Fujifilm X-H1 Faster Autofocus Than Fujifilm X-T2

Hey guys…

First off: I have been told this by a new source a few weeks ago, and I say huge thanks to this source.

However, it’s my habit to try to double/triple check rumors from new/anonmyous sources, in order to keep the rumor hit rate over 90% (where it currently is).

So far I still can’t confirm this specific rumor, but after the recent rumor, that the X-H1 will have a basically black-out free EVF (despite sharing the same sensor and processor of the X-T2), I was debating if sharing or not… and now I decided to share, for the reason I’ll mention below.

  • Fujifilm is very likely doing some major coding work on the software, in order to take the most out of the camera’s potential.
  • The bigger body could also allow far better heat dissipation, and as a consequence Fujifilm can really squeeze the last drop of power out of the X Processor Pro, without having to worry about overheating issues.

Almost black out free EVF… even better Autofocus than the X-T2… the Fujifilm X-H1 is not only be Fuji’s best video camera (IBIS, internal F-log and 4K), but probably also an ideal camera for sports photography… especially in combination with the XF200mF2 (mock up here), which will also be released in 2018.

I can’t wait to finally see the real thing on February 14 :)

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2018 will be awesome :)

Full Rumored X-H1 Specs

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Dear Fujifilm, Time for Some “Gold Badged” Fujinon Lenses… or a Love Letter to XF33mmF1.0

The eXodus to Fujifilm

*** Since my Love letter to the X-E3 back in 2016, along with your support, was successful to keep the X-E line alive, let’s try it again with the XF33mmF1.0 ;) ***

Recently, Tony Northrup said here:

If you [Fujifilm] do that [F1.8 zooms] and give me a sensor stabilized camera, that would put you in the same league as Full Frame Canon, Nikon and Sony and we can see a lot of professional photographers switching over to your bodies.”

Now, there is a thing I agree with, and one I don’t agree.

I don’t agree with statement that “lot of professional photographers” will switch to Fujifilm, once they release fast F/1.8 zooms.

The eXodus from other systems to Fujifilm is already happening, and there are lots reports out there already about professional CaNikon shooters switching to Fujifilm. In fact, I guess that many of you guys reading this blog might have such a switch story to share, too.

I agree, however, that despite offering the vastest lens range in the mirrorless APS-C world, there are still some lacks to close, and there are some photographers, who still need THAT particular lens, before they can switch to Fujifilm completely…

… and Fujifilm now has to “attack” those niches… with niche glass.

The upcoming XF200mmF2 is one of these lenses. Tilt shift lenses are missing, too. And as Tony says, probably there are also some waiting for a fast F1.8 zoom lens before they feel comfortable to switch completely to Fujifilm.

With that said, I believe that for most professional photographers, the current lens lineup is big and various enough to switch 100% to Fujifilm.

But even those, who already switched 100% to Fujifilm, still have ideas and wishes for future lenses.

In fact we even launched a gigantic future lens poll, with about 1,000 lens wishes you guys shared and I condensed into a selection of 30 lenses you could vote on. The results can be found here.

Gold Badged Lenses

No matter if you agree with Tony Northrup or not, in any case he made a good thing to raise the question, what is needed to make the Fuji X system appealing also to those photographers, who still hesitate to switch to Fujifilm.

So I thought about it… and here is what I think Fujifilm needs above all else.

A few super fast “Gold Badged” lenses, such as the XF33mmF1.0, a lens that disappeard from Fujifilm’s internal roadmap, in favor of the smaller and cheaper F2 Fujicron lenses.

I know that inside Fujifilm, there are a few, who insist to make the XF33mmF1.0, but it’s hard to convince the decision-makers at Fujifilm to take “risks” with an expensive glass, when all those nice little and affordable F2 lenses bring so much money to Fujifilm.

But now that 2018 is here, it’s time to express some wishes, and I would love to see a new Fujinon line of gold badged lenses, so that Fuji’s lineup would be like this:

  • regular XF lenses
  • small weather sealed F2 XF Fujicron lenses
  • affordable XC lenses
  • red badged made in Japan weather sealed zoom lenses like the XF50-140 and XF16-55
  • gold badged ultra fast lenses like the XF33mmF1.0

And to be clear… Fujifilm is already offering many fast F1.2 and F1.4 lenses. And personally, for my needs, this is plenty of fast enough.

But having some even faster and “extreme” options never hurts.

And yes, even with an 33/1 lens, many of us would maybe end up using the smaller XF35mmF2 more often anyway, but we would know that, just in case, we’d have that ultra-speedy F1 lens option available anytime.

So, I know Fujifilm I am stressing and stalking you with this request… but in the name of many Fujifilm lovers out there, please, put that nice XF33mmF1.0 lens back on your roadmap for 2018/2019.

I guarantee you, that once it’s out, many of us will have one of those “Shut Up and Take my Money” moments :) .

with love
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MARK THIS DATE: Fujifilm X-H1 Announcement February 14

Fujifilm X-H1 Mock-ups based on accurate sketches of our Japanese Source
Fujifilm X-H1 Mock-ups based on accurate sketches of our Japanese Source

Fujifilm X-H1 Announcement

Fujifilm X-H Facebook Group


Christmas is just over (I hope you had a good one), and I’m 100% back on track and motivated to make your (and my) time here on FujiRumors as fun as possible.

And it couldn’t be different, since right after the Christmas break, the first rumors are now landing into my Inbox.

Hence, after the EVF blackout less rumor here, I have another rumor for you…. and you better mark this date:

Fujifilm X-H1 will be announced on February 14, 2018.

I don’t expect last-minute changes by Fujifilm, but if there should be some, I will make sure to let you guys know.

Now go, fellow X-shooters, and spread the word… and don’t forget to quote/link to www.fujirumors.com. And just in case you find this rumor reposted without link to FR, feel free to kindly ask to quote FR.

On a personal note…

it seems that Fujifilm has an excellent timing when it comes to new gear announcements, since they will launch the Fujifilm X-H1 exactly during my winter holidays… another planed travel I have to cancel. D’OH!

But hey, I have shared Fujifilm X-H1 rumors since back in July 2017, and after 6+ months of constant rumors, with lots of breaking rumors and detailed specs leaked on FR (see below), I won’t miss the final appointment with the Fujifilm X-H1.

That’s why I am very excited, highly motivated and 100% focused on the big final launch party with the big live blogging on February 14 here on FujiRumors.

Stick around FujiRumors… we will have a lot of fun… promised ;) .

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SUPER X DEALS – Exp. Tomorrow

BHphoto has just launched their 2 days mega-deal zone here, where they offer again the best deals of the year. Lots of savings, here is a small selection. Big savings on X-T1 are back. Just like at the last B&H Deal Zone, until December 28, you can…

Full Report and more deals here.

Full Rumored X-H1 Specs

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H1 Shorter Black Out Than X-T2. Kaizen Update Possible for X-T2 & Co?

Fujifilm X-H1 EVF

A trusted source just made us a slightly delayed but highly appreciated X-mas present.

Ready? Then enjoy this one :)

In continous shooting, the EVF black out time on the upcoming Fujifilm X-H1 will be shorter than on the X-T2.

Excited? Then make sure to join our Fujifilm X-H facebook group

… where its almost 4,000 members already opened the new year champagne bottles after this rumor :)

Some Data

Currently on the X-T2, at 5 frames per second, the black out time is 65% without grip and 57% with vertical booster grip.

Fujifilm might have suceeded in reducing the “image creation – black out (57%)” part even further, hence reducing black out.

Another topic is the electronic shutter, which currently on the X-T2 does not give you live view, but just previews of the images you just took. The issue in shooting CH is rolling shutter.

I will investigate this further, but it seems our sources are refering to the black out when using mechanical shutter. Hence no rolling shutter problem. But I will update you guys as soon as possible.

Stacked Sensor?

To my information, “No“, the Fujifilm X-H1 won’t have a stacked CMOS sensor like the Sony A9, but the same 24MP X-TransIII sensor of the Fujifilm X-T2 & Co. Hence, you won’t lose any dynamic range, which is a drawback of stacked sensors.

Kaizen Update Possible?

The Fujifilm X-H1 will not only have the same sensor, but also the same X processor Pro of the Fujifilm X-T2 & Co.

And I know what you think… and I’m with you guys! I really would like the improved black out time also for X-T2, X-Pro2, X-T20 and X-E3 via Kaizen Firmware update… as well as the new Eterna film simulation.

Sharing the same sensor/processor of X-T2, these Kaizen updates should be possible.

We are Going to Have Fun!

There will be more rumors, so stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed, and Twitter and allow push notification by clicking on the bell on the bottom right of your browser.

We are going to have fun :)

Full Rumored X-H1 Specs

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Tony Northrup: “IBIS and APS-C F1.8 Zoom Lenses Would Put Fujifilm in the Same League as Full Frame”

Tony Northrup shared his camera gear predictions video, and it includes also the Fujifilm X-H1.

Now, much has been written here on FujiRumors about the Fujifilm X-H1, and we have a vast number of specs already leaked, including accurate sketches and renderings of the real Fujifilm X-H1 camera (last rumors here).

So in this article I would not like to focus on the X-H1, but on another suggestion that comes from Tony.

Tony is a big IBIS fan, and he can’t wait to see Fujifilm launching the X-H1.

IBIS is, in his opinion, one of the two big things still missing on Fujifilm cameras. He says Fujinon lenses are very good and sharp, but lenses without OIS need IBIS.

The second big lack, always according to Tony, are APS-C F1.8 zooms. He says:

If you do that [F1.8 zooms] and give me a sensor stabilized camera, that would put you in the same league as Full Frame Canon, Nikon and Sony and we can see a lot of professional photographers switching over to your bodies.”

So what do you guys think? Now that Fujifilm will release the X-H1 with IBIS, is the lack of F1.8 zooms the last thing that is missing to make Pros switch to Fujifilm APS-C?

Check out Tony’s video here.