Fujifilm X-Pro3 will Be Made In Japan – Anonymous Source

Fujifilm X-Pro3

Here on FujiRumors we value your trust.

This is why we meticlously filter anonymous rumors, and you guys will read only those, that I feel confident to share (the tons of fakes I get every year will never go online).

But, even though today I feel confident to share, I invite you to take every anonymous rumor with a grain of salt.

An anonymous source (who used a nick-name, thanks!) contacted me via rumor box and told me the next Fujifilm X-Pro3 will still be made in Japan.

Fujifilm moved the Fujifilm X-T3 production to China in order to be able to sell it sensibly cheaper to customers. This is why, at launch, the brand new Fujifilm X-T3 cost less than the Fuji X-T2.

By keeping the X-Pro3 production in Japan, we can expect the X-Pro3 to match the current Fujifilm X-Pro2 price or be even higher.

We remind you that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will come in 2019.

That’s it… for now, but I have lots (!!!) of rumors I am working on. Follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram to read them all soon.

Also, if anyone out there is willing to help me out in the thick rumor jungle, feel free to contact me also anonymously via rumor box.

MESSAGE TO THIS ANONYMOUS SOURCE: Thank you very much!!! I have read also the other rumors you shared, and since they are pretty long-term, I will give it a quick double-check with sources and share them hopefully very soon. Thanks again for the help, and feel free to contact me again whenever you want using the nickname.

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Sigma CEO: “I Would Really Like to Make Fujifilm X Mount Lenses, but Resources are Limited and Other Projects have Priority”

Sigma CEO interviewed by lenstip
Sigma CEO interviewed by lenstip

Sigma Fujifilm

In a recent interview to lenstip, Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki said regarding making Fujifilm X mount Sigma lenses:

I really would want to but, you know, our resources are limited and it’s all a matter of priorities. I really wish we could make a lens for the X mount system but right now, just because our resources are limited, we don’t have such a plan. We have too many ongoing projects.”

Here on fujirumors we shared a rumor, that Sigma wants to see an increase in Fujifilm market share, before they start making lenses for Fujifilm.

  • read here: SIGMA Will Make FUJIFILM X Mount lenses if X series Camera Sales Increase by 20%
  • read here: SIGMA Needs Bigger Fujifilm Market Share, TOKINA Designed X Glass Already but Stopped by Royalties, TAMRON is Vague

It seems we can definitely put aside hopes for Sigma X mount glass.

Not sure if it mitigates the pain, but you can for example use the Fringer Smart AF adapter, which supports the Sigma 50/1.4 ART, Sigma 85/1.4 ART, Sigma 17-50/2.8 OS, Sigma 50-100/1.8 ART, Sigma 24/1.4 ART, Sigma 135/1.8 ART, Sigma 100-400 and many more.

There are other interesting things to read and I will highlight my best of down below.

Foveon full frame camera coming?

That is the basic plan but everything is possible. We might even use an APS-C sensor again.”

He sets his priorities:

We will work more on full frame mirrorless lenses […]; then probably there will be mirrorless cameras with APS-C and then, full frame DSLR

And how many engineers are involved in designing one lens?

A typical team consists of 1 optical designer engineer, maybe 3 or 4 mechanical engineers, 1 or 2 software engineers and maybe 1 or 2 electronic engineers so not more than 10 people. In the next stages more specialists become involved: prototype engineers, production system engineers so, in total, several dozens of people are engaged in a production of a new lens. If you add the die design, I think it’s close to 100 people for one product.

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Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift Multishot not Available at Launch, but Coming Later via Firmware Update

Fujifilm GFX 100

The deadline is June. Since then, the Fujifilm GFX100 must hit the stores.

Currently Fujifilm is working hard on the firmware and I asked the source, who told us in October 2018, that Fujifilm wants to implement pixel shift multishot in the Fujifilm GFX100, at which stage the development of the pixel shift mutlishot is.

Here is what it told me:

  • sensor/pixel shift multishot is easier to achieve with Bayer sensors than with X-Trans
  • the Fujifilm GFX100 will probably not have pixel shift multishot at launch
  • pixel shift multishot should come later on via firmware update

With pixel shift multishot the camera shoots several images while shifting the image sensor and combines them to generate images with a higher resolution than is possible with regular shooting.

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Fujifilm GFX 100 official and rumored specs

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Coming in 2019 – Trusted Source

Fujifilm X-Pro3

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will come in 2019.

I have no specs for now, but it is safe to assume (personal guess), that it will feature the same sensor and processor of the Fujifilm X-T3.

  • fujirumors –  Fujifilm X-Pro3 Concepts and Share Your X-Pro3 Wish List (includes survey)
  • fujirumors – What to Expect from Fujifilm X-Pro3 (includes another survey)

When exaclty will the Fuji X-Pro3 come?

Well, we have already analyzed the complete Fujifilm X cameras refreshment rate, and if Fujifilm would keep the usual product cycle, the X-Pro3 should be out in January 2020.

Today’s rumor, though, suggest that Fujifilm anticipates the release of the X-Pro2 successor. My personal guess (NOT RUMOR) is that this will happen towards the end of 2019, hence being very close to the January 2020 date.

But to be clear, I have no time indication, which could mean the Fujifilm X-Pro3 could be annouced anytime in 2019. I will let you you know more details as soon as I can.

Do not miss the upcoming Fujifilm X-Pro3 rumors and follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram

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Czech Store Lists Fujifilm Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 for $3,100 and XF16-80mm f/4 for $1,100

Fujinon Roadmap Lenses

The Czech store Oehling has already added to their database the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 and the XF 16-80mm f/4.

It is not unusual that stores add upcoming lenses into their database. For example, the Dutch store Cameranu has both lenses listed since August 2018, hence just 1 month after Fujifilm added them to the official roadmap.

But where Cameranu just says “price not known yet”, the Czech store Oehling hazards a guess on the price:

  • Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 = $3,100 (converted from czech crown)
  • Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 = $1,100 (converted from czech crown)

But before you freak out and panic, I must tell you that, when stores don’t know the final price but want to place an item up already for people to see and get interest, they can add a random pricing to them.

We have covered such “price-holders” in the past here on FujiRumors, such as the Fujifilm X-M1 for $9,999. Although in today’s case it does look more like a “guessed” price than a completely random one, since both lenses have a very different price tag.

So let’s hope this Czech store will keep up making terribly wrong guesses, like they did with the brand new Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8, which in their not yet updated product page has a price tag of $887 (19,990 czech crown), when in truth it costs $399.

For us, this is a welcome opportunity to discuss if $3,000 would be an acceptable price tag for a radical fast autofocus lens like the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 and at which point you would call the price a deal breaker.

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Check the Oehling store here for the 33/1 and here for the 16-80 and here for the 16/2.8

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