Fujifilm X-T3: New X-Trans Sensor Less than 30 MP, Announcement Around Photokina 2018, Shipping October/November & more

Fujifilm X-T3

Ok guys…the following Fujifilm X-T3 rumor is a mix of information I got from trusted as well as new sources.

  • Fujifilm X-T3 announcement around photokina 2018, which takes place at the end of September – TRUSTED SOURCE (probably shortly before photokina)
  • New X Processor Pro – TRUSTED SOURCE
  • New X Trans Sensor with more than 24MP but less than 30 MP – TRUSTED SOURCE
  • Shipping in October/November, but more likely November – NEW SOURCE

Particularly interesting I find the information about the new X-Trans sensor having less than 30 Megapixel. I know some were expecting 32 or even 36 megapixel, but this will not happen, at least not with Fujfilm’s next X Trans sensor generation.

At the moment I have no idea how many megapixel it will have, but in any case it seems it won’t be really a huge jump from 24 MP.

I will try to find out more and let you know as soon as possible.

These Guys Switched from CaNikon to Fujifilm: “Why Don’t More People Go to Fujifilm?” + “I Feel More Creative with Fujifilm”

Weekend Fujifilm Switch Tales

Yes, I know, a Nikon Manager said that “Professional Photographers don’t use Fujifilm”. And yet, for some reason, I keep up reading stories and seeing youtube videos about photographers switching to Fujifilm.

And speaking of switching… something against a few nice switch weekend stories? Nope? Then here are a few of them :)

And don’t forget to follow FujiRrumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, and Twitter… because the Fujifilm X-H1 is coming, and we are going to have lots of rumors and interesting news to share. Don’t miss them, and join us ;) .

From Canon to Fujifilm

As we reported in this roundup already, Mark Duffy borrowed a Fujifilm X-T2 from a friend and compared it to his Full Frame Canon 6D… and we already saw him quite surprised about the quality of the Fujifilm X-T2.

So his struggle began… should he do it? Should he really switch to Fujifilm?

Well, we got the answer in his recent video here, and yes, he sold all his Canon gear and is now shooting Fujifilm.

But before I highlight a few points he made, a special note goes to Mark’s unboxing video, which is by very far the best I have ever seen. Watch (and enjoy) it here at minute 0:39.

Some things he really likes about Fujifilm:

  • focus peaking for his landscape photography
  • the controls and functionality of camera/lenses
  • overal user experience
  • great menu and user interface
  • Canon looks like a dinosaur compared to the Fujifilm with highlight blinkies, focus peaking and Kaizen firmware update
  • the kit lens (XF18-55) is fantastic
  • Fujifilm cameras are underrated. Why don’t more people talk about? There is too much talk about Sony.

From Nikon to Fujifilm

Another guy, who is super happy to have switched from DSLR (Nikon) to Fujifilm is Gemini Connect.

He highlights also one aspect, which are the Fujifilm controls and the overall compactness, which makes him feel much more free than with his Nikon, and helps to boost his creativity.

At the end, my friends, somewhere inside we always remain kids. And it’s a well known fact that “fun” and “play” is the best way to trigger kids’ (and our) creativity.

And luckily, Fujifilm cameras are a whole lot of fun :)

  • his first Fujifilm was an X100S, and his Nikon DSLR’s started getting dust
  • compact size, doesn’t kill your shoulder, you feel free, especially with X100 series
  • brilliant JPEG’s thanks to Fujifilm film simulations… they basically photoshop images for you. Difficult to match the quality of film simulations by your own
  • shoots in low light very well
  • Given Fuji’s quality, I don’t see a reason for full frame
  • controls
  • I feel more free and creative with Fujifilm cameras
  • he will purchase the Fujifilm X-H1

You can check out his video here.

Fujifilm X-H1 Announcement on February 14 / 15, depending on Your Time Zone

Fujifilm X-H1 Announcement

Every time I inform you about the date of Fujifilm announcements, there are a few out there confused, because it turns out that the gear has been announced 1 day earlier or later than I rumored.

But hey, the world is a big space, with many different time zones, and that’s also the reason for the confusion.

So let me clarify it quickly for all of you.

I confirm what I shared here, that for a several hundreds of million of people on this planet, the announcement of the Fujifilm X-H1 will be on February 14. However, for other billions of people, it will happen on February 15.

And yes, I know some sites are copying this and all the other rumors, but getting copied is just a form of flattery for me ;).

Back it us… I don’t have the exact time for now, but as we can see from past announcements, Fujifilm traditionally announces new gear in the early afternoon Toyko time, mostly at around 2 PM (1 hour less or one hour more).

If Fujifilm keeps this time also for the Fujifilm X-H1 announcement, this means that the announcement will happen at:

  • TOKYO: February 15 at around 2 PM
  • PARIS: Februar 15 at around 6 AM
  • SAN FRANCISO: February 14 around 9PM
  • NEW YORK: February 14/15 around midnight

I’m sorry, dear FR-readers located on the American continent, or those of you living on one of the fantastic island of the Pacific Ocean, but for you the announcement will fall on St. Valentin’s day.

Feel free to give the community some tips on how to follow the FujiRumors X-H1 Live Blogging here on FujiRumors.com during a romantic dinner with your better half ;) .

And of course, feel free not only to join our fantastic Fujifilm X-H facebook group, but also to follow FujiRumors at Facebook, RSS-feed, and Twitter, to stay up to date with the latest news and rumors ;)


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Full Rumored X-H1 Specs

About Speculations of Fujifilm X-H1 having Two X Processor Pro Chips… and the Possibly Real Reason for Better AF and EVF black-out on X-H1

The Speculations

As we reported here, the Fujifilm X-H1 will be powered by the very same X Processor Pro that it already inside the X-T2, X-Pro2, GFX 50S and more.

However, there was some speculation that the Fujifilm X-H1 might/will have 2 X Processor Pro’s… speculation that got even stronger, after we reported about:

But where does this speculation of the two X-Processor Pro chips come from?

It all started with an interview a Fujifilm manager gave here in February 2017, where, at the launch of the GFX, he said:

The GFX has the same processor as the X-T2 and X-Pro2, actually it has got two of those processors”

I know, some people believe he actually ment “dual processor” (the current X-T2/Pro X Processor Pro is a dual processor), but at least in the way the manager said it, it really sounds like he ment 2 separated X Processor Pro.

UPDATE: However, in the description of the video, after the first reports here on FR they added:

In the video it’s said that the camera had a dual processor which is incorrect. The early plans for GFX was to have a dual processor but it’s been confirmed that it actually has a single processor.”

So one (dual) processor only. At least this is the official statement. Probably the manager just mixed up dual with two at the end.

So far I couldn’t find any official proof of the fact that the Fujifilm GFX 50S has two processors. Fujifilm does NOT mention this in any of their official specs sheets. And that’s strange to me… I mean, if Fujifilm really put two processors into the GFX, then why not share it proudly in public? Why should Fujifilm hide such a feature? Of course I can’t exclude the fact that the GFX has 2 processors (as the Fujifilm manager said)… I just wonder why Fujifilm does not share it publicy in the official spec papers.

The (Possibly) Real Reason

Now back to the Fujifilm X-H1…

I can’t exclude the fact that the Fujifilm X-H1 will have 2 processors, as I can’t exclude anything at this stage. Let’s wait for the full specs at the official announcement on February 14… maybe Fujifilm will tell us more by then.

But my humble and very personal opinion so far is that the rumored AF and EVF black-out improvement comes from the better heat dissipation the bigger Fujifilm X-H1 body allows.

Better heat dissipation means Fujifilm can make the X Processor Pro run to its very limits, without worrying about overheating.

But that’s all just specualtion for now. We will know more on February 14. And until then, make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Join our Fujifilm X-H Facebook group.

stay tuned…

COMING SOON: New Fujinon XC 15-45mm F3.5-5.6 OIS Pancake Power Zoom with Ø52 Filter Thread

New Fujinon XC15-45 Pancake Zoom

Hey guys,

Let’s start this week with a nice rumor, giving you all the core specs of Fujifilm’s rumored XC 15-45 lens… and here they are:

  • XC 15-45mm
  • Pancake Zoom
  • F 3.5 – 5.6
  • OIS (optical image stabilization)
  • Power Zoom
  • Filter Thread Ø52
  • Coming soon ;)

OIS: Yes, XC are slower that XF lenses, but also the little XC15-45 will have OIS, and given Fujifilm’s class leading optical image stabilization expertise, we can expect it to work fantastic also on this new pancake zoom, making the XC15-45 very usable also at slower shutter speeds.

FILTER THREAD: The filter thread –  Ø52 – is the same of the XF18mm and XF35mmF1.4.

POWER ZOOM: No manual/mechanical zoom on this lens. There will be a power zoom, meaning your will control electronically the zoom (remains to see if via button or ring, I don’t know this at this moment). We have to see how well this works in real life and how responsive and precise it is.

XC15-45 Vs. XC 16-50: The XC15-45 will have the same F stop and almost the same zoom range of the XC16-50mmF3.5-5.6, but will be significantly smaller. I can see XC16-50 sales drop considerably, after the announcement of the XC 15-45mm F3.5-5.6.

XC Lenses, any Good?

Fujinon XC lenses are optically wonderful lenses.

The only thing that differentiates them from XF lenses, is that XC lenses are slower and made more out of plastic, in order to contain production costs.

But in terms of image quality, theses XC lenses are terrific value for the money and fully honour their “Fujinon” family name :) .

Perfect Travel Companion for X-E3, X-A5, X-T100 & Co

If you remember, we had a discussion here on FujiRumors back in November 2017 about pancake lenses.

In fact, given the compact size of the X-E3, but also other Fujifilm cameras like the upcoming Fujifilm X-A5 and the Fujifilm X-T100, some of you thought that it might be time to expand Fuji’s pancake lens line-up, which currently consists only in the XF27mm and XF18mm.

Also back in November, I already gave you a little hint, by telling you how I would like to see something like the Panasonic 14-42mm OIS pancake, a lens I owned before I switched to Fujifilm many years ago.

Well, now the XC15-45 is coming, and I think that’s great news for all X shooters, who are looking for the ultimate compact and flexible travel lens.

So, I personally highly welcome the addition… and what about you? Let’s try to find it out with a quick poll.

And make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter... because more rumors are coming :)

have a fantastic start in your week,

Are you Interested to Buy the XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS Power Zoom Pancake lens?

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