Imagine FUJIFILM would go FULL FRAME Tomorrow Morning…

If Fujifilm Would go Full Frame….

So, top Fujifilm manager Toshi Ilda said it clearly here: “We will NEVER go Full Frame!”

NOTE: this is not an article against full frame. I just try to put myself in Fujifilm’s shoes and see what it would mean for them to go full frame.

Now, apart from the fact that I 100% agree with what CanonWatch said:

Never say never, even if you’re making the best APS-C mirrorless cameras on the market

Remember when Fujifilm said they will never be able to offer IBIS on Fuji X Mount cameras?

Anyway, Fuji says. there won’t be any full frame camera, and according to this huge FujiRumors poll, most of you guys agree with Mr. Toshi.

But imagine…

Imagine Fujifilm would go full frame tomorrow morning.

Mostly due to the slower full frame sensor readout compared to APS-C (as listed in our advantages of APS-C over Full Frame), it would be a Full Frame Fujifilm that:

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FUJIFILM X AF Lenses: SIGMA Needs Bigger Market Share, TOKINA Designed X Glass Already but Stopped by Royalties, TAMRON is Vague

I have received a rumor by a new source (thanks) regarding Sigma, Tamron and Tokina lenses for Fujifilm X mount.

  1. Sigma: it depends on Fuji’s market share (we already shared the rumor here)
  2. Tamron gave vague answers to our source (there were rumors of  Fuji support in the past)
  3. Tokina has actually started to design some lenses for Fujifilm already, but they don’t finalize and launch them because of royalties they have to pay to Fujifilm

Of course take it with a grain of salt for now, and if I get any updates, you will read them here on FujiRumors.

But I just remembered, what top Fujifilm manager Toshi said, when DPR asked him here, if Fujifilm welcomes glass by third-party lens manufacturers:

They’re not open standards as yet, but of course our customers want choice. We’re always considering what would benefit our customers, and more lenses are generally beneficial for customers.

Dear Fujifilm, your Fujinon glass is nothing but amazing, but we indeed want more options, and if it’s true that some kind of protectionism is holding off some third-party manufacturers to launch autofocus glass for Fujifilm, then please change your policy.

With that said, we are in the world of “grain of salt” with this rumor for now ;).

But if somebody out there has some knowledge to share, feel free to contact me via email at or via anonymous rumor box (use a nick-name if you want, so that I can recognize you if in future you decide to share something else).

What do you guys think? Vote the poll below, that a member suggested to us.

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Fujifilm X-H1 Mega Deal with €500 Savings, X-Pro2, X-E3 and More Black Friday Deals

Fujiflm Black Friday Deals

As we already rumored here, Fujifilm decided to top their current Fujifilm X deals for black friday.

Now we have received the full list of deals (thanks to the source :) ).

In some EU countries (I don’t know which ones exactly) you will get up to double cashback on selected Fujifilm gear.

From November 23 to November 27, you save:

Fujifilm X-H1 body or with vertical grip: save €500 (instead of €250)
Fujifilm X-Pro2 body or graphite with 23/2: save €400 (instead of €200)
Fujifilm X-T20 body or kit lens options: save €200 (instead of €100)
Fujifilm X-E3 body or with XC15-45: save €200 (instead of €100)
Fujifilm X-T100 body or kit lens options: save €150 (instead of €100)
Fujifilm X-A5 body or with vertical grip: save €100 (instead of €50)

Fujinon lenses are already discounted, but won’t get any additional savings for black friday.

The Fujifilm X-H1 evidently didn’t sell as well as Fujifilm was hoping, given the massive discount it gets only 9 months after its launch.

Amazon, Yes or No?

I have checked Fujifilm Germany, Fujifilm UK and Fujifilm France, and they all have their local Amazon (AmazonUKAmazonIT, AmazonFR) listed as “Qualifying Retailer” (see screenshots below).

However, you will get the cashback only, if you purchase directly from Amazon, and NOT from their marketplace, unless the marketplace reseller is also included in the qualified dealers list.

To see the full list of qualified retailers in your country, you can visit Fujifilm’s new EU Promo page, (the old one is no longer updated), click on your country, then on “more info” and finally on “Qualifying Retailers“.

The new EU Promo page will also show you, if the double cashback deal runs also in your country.

Speaking of deals, don’t forget to check out the early black friday pages at BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, AmazonCA, AmazonDE, AmazonUKAmazonIT, AmazonFR.

Early Black Friday Deals

There are already early black Friday deals available. For example:

  • Amazon Spain: Fujinon XF23mmF2 – save €130
  • Amazon UK: Fujifilm X-A3 with XC16-50 ver.II – save £99



VOTE: Fujifilm X-H2 with 3 way Tilt Screen, Swivel Screen or X-T100 Flippy Screen?

Fujifilm X-H2

Here on FujiRumors we recently told you that the Fujifilm X-H2 will not come in 2019.

We have looked back at Fujifilm camera replacement history from 2011 to 2018, and the collected data suggest that the Fujifilm X-H2 could be out in first half of 2020, but that’s not a rumor, only a speculation at this point.

With that said, the buzz around the Fujifilm X-H2 is big here in the comments of FujiRumors, and one of the strong debating points is if the Fuji X-H2 should have a flippy screen like the Fujifilm X-T100 or a 3 way tilt screen like the Fujifilm X-T3.

And since the Fuji X-H2 is still pretty far away, it might be a good idea to tell Fujifilm what which screen we prefer, and they might listen to us and deliver what FujiRumors readers desire most.

Now, both screen-philosophies have it’s strenghts and weaknesses:

Flippy screen of X-T100:

  • MAIN PRO: good for vloggers, since they can see themselves while filming. Tilted up and down, LCD is still centered to the camera
  • MAIN CON: tilts in the wrong direction and is not centered to the camera, when camera is used in portrait mode

3 Way Tilt screen of X-T3:

  • MAIN PRO: the 3 way tilt screen is more photography friendly when the camera is used portrait mode. Always centered to the camera
  • MAIN CON: You have to use an external monitor (or camera remote app), if you want to see yourself while recording a video or taking selfies

Swivel screen of GH5:

  • MAIN PRO: When camera is not in use, you can reverse the screen against the body for protection
  • MAIN CON: When tilted in any direction, the screen is never centered to the camera

So tell us, which one would you prefer on your Fujifilm X-H2? Feel free to vote the poll down below.

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The LCD screen on the Fujifilm X-H2 should be...

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Fujifilm Black Friday Deals Coming to Europe with Up to Double Cashback

Fujifilm Deals

Fujifilm EU is going to top their current winter cashback deals for black friday, with some Fujifilm gear getting even a double cashback.

It’s the same deal Fujifilm offered last year. Of course maybe not all EU countries will carry the same deal, so make sure to check if the black friday deals run also in your state.

Early Black Friday Deal Pages

The Amazon Early Black Friday pages are already up and running here and some early deals can be found at AmazonUS, AmazonCA, AmazonDE, AmazonUKAmazonIT, AmazonFR.

But also BHphoto has started early, with some great deals. Check out the banners below.