SIDE BY SIDE: Fujinon XF33mm F1.0 vs Fujinon XF16-80mm F4 vs Fujinon XF16mmF2.8

Fujinon Roadmap Lenses

For the second time today (first time here), I had to find a way through the security check and get into the Photokina halls. Stealthy like a ninja, I made it again.

This time I was armed with my wonderful Fujifilm X-E3 and I snapped some pictures of the upcoming Fujinon lenses.

I apologize for the quality, since I tried to make my way through a couple of Fujifilm managers and an angry lady, who told me “can I help you” in a tone that clearly ment “p*** off from here“.

So time was limited, the conditions difficult, I could not touch the lenses, but I made it… somehow.

And when nobody was watching, I quickly grabbed a Fujifilm GFX 50R and made a super quick hands on video.

Back to the lenses:

  • XF33mmF1.0: Yes, it’s rather big, especially compared to the Mitakon 35mm F0.95 (manual focus only). I guess Fujifilm wants to make this the ultimate lens in terms of image quality, and still offer a fast AF motor. Filter size 77
  • XF16mmF2.8: Very small. Fits perfect in the Fujicron lineup with the XF23mmF2, XF35mmF2 and XF50mmF2. Filter size 49
  • XF16-80mmF4: This lens, my friends, will fall into the hands of many fellow X-shooters for travels. Filter size 72

XF 33/1, 16-80/4, 16/2.8 images

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Fujifilm GFX Live Stream

Here is the Fujifilm GFX 50R and GFX 100S live stream directly from the press event at Photokina 2018

  • Fujifilm will never stop, and is confident to grow despite more mirrorless competitors
  • GFX grew Fujifilm’s market for 60% in last 2 years
  • 2nd mirrorless manufacturer
  • Fujifilm unique color science are one of Fuji’s strenghts
  • lenses are also a strength. Only 2 companies can make broadcasting lenses, because it’s very difficult, and Fujifilm is one of them
  • they quote “the world does not fit into 35mm format”
  • they say “there are things nobody would phtography, if Fujifilm doesn’t make them
  • X-mount small and handy, GFX for ultimate IQ
  • very positive response about X-T3
  • they promote the X-T3
  • APS-C is the best balanced system. You save 1/3 weight compared to FF
  • they show mock-ups of XF16-80 and XF33mmF1.0
  • they call the GFX “super full frame”
  • GFX 50R announced
  • 775 grams weight (140 grams lighter than GFX 50S)
  • 1 inch thinner than GFX 50S
  • Beta tester praises image quality, and says it handles great
  • GFX 50R simplicity and lightness. Shooting feels natural, says the beta tester
  • easier to travel
  • GF 50mm F3.5 announced (in development)
  • available in November 2018
  • $4,500
  • new GF lens roadmap, that now grows to 11
  • Capture One support with tethering and film simulation support
  • Capture one express is free
  • Capture One Pro for Fujifilm special. Handles all Fujifilm cameras and top 6 cameras for tethering. Subscription only
  • Capture One Universal (subscription or perpetual license)
  • GFX 100S worlds first MF with IBIS, on sensor phase detection and mirrorless
  • around $10.000 and available early 2019
via Lok:

Fujifilm GFX 50R Pre-Order Coming Soon: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Concepts and Share Your X-Pro3 Wish List

Fujifilm X-Pro2 concept developed by Fujifilm and shared at

Fujifilm X-Pro3

One of the top questions I got after the announcement of the Fujifilm X-T3, is when the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will come.

Well guys, in the Fuji world, rangefinder cameras like the Fujifilm X-Pro and X-E line, do not sell nearly as well as their SLR-like brothers, such as the X-T20 or the new X-T3.

Hence, Fujifilm is never in a hurry to release new iterations of those cameras. The Fujifilm X-Pro line for example even skipped the X-Trans II generation, and went from X-Trans I directly to X-Trans III.

And so far I have not heard anything reliable about the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

So all we can do for now, is imagine how we would like the Fujifilm X-Pro3 to be.

X-Pro3 Design

A FR-reader send me this Flickr link, where H.B. Kang imagines an X-Pro3 with vertical grip and new colors.

So I thought, why not, let’s talk Fujifilm X-Pro3 and start dreaming how it should be.

In addition to Kang’s X-Pro3, I will add down below some real Fujifilm X-Pro2 (and X-Pro1s) concept that Fujifilm studied during the X-Pro2 development. We have already shown them in this FujiRumors post, and you can find more images at here.

I will start by launching a poll, where you can vote the top 3 features you’d like to see on the Fujifilm X-Pro3. Vote, and then let your imagination soar free in the comments.

NOTE: I mention the additional dials of the Olmypus PEN F in the poll. If you don’t know how it looks like check it out the images at BHphoto.

For the Fujifilm X-Pro3, I want... (max. 3 selections)

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Fujifilm GFX 100S Final Announcement 2nd Quarter 2019

Fujifilm GFX 100S

According to our sources, the final announcement (with full specs & price) of the Fujifilm GFX 100S is currently scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2019 (April to June). This is a long term rumor, so from here to spring 2019 Fujifilm might change date. I’ll make sure to inform you if this happens.

My guess is that it will be around April/May, hence shorty ahead (or exactly at) photokina 2019, which will take place from May 8 to 11.

As we told you recently, there will be a “development annoncement” of the Fujifilm GFX 100S already on September 25, 2018 at 07:30 AM New York time. We won’t get the full specs nor the price, but we will see mock-ups and maybe even working prototypes of the Fujifilm GFX 100S.

On the same day (September 25) Fujifilm will announce the Fujifilm GFX 50R.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter and to join our Fujiflm GFX facebook group as well as our Fujifilm GFX page for 100% GFX news and rumors only

Fujifilm GFX 50s body (save $650): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX 50R – Front View
Fujifilm GFX 50R – Back View