Fujifilm will announce the GF 250mm F4 on April 12.
The official Fujifilm roadmap shows that, along with the GF250mm F4, Fujifilm will also launch the GF 1.4x Teleconverter, so if Fujifilm respects their roadmap, they will be announced together.
just a little update for you today, regarding the Fujifilm GFX 50R (a cheaper version of the GFX 50S). It’s announcement is confirmed for photokina in September. Follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for further updates.
According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a 26 Megapixel sensor, which confrims the “less than 30MP” rumor we shared a few months ago.
One more detail: at this stage we think it will most likely have the same stacked sensor technology of the Sony A9, but take it with a grain of salt for now. I share an update for you guys as soon as possible.
Make sure to stay tuned on FR via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter to get all the latest rumors & news.
What is a “stacked sensor”?
The stacked sensor allows a super-fast sensor readout and hence extremely fast AF measurments, blackout-less EVF almost no rolling shutter and more.
If the rumor is correct, then there will be 3 main aspects, that will make the Fujifilm X-T3 a speed monster:
stacked sensor (allows fast sensor readout)
“only” 26MP (not excessively many megapixel means less data to elaborate for the processor)
new X-Processor
Keep in mind that, as we also already told you, the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS and be announced around photokina 2018 (September)
Now go and spread the word on social media, blogs and forums… and quote the source ;)
The video is titled “Fuji surprises“, but I guess this is more to calm the spirits after his last video (linked below), where he says the Fujifilm X-H1 “gets destroyed” by the Sony A7III in low light (1 stop difference in terms of noise).
Also in his newest video, he seems to love the Sony A7III overall more.
Video AF: Better face detection on the Sony A7III (recognizes faces more distant)
Both fantastic video AF with face detection disabled. Sony a bit smoother.
IBIS: Fujifilm X-H1 mostly much smoother. Sometimes it “jumps” to reset position. Sony A7III generally more shaky, but no “jumps”.
Fujifilm AF video adjustments can be faster, which is great for photography, but in video you want a smooth transition. Fujifilm X-H1 is sometimes smooth focussing, but sometimes it focusses as fast as possible to the new subject.
The latest Max Yuryev Sony A7III Vs. Fujifilm X-H1 comparisons links:
Max Yuryev Youtube – X-H1 vs A7III Autofocus & IBIS comparison – Fuji Surprises!
Max Yuryev Youtube – X-H1 vs A7III Lowlight Comparison – Fuji Gets Destroyed?
Speaking of controversial statements, Tony Northrup said here, that the Sony A7III has “crushed the hopes of the Fujifilm X-H1“. I know it’s a controversal video, due to his statement “twice as good image quality for the Sony A7III“, so make sure to check out also Tony’s follow-up video here, where he clarifies “twice” refers technically to “1 stop“, and that with “image quality” he was analyzing “noise and dynamic range“.
The Last X-Trans III camera?
Gordon from cameralabs has published a very comprehensive Fujifilm X-H1 review. Gordon has very good contacts within the photo industry, and if he says that the Fujifilm X-H1 will “possibly be the last to use the X-Trans III sensor“, then I guess he knows what he talks about.
But no big surprise for regular FujiRumors readers. We already told you that the Fujifilm X-T3 will be announced around photokina 2018, have a new X-Trans sensor with less than 30MP and a new processor, and also lack of IBIS.
It’s still not on the official GF lens roadmap, but if our new source is correct, than there will be 2 new extension tubes coming for the Fujifilm GFX (around 45mm and 18mm).
The current Fujinon G Mount roadmap shows a GF 1.4x Teleconverter and a GF 250mmF4. But of course there will be more coming this year than just this.
In fact, we rumored back in April 2017, that there will be a GF 100-200. At that time, Fujifilm was unsure if they will launch the 100-200 or the GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5 first (as you can see in the “secret” roadmap), and Fujifilm went for the 100-200.
The same “secret” roadmap, lists also the GF 35mm F2.8 for mid 2018.