Meet the Fujifilm X-H1… Now also Top & Backside View

Fujifilm X-H1 Sketches

We already leaked the front of the Fujifilm X-H1 here.

Now the Japanese source finally shared also the Back and Top side of the camera.

This is no technical drawing, but a manual sketch, made quickly for us from our Japanese source, but you guys won’t really notice any relevant difference to the real camera, once we see the first pictures.

I would like to say a big thanks to the Japanese source and to all other source, who keep up helping me on FujiRumors. A virtual hug to all of them out there.

What we See

Please note that the viewfinder protrudes backwards. It is not that easy to see, due to the perspective of the sketches, but it’s basically a little block protruding from the back of the camera. It’s great to have a bit more distance between nose and screen ;).

For comparison, I show you also the X-T2, where the viewfinder is basically perfectly in line with the back of the camera.

Overall, the X-H1 looks like an X-T2 with a GFX handgrip.

There is the joystick, the Q button the very right of the camera and all the other buttons you already know from X-T2 and GFX. There is also AF-ON button.


New Size Comparison

There is also a new size comparison X-T2 Vs. X-H1 made by a FR-reader at our exploading X-H facebook group. Check it out below. In this size comparison it seems that the difference between X-T2 and X-H1 is a bit smaller than in the one we shared earlier.

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Fujifilm X-H1: EVF with 30%+ Higher Resolution than X-T2!

This has to be one of the best rumor X-mas we ever had :)

While we are waiting for our trusted Japanese source to give us the top and back sketch of the Fujifilm X-H1, we can enjoy more specs :)

Earlier today we not only shared the first accurate sketch of the X-H1, but also the full 4K video specs here.

Now it’s time to talk about the viewfinder of the Fujifilm X-H1.

There will be huge increase in resolution of over 30%! And indeed, one of my major complaints with my X-T1 is that the viewfinder is actually too big for the resolution it offers. So I am very happy to hear that finally the X-H1 EVF received the resolution boost that also the X-T1 and X-T2 would need.

A very long list of rumored specs can be found below.

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Why Not?

KNGO just dropped me this image from Cambodia and wanted to say a quick “Thank You” to all of you guys.

They received all $5,000 from the various charity initiatives we have made on FR

KNGO has a Donate Page, where you can drop a few bucks via paypal. If you were looking for a X-mas donation to make somewhere, I can warmly recommend to support KNGO.

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Fujifilm X-H1: 4K with 1.17x Crop… and more Video Specs

One of the biggest and never answered questions until right now was: will the Fujfilm X-H1 have full sensor readout at 4K?

Well, I have to tell you, that it will have the same 1.17x crop of the Fujiflm X-T2, and since it uses the same X Processor Pro of the X-T2 (as we reported first here on FR).

The full 4K specs are: 4K, 1.17x crop, 30p, 4:2:0 8 bit 200 Mbps (the X-T2 has 100 Mbps)

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Fujifilm X-H1 Rumored Specs

LEAKED: This is the Fujifilm X-H1

Fujifilm X-H1

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Christmas is that time of the year, where our trusted Japanese source wants to make us all its traditional present in form of some nice leaks :) . And this time, it shared with us its self-made accurate sketch of the Fujifilm X-H1.

If you think it’s just a fake, then see how it sketched the X-Pro2 two years ago here… identical to the real thing, right?

Also in this case, that’s how the X-H1 will really look like. On the day you will see the real thing, you won’t notice any difference over this sketch… except maybe for a few almost invisible “errors” I asked the Japanese source to make, in oder to track back those site, who copycat. Changes are almost invisible, don’t worry ;)

We see:

  • the much bigger hand grip compared to the X-T2. Look basically identical to the one of the Fujifilm GFX 50S.
  • the lack of exposure compensation dial.

stay tuned for more :)
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Top and Back?

And the back and top sketch? Wait a bit… there is a reason for the delay. Will explain later.

But don’t miss it when it goes online, and click on the “bell-icon” on the bottom right of your browser to enable browser push notifications and follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter, Instagram as well as our Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group, which is gaining hundreds of X-H1 interested people every day.

X-T2 Vs. X-H1 Size

This is a very accurate sketch, but there could millimetric proportion differences to the original, since it’s drawn by hand. And yet, I decided to match the sketch with the mount of the real X-T2, to see if it confirms that the X-H1 is bigger. A comparison that does not pretend to be 100% perfect, because it’s a sketch and also because it’s not easy to match 100% perfectly the mout size. You can try it by your own if you want and then share in the comments (with watermark ;) )

But before we share the size comparison…

…. KNGO just dropped me this image from Cambodia and wanted to say a quick “Thank You” to all of you guys.

They received all $5,000 from the various charity initiatives we have made on FR such as our fair trade T-shirts and your support went 100% into free education for these kids. And I want to assure KNGO, that our support won’t end here :)

Of course, you don’t have to wait the next FR-charity action to support these kids. KNGO has a Donate Page, where you can drop a few bucks via paypal. If you were looking for a X-mas donation to make somewhere, I can warmly recommend to support KNGO.


Made by a FR-reader

Fujifilm X-H1 will have 5 Axis In Body Image Stabilization + 3 Way Tilt and Touch Screen of GFX

6 Months of Fujifilm X-H1 (IBIS) Rumors

Here on FujiRumors we started the Fujiflm IBIS camera rumor 6 months ago, in July 2017. And since then, the rumors just kept coming.

We have shared detailed specs, such as the Eterna film simulation, the lack of sensor shift multishot, the X-Processor Pro, the IBIS with full sensor readout, the internal F-Log and a lot more (see list below).

Until now, 99% of the rumors shared in our detailed specs list is still only rumored by FujiRumors, but I am confident that our friends at digicame-info, nokishita (who leaked the name X-H1) & Co will follow soon, and that they can confirm and integrate the rumored specs shared on FR.

Until then, I’ll do my best to share whatever I can. I admit it’s a long and hard rumor marathon, but the X-H1 is an exciting camera, so I’m highly motivated to find out and share more about it…

… and to answer 2 of your questions today :)

btw… keep up making questions. Sometimes I can forget to make specific questions to sources. So let me know in the comments what you would like me to ask, and I will see if I can find out the answer for you.

5 Axis IBIS

Some of you asked me via email if the X-H1 has 3 or 5 axis stabilization. I guess this comes because a Fuji manager said X-mount is not compatible with IBIS, so some of you are afraid it could be “only” 3 axis stabilization.

Well, the good news: it will be 5 axis in body image stabilization.

As reported earlier, it will have full sensor readout (no crop when IBIS is activated). It will lack of sensor shift and dual IS (OIS+IBIS), at least at the current firmware stage, but the IBIS only function will work just fine, don’t worry.

3 Way Tilt and Touch Screen

I received many questions via email, if the Fujifilm X-H1 will have a fully articulating screen.

Quick answer: nope! Same 3-way tilting screen of X-T2 and GFX.

It will also have a touch screen.

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Fujifilm X-H1 Rumored Specs