Fujifilm Manager Interview: Full Frame X100F Successor? More Megapixel on Fujifilm X-T3? Medium Format Fixed Lens? X-H1 and more!

Fujifilm Manager Interview

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Fujifilm Manager Mr. Udono had a live stream with Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย. It’s a one hour talk, with questions made in Thai and English answers of the manager. But don’t worry, I listened it all for you, and I’ll make summary for you guys…. you’re welcome ;)

The focus is on the Fujifilm X-H1, of course. You will find a more detailed list of statements at the bottom of this article.

For the start I will focus on some of his answers, that are more related to questions he got about the future of Fujifilm.

Full Frame Interchangeable Lens System
As usual Fujifilm categorically excludes an interchageable lens system with full frame sensor. He says “No plans for FF. We have high quality APS-C sensor and Medium Format

Full Frame X100F Successor
I know that a wide spread specualtion is that the Fujifilm X100F successor might get a full frame sensor, and it could make sense, since Fujifilm would not have to build up a complete new line of lenses, but also here, Mr. Udono seems to indicate that this won’t happen. He says:

The most important is design and size. With full frame, the camera and lens will become bigger. Compactness is important factor of X100 line. We don’t want to miss such important point

So, if you ever hoped for a full frame X100… these words don’t really make much hope for that.

On the other hand, the Full Frame Sony RX1RII is actually very compact, and comparing it at camerasize. But compared to the Fujifilm X100F, the RX1 has no hybrid viewfinder, which for sure needs its space too in the camera body.

Medium Format Fixed Lens Camera
The manager does not seem convinced by this idea. A fixed lens camera seems to make sense to him, if it is compact. A fixed lens MF camera would be much bigger than X100F.

Future APS-C Sensor Megapixel
Will Fujifilm offer APS-C sensors with more megapixel than the the current 24MP? The manager answers:

We have to think at balance between image quality and speed. More pixel take longer time to process. 24MP is already enough. If we have opportunity to increase we will, but we have to think at speed and image quality. For high megapixel images we have Fujifilm GFX 50S.”

This fits with what we have already rumored about the Fujifilm X-T3 here, which we know will have still less than 30MP, so there won’t be a huge jump in terms of megapixel on the next generation X-Trans sensor.

IBIS Future
Just like Fuji Guy Billy in the TCSTV live stream here, also Mr. Udono confirms that the IBIS mechanism is currently quite big, hence it does not fit into smaller bodies. His words:

in order to keep IQ, at the moment Fujifilm needs bigger IBIS unit

Product Planing – How Long does it Take to make a Camera / Lens?
Mr Udono starts saying that they care of customer feedback when they design new products:

We listen to customers and photographers. X-H1 we listened to photographers voice and added functions on top of X-T2. Especially for top end cameras we have lots of discussions with photographers. Direct comunication with customers, also via dedicated Fujifilm showrooms”

Then he shares more details about how long exactly it takes to develop and then launch a camera and lens to the market:

“Once we have a fix idea, it takes 1 year to make the camera. But before it takes another year of discussions. So 2 years in total. In case of lens development we need more time.”

And more:

  • 4:2:2 and 10bit: Limitation of processor. We tried to have more specifications, but at the moment it’s difficult
  • MK lenses: Cover 70/80% of film needs. For web-users who shoot video. Not for cinema or TV
  • ETERNA: If lots of request, Eterna might come to other X series cameras
  • Size: small and lightweight is still top key factor for mirrorless, also in future
  • Fujifilm X-T2 next firmware update: We will think of upgrading it
  • XF200mF2: coming later this year
  • Touch Screen: more functions and improvements possible
  • Articulating screen: The mechanical parts requested to make articulating screen would make the camera bigger

You can find the full Thai interview at กล้องกล้วยกล้วย Youtube

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Fujifilm Manager Makes Hope for Internal F-log Firmware for X-T2, Fujifilm X-H1 Built-in Microphone Test and X-H1 Disassembled


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Fujifilm Manager Interview

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UPDATE: Accurate Size Comparison: Fujinon XF 200mmF2 Vs. XF 50-140mmF2.8 Vs. XF 100-400mmF4.5-5.6 Vs. CaNikon Full Frame

Fujinon XF200mmF2 Size Comparison

UPDATE: Added comparison Canon 5DMK IV with Canon EF 300mm F2.8L IS USM and Nikon D850 with Sigma 300mm F2.8 EX APO DG HSM. Of course the APS-C XF200mm has to be compared to the equivalent Full Frame 300mm glass, and not 200mm!

Today Fujifilm published their first episode of the “Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story“.

The article includes a technical sketch of the Fujinon XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR mounted on the brand new Fujifilm X-H1.

I used the technical sketch provided by Fujifilm (and camerasize.com) to photoshop a size comparison of the XF200mmF2 against the other big Fujinon glass, the XF50-140 and the XF100-400.

Keep in mind that there could be changes, since the sketch shows the current estimated size of the XF200mmF2. We are still in pre-production phase, so the final lens might see some changes.

The article linked above also says the XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR will weight more than 2kg and that in order to withstand the stress, the mount part of the Fujifilm X-H1 has reinforced ribs.

FR-reader Panther wonders if Fujifilm implies, that the mount of the X-T2 can’t handle that stress. I guess we will get more answers soon, when the XF200mmF2 will be announced (witihin 2018).

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Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #1 -Frame. Fujinon XF200mmF2 will Weight more than 2kg

Fujifilm X-H1 with reinforced ribs for use with heavy glass
Fujifilm X-H1 with reinforced ribs for use with heavy glass

Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story

Fujifilm just published part 1 of their Fujifilm X-H1 development story.

Let’s examine the X-H1. The product planner requested the developers to make the body more robust so that new devices could be installed and the expected camera performance could be realized. In order to make the body more robust, the frame, which is made of magnesium alloys, needed to be strengthened by adding extra thickness. The frame is 125% thicker for X-H1, meaning that the frame has almost doubled in volume (1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 = 1.95). The strength of the frame is almost twice as strong.

Portability and lightweight are the charm of the X Series. This should always be taken into account even when considering an exterior design that is more robust. The designer examined the frame closely and learned where the stress is most/least applied and where the extra strength is most/least needed. With the study, the following structure with pillars jointing the exterior part has been realized, which helped minimize the effect on body size.

[…] In near future there will be lenses that weigh more than 2kg. [note: given that they show the XF200mmF2 in the article, it’s save to assume they meant the 200mm]

To withstand the stress, the mount part is reinforced ribs as shown below.”

Read the whole article and see all images at fujifilm-x

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Fujifilm X-H1 Bundle Deals Save $150
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm X-H1 + Free Domke Bag – Worth $229
Fujifilm X-H1 : Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip: Adorama

See the Fujinon XF200mmF2 Mounted on Fujifilm X-H1 – Coming Soon

Fujinon XF200mmF2

With the launch of the Fujifilm X-H1, Fujifilm also officially displayed sketches showing the XF200mmF2 mounted on the Fujifilm X-H1 at all press events worldwide, such as here at dc.watch or in this Italian youtube video, where they present the X-H1.

The Fujinon XF200mmF2 is “coming soon”, says Fujifilm. The official roadmap confirms it will be released within 2018.

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Fujifilm X-H1 Bundle Deals Save $150
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm X-H1 + Free Domke Bag – Worth $229
Fujifilm X-H1 : Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip: Adorama