4)

According to nokishita, the price for the Voigtlander NOKTON 35mm F1.2 for Fujifilm X-mount will be of 76,800 yen (converted to $696).

Pre-orders should start this week.

And also the Tokina 56mmF1.4 pre-orders should start later this week.

Availability is expected for August.

The mass retailer price of Voigtlander “NOKTON 35mm F1.2 X-mount” seems to be 76,800 yen including tax. The planned release date is August 2021. Both Tokina 56mm and Nokton 35mm should be available for pre-order later this week

via nokishita

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Cosina to Launch NOKTON 35mm F1.2 for Fujifilm X mount Soon

Cosina is soon going to announce the Nokton 35mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X mount.

It seems that Cosina will announce the NOKTON 35mm F1.2 for Fujifilm X mount in the near future – via nokishita

In the image above you see the Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 for Sony E mount.

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via nokishita

Fujifilm to Launch Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 for $500 kit price in 2021

Here is an important update regarding the rumors we have shared about the upcoming affordable Fujinon GF zoom.

Now we can share the aperture range of it, and hence tell you that it will be a Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 lens.

We confirm the kit price of $500 and that it will come in 2021.

The GFX Community

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Tokina atx-m 56mm F1.4 X to be Released August 6 and First Image

Tokina recently released a new lens roadmap here, that showed a couple of new lenses:

  • SZ Ultra Wide Prime Lens (APS-C lens)
  • SZ Standard Prime Lens (APS-C lens)
  • SZ 500mm F8 Reflex MF Lens (Full Frame Lens – Universal mount System)

The roadmap also said that the Tokina atx-m 56mm F1.4 X would be released this summer.

Now nokishita spotted the date for the release, which is August 6. Plus there is an official product image you can see above.

via shop.tokina via nokishita

Mid 2021 Rumor Check: Fujifilm X-H2, GFX50SII, Future Lenses and More (with Reliability Ranking)

Half a year has passed.

Lots of rumors have been shared already (and many more will come ;) ).

However, there is something I never do: rank the rumors in a reliability ranking.

I hate to do that, as an anonymous rumor is not necessarily less reliable than a trusted rumor. There is much more that needs to be checked in order to determine if a rumor is reliable or not. And also, something that is rocksolid at some point, may become less sure later on as Fujifilm changes plans.

That’s why I hate to rank rumors.

However, it is something you request me to do, hence, 1 or 2 times a year I bend to your will and do just that.

So, you can find the rumor-ranking down below.

Also, we will check back and see which rumors FujiRumors got right and which wrong, so that you guys can judge my work and decide if your time on FR was well spent or not. I will be extremely brutal to myself and move in the wrong section every ever so minimal error I made, even though it was accurate at the time of sharing.

Two more things:

  • Included in the list some of the fake rumors circulating around that FujiRumors had to debunk.
  • If you want to get a timeline on when the products will come, check out this post.

One last note: Back in November 2020 we shared an article, where Sigma itself teased Fujifilm X mount lenses coming 2021. And as if that was not enough, they teased them again in February 2021. In between those Sigma teasers, on December 14, 2020, FujiRumors shared a rumor that Sigma has indeed plans to release Fujifilm X mount lenses. This rumor is not included in the list below, as it from 2020. If you want to check back the 2020 rumors, make sure to read this article.

So let’s start:

  • 49 rumors shared in 2021 so far (many more to come)
  • 27 rumors still to be verified
  • 21 correct rumors out of 22 verifiable rumors
  • 1 wrong rumor out of 22 verifiable rumors (I told you I’ll be brutal to myself ;))
  • 95,45% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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