Fujifilm X-H1 with Electronic First Curtain Shutter (EFCS)

Fujifilm X-H1

Hey guys! Everything ok? I hope so :) .

I allow myself to bother you today, because there is a new rumor to share, about the Fujifilm X-H1, which will be announced February 15.

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm X-H1 will have “electronic first curtain shutter” (EFCS).

robertotoole explains very good how electronic first curtain shutter (EFSC) works:

When you press the shutter button to take a picture the electronic first curtain shutter uses a high-speed scanning system that mimics a mechanical first curtain shutter operation then synchronizes with a mechanical second curtain shutter to cover the sensor and end the exposure. Any vibration caused by the second curtain shutter happens after exposure has ended.

When you press the shutter button to take a picture with EFSC disabled or with a camera without EFSC a mechanical first curtain shutter uncovers the sensor and the second curtain follows along to form a slot to expose the sensor. The mechanical first curtain causes vibrations to occur throughout the exposure. This can lead to image blurring with high magnification macro or telephoto work.”

I know what you think… the X-H1 has the same sensor of X-T2, the same processor of X-T2… so will EFCS come to X-T2 via Kaizen firmware update? Let’s hope so :) .

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Full X-H1 Rumored Specs

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LEAKED: Fujifilm X-A5 and XC 15-45 Images

Fujifilm X-A5 + XC 15-45

These are the first image of the Fujifilm X-A5 and Fujinon XC 15-45 lens.

I already told you they both will be announced on January 31, and of course there will be a FujiRumors Live Blogging. So make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

The XC 15-45 image shows that our size leak of the lens was spot on. Also the filter size 52 was already leaked here weeks ago. Oh… and note the “PZ” printed on the front of the XC15-45… guess what it means? Maybe “Power Zoom”, as we told you a few weeks ago? ;)

While the XC15-45 is much closer in size to the XF18mm pancake rather than to the compact XC16-50 zoom, it’s very border line to call it a “pancake zoom“… some FR-readers suggested to call it better a “muffin zoom” ;)

Regarding the X-A5, it seems it has lost the focus mode selector on the front.

via nokishita via digicame-info

More Images of Venus Optics Laowa 9mm F2.8 Lens + Sample Images

We already leaked the upcoming Laowa 9mm F2.8 back in December here.

The leak of December, also includes sample images taken with the Laowa 9mm, so make sure to check it out, because FujiRumors and SonyAlphaRumors are the only place where you can find sample images so far ;) .

Laowa lenses are made by the Chinese manufacturer Venus Optics, but as already highlighted by TheCameraStoreTV in their Best/Worst 2017 epsiode, we see more and more quality products coming from China, and TCSTV specifically mentions Laowa lenses amongst those Chinese quality products.

The new product images have been leaked at weibo here.

Product Images

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Fujifilm X-H1 Shipping in March

Fujifilm X-H1

Hey all,

just a quick rumor to inform you that the Fujifilm X-H1 will ship in March. At least that’s the plan. I mean, I love Fujifilm, but we have seen them too often in the past ship their gear later than expected. Let’s hope that this time they will get it right.

As we already told you, the Fujifilm X-H1 announcement will be on the 15th of February (14th of February in San Franciso, around midnight in New York).

Of course there will be an epic LIVE BLOGGING here on FujiRumors ;) .

Prior to the Fujifilm X-H1, Fujifilm will announce the X-A5 and XC15-45 on January 31.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

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Full X-H1 Rumored Specs

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Fujifilm X-T3 Will NOT Have In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS)

Fujifilm X-T3 no IBIS

According to the first feedback from our sources, the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS.

So, for now, IBIS seems to be a feature reserved for the Fujifilm X-H1, which will be announced on February 15 – full rumored X-H1 specs here.

The Fujifilm X-T3 will be announced around photokina 2018 (probably a bit earlier) and have a new X-Trans sensor with less than 30 Megapixel and a new processor – this and more details in this article.

IBIS, Good or Bad… or Both? We have written comprehensively about it here.

Stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter to follow the Fujifilm X-T3 rumor novel.

all the best,