Belgian Store Teases FUJIFILM MYSTERY EVENT on March 30

Fujifilm Mystery Event

Belgian store Art & Craft is teasing a “Fujifilm Mystery Event” on March 30 on their facebook page here.

We can not say anything about it yet, but we promise you: it is worth a visit! Photographer & Fuji Ambassador Ioannis Tsouloulis will be ready that day to explain the whole event & answer all your questions.”

FujiRumors broke the news that the Fujifilm X-T30 will be announced on February 14, so March 30 could eventually be the shipping start. And before you start again: nope, Fujifilm X-H2 is not coming that soon.

Or it could be something completely different, from the rumored major Fujifilm X-T3 firmware update to not yet rumored Fujifilm gear.

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The Magic of the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Explained and Why Fujifilm Should NOT Make an XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II

The Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Magic

Why an article about Fujifilm’s oldest X-series lens, the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4, in 2019?

Because our recent poll has shown, that the XF35mmF1.4 is the most loved Fujinon lens overall, and I thought that, based on official Fujifilm statements, we try to investigate what makes this lens so incredible popular and loved.

Fujifilm said that, when designing the XF 35mmF1.4, they had 2 choices:

  • follow the MTF test criteria and create a lens that scores high at MTF charts
  • don’t care about specs & charts and design the lens thinking at the real life use

Fujifilm went for the real life use, and the result is a lens, the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, that is “decent” according to MTF charts, but amazing in real life. To know more about it, check out the XF 35mm f/1.4 development story at fujifilm-x.

Also Fuji Guy Billy recently said here, that Fujifilm did not want to create a clinically perfect lens, but a lens with character. We could call it a “perfectly imperfect” lens, a unique lens, or, in other words, a lens with a “magic touch“.

I also remember Fujifilm saying a few years ago, that while designing the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, they decided to go for a slower focussing lens, because they saw that, with a faster focus mechanism requiring a different internal design, the XF35/1.4 would have lost its “magic“. If I find the article, I’ll share the link here later on.

  • fuji-x-forum: That 35mm f1.4 magic in other Fujinon lenses?

XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II ?

And now comes the part that will make me extremely unpopular and you will probably ban me from FujiRumors. :)

While working on this article, I thought that maybe Fujifilm should NOT make an XF 35mm F1.4 MK II (which is your first choice for a MK II version according to this poll).

But before you destroy your keyboard while typing angry comments, give me a chance to explain why.

In the light of what Fujifilm officially stated, I agree with what FR-reader (and X-Pro line lover ;) ), PC1512 said here:

People need to understand that the existing 35 1.4 will never be “updated” with a magic new motor and suddenly be quicker focussing; the optical formula people like so much is the reason that it’s a slower focussing lens, because of the weight of all the elements which are designed to be moved as one unit to achieve focus.

To speed that up significantly you need to change the optical formula, which means it becomes an entirely different lens. Effectively that’s what they did when they produced the 35 f2 – and wisely kept the 1.4 still available as an alternative.”

We love our Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4 for its “magic”… a magic that would probably go lost in a Mark II version.

Do you want weather sealing?

Well, when I destroyed my Fujifilm X-E2 (I had to jump into a river with all my gear), despite my desperate attempts to rescue my X-E2, the camera died forever, but my beloved Fujifilm XF35mm f/1.4 survived, and still today it works like a charm. So I am confident it will survive also if I am catched by some rain.

Do you want faster autofocus?

Try to get a Fujifilm X-T3, which breaths new life into older lenses in terms of AF speed.

I’d love to hear what you guys think about it… and yep, I have my shitstorm helmet on ;).

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Hasselblad X1D MK II Coming to Challenge Fujifilm GFX100

Hasselblad X1D MK II

The original Hasselblad X1D flopped in reviews and at the box office, so I was wondering if we will ever see a successor.

Luckily, as spotted by mirrrorlessrumors, the Hasselblad X1D MK II has been officially registered.

Mirrorlessrumors thinks it will feature the same 100 megapixel sensor of the Fujifilm GFX100.

Hasselblad X1D, Any Chance against Fujifilm GFX?

The Fujifilm GFX system dominated the medium format market overnight, thanks to an attractive price (for medium format standards) and a solid performance, unlike the Hasselblad X1D, a stylish, but buggy and slow camera (overheating, 7 seconds start-up time etc.).

Hasselblad tried to address some issues via firmware update, but it’s clear that only the Hasselblad X1D MK II can really introduce those improvements needed to make it a proper performer.

I doubt, though, the Hasselblad X1D MK II will have an aggressive pricing, like the Fujifilm GFX.

In fact, Hasselblad has only one mirrorless camera line (the X1D) and development costs must be very high, whereas Fujifilm shares the R&D costs for the GFX with its APS-C system. Hence, new features and software enhancement introduced to the X system, can be simply taken over to the Fujifilm GFX.

This is why I believe Fujifilm will always have substantial price advantage over Hasselblad.

And Hasselblad should definitely stick a proper mechanical shutter into the Hasselblad X1D MK II. I mean, just check out here in our GFX group, how extremely popular the use of old full frame and medium format glass on the Fujifilm GFX is.

The mechanical shutter opens up lots of possibilites to experiment, try, test… or, in other words, have fun with third party glass.

But we will see. Maybe the X1D MK II will have a global shutter ;).

Most important for us customers is that the Fujifilm GFX gets some hard competition that forces Fujifilm to work harder and better, so fingers crossed the Hasselblad X1D Mark II will be a freaking amazing camera. :)

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Panasonic S1R vs Fujifilm GFX50R and Panasonic S1 vs Fujifilm X-T3 – Let the Unfair Comparisons Begin

Panasonic vs Fujifilm

Some will call it unfair comparisons, but here on FujiRumors we think every comparison is unfair, unless you compare exactly the same two cameras with the same firmware.

And since everything is unfair, everything goes.

So let’s compare the upcoming Panasonic S1R and S1 (live coverage on L-Rumors) to the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R.

So, with the help of apotelyt, let’s start!

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Fujifilm X-T2 vs Panasonic S1

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Major Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update Coming in Spring 2019

Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update

Back on November 13, Fujifilm promised to release a major firmware update for Fujifilm X-T3 in December, which would, amongst the others, remove the 4GB file record limit.

Fujifilm did indeed release Fujifilm X-T3 firmware ver. 2.0 on December 17, but it did not include the removal of the 4GB recording limit.

All Fujifilm told us was:

Regarding the new function “Recording over 4GB movie file as one file” which was planned to add to the firmware Ver.2.00, we will announce the schedule to release the firmware with the function in January 2019

I started to get many requests on my Facebook and Twitter page, so, while waiting for Fujifilm to disclose more details, I reached out to some of my sources.

The initial feedback I got, is that currently Fujifilm plans a major Fujifilm X-T3 firmware update in spring 2019.

It should go well beyond the removal of the 4GB recording limit, hence there is hope we will be able to call it a big Kaizen firmware update. [UPDATE: the 4GB record limit will be removed with X-T3 fimrware 2.10 on February 7. The spring firmware should bring other improvements]

I’ll keep you posted as soon as I get more details, so make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter

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