EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm GFX100RF Price Leaked

Do you remember the Fujifilm X70?

And what has the Fujifilm X70 to do with the rumor we share today?

Well, the X70 is the prime example on why rumors about the price of upcoming gear are the trickiest to share.

Because not only Fujifilm can change the price of new gear until just a few days ahead of its announcement. But as we could see with the Fujifilm X70, Fujifilm can change the retail price on gear also just a few days after its announcement. Because that’s what happened with the Fujifilm X70, which was launched at $799 but just a few days later, while it was still on pre-order, Fujifilm lowered the price to $699 as we reported here.

So should FujiRumors never share price rumors ever again?

Nope… but we give you this important disclaimer. And with that said, we can share the rumor.

According to information we have received from our sources, the price for the Fujifilm GFX100RF should be “around 5,000 USD“.

That’s more affordable than what I consider to be its closest competitor, the Leica Q3.

Fujifilm GFX100RF Rumors

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About Those Fujifilm X-T6, X-H3S, X-Pro4 “Rumors” and the Truth Behind Them

Fujifilm Rumors

Today I have received what I believe is the 179th message by a FR-reader telling me about massive Fujifilm X-T6, X-H3S, X-Pro4 and more leaks that appear all over YouTube.

And since time is the most precious thing, I will no longer reply individually to those message, but instead I’ll make one single article, this one, and just link it if people ask me about it in future.

So what’s the deal.

Over the last few months tons of videos keep appearing on the internet claiming to have all possible exclusive specs and leaks on upcoming Fujifilm gear. And surprisingly many people take them seriously (and I will explain why below).

But here is the truth: none of the videos you see is real. They are all fake, scripted and created by AI.

Everything they say in them is fake and wrong. The only correct thing in those videos is if AI takes something published on FujiRumors and uses it for its script.

Initially I decided to just ignore them, but the amount of messages I am getting is just too high, so I need to address it once for all.

Look, these guys use AI to create fake clickbait videos and make some money out of your good faith and trust. It’s up to you to decide if you want to reward them for misleading you by watching their videos, or just to straight out ignore their videos.

The true rumors, may them come from FujiRumors or other sources (which we will quote), you’ll always find them here on FujiRumors. You can relax, ignore those videos and just follow FujiRumors.

Why People take these Videos Seriously

I don’t blame anyone for taking these “rumors” seriously—in the end, it’s my responsibility.


Because over the years, FujiRumors has built a near 100% accuracy rate with rumors.

As a result, people now associate “rumor” with “this must be true.”

The downside? Since our rumors are so reliable, people start believing just every rumor they come across online. Because rumors are usually true, right?

But it’s important to differentiate and consider who is actually sharing the rumor.

But you don’t have to go through the cumbersome process of trying to figure out which rumors are correct and which ones not. Let me just do it for you. If I stumble on something that has some substance, I will share it for you here on FujiRumors and of course give you the source, so you can see yourself who is accurate.

And then there are always our kind sources, who will guide us through the thick jungle of rumors and show us the right path.

So guys, everything you need to know, you’ll always find it on FujiRumors.

Spare your time and use it wiser. I recommend you not to follow those fake channels. Just refresh FujiRumors every now and then. ;)

Viltrox AF 25mm F1.7 AIR APS-C Lens Coming February 28

Viltrox has just announced that a new member of their Viltrox AIR family will join on February 28.

They do not mention the lens itself, but we know from an official Viltrox post we shared here, that the Viltrox AF 25mm f/1.7 APS-C lens is coming soon.

The Viltrox AF 25mm f/1.7 AIR lens will join the Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 and Viltrox AF 35mm f/1.7 as part of Viltrox lightweight and compact AIR lens lineup.

One more lens without aperture ring ;).

Fujifilm’s Half Frame Camera Coming with Vertical LCD

Look guys, this camera is vastly a mystery also for me.

All I know is that it has a 1″ sensor and that Fujifilm will market it as a “half-frame” camera.

But don’t ask me if it will be like a digital version of the Pentax 17 half frame or look more like the  Yashica Samurai X3.0.

A little detail I can add today: it has a vertical LCD on the back of the camera.

If you want to know a bit more in detail how this camera is supposed to function, check out our previous rumor here.

Share Rumors and Chat 100% Anonymously with FujiRumors via SIGNAL

Last year we launched a convenient and 100% anonymous way to chat directly with FujiRumors: a dedicated Signal account.

Yes, the rumor box is always there for you, too, if you want to write me 100% anonymously.

But the advantage of Signal is that through Signal I can also reply to you and we can actually talk to each other… all of this 100% anonymously.

Since its launch, a couple of new sources (that now became trusted) have reached out to us via Signal, and overall it’s just a great way to get and keep in touch to talk rumors and future gear.

All of it 100% anonymously because:

  • while you need your phone number to register, Signal doesn’t share it with me or anyone else
  • you can use a nickname to contact me

If you want to get in touch with me using Signal

Signal can be downloaded on your Phone, but you can use it also on your desktop (it’s required that you have the App installed on your phone already). You can download Signal for Desktop here.

And of course, you can also contact me via email at fujirumor@gmail.com and via PM on other social media (facebook & Co). Those are not anonymous, but it does not change anything, because only I’d know who you are and my top priority in any case and always is to keep all my sources 100% anonymous anyway.

Thanks for everybody who considers to help me out with the rumors, no matter in which way you’ll choose to do that.